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Everything you need to know as an American moving to Germany

Thinking of making the big move across the pond to Deutschland? From getting a work visa to the differences in work culture, here’s our comprehensive guide to the basics you’ll need to know.

Everything you need to know as an American moving to Germany
An American soldier in Germany during World Cup 2014. Photo: DPA

Germany has long been a destination for immigrants and expatriates alike in search of new opportunities, a fresh start, or maybe even an entirely new life. Germany is second only to America in the number of people yearning to repatriate, according to the German Federal Institute for Population Research.

Out of the 83.1 people currently living in Germany, approximately 11.82 million are foreigners.

“Schland” also holds a unique place in the hearts of many Americans. While perhaps traditionally imagined to be a vacation destination rife with opportunities to down dizzying amounts of beer and chow down on large pretzels, it is also a home to many Americans.

According to December 2021 estimates by Destatis, the federal statistics agency, 119,255 Americans live in Germany. That actually marks a decline of 4,195 since 2019, when 121,645 Americans called Germany home. Still, Americans make up the 14th largest group of foreigners.

In the majority of Germany’s 16 federal states, Americans form the largest group of Auslaender whose native language is English, the latest Destatis figures from December 2019 show.

Where Americans in Germany live

If you’re keen on moving to areas heavily populated by Americans, it might be useful to note that Bavaria takes the lead as the state with the most people from the U.S. 

According to the latest Destatis report, Bavaria is home to over 25,000 Americans. The city of Berlin is a close second with over 21,500 registered Americans. The southern state of Baden-Würrtemburg comes in third with over 17,000 registered US natives. 

A strong presence of American nationals exists in the Rhineland-Palatinate city of Kaiserslautern and its surrounding area. The Kaiserslautern Military Community, home to around 54,000 people, including military service members, is the largest American armed forces community outside of the US

Here American culture has been heavily adopted in society; menus in restaurants are often both in English and in German and employees in shops are frequently bilingual.

SEE ALSO: Who are Germany’s foreign population and where do they live?

There are further US military communities in the southwest of the country, such as in Darmstadt, Wiesbaden and Stuttgart.

Looking to get an authentic German experience and avoid Americans abroad? States with the fewest American residents are Saarland, with only 800 Americans, Thuringia with 685, and Saxony-Anhalt with a meager 520.

If you are yearning for an immersive language experience with little contact to fellow compatriots, maybe these states are right for you!

An American election party in Kaiserslautern. Photo: DPA

Getting a work visa

And now on to a more serious topic when it comes to moving to Germany: residence permits and work visas.

Much like people from other countries, such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and Israel, people from the US may enter Germany automatically for up to 90 days and, if they so choose, apply for a work visa during this time.

If you intend on staying in Germany for more than 90 days and you’d rather apply for a residence permit prior to flying in, you may do so in-person at the German Embassy in Washington or at a German Consulate in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York or San Francisco.

On its website, German Missions in the US states that in order to get this work visa, you have to schedule an appointment at your respective consulate online. It’d be wise as well to allow adequate time for your application to be processed, as this can take from one to three months.

Still in many ways, it is easier to apply for a residence permit (Aufenthaltstitel) upon arrival in Germany at your local foreigner’s office (Ausländerbehörde). One little open secret is that, once you have scheduled an appointment, you have until the date of the appointment to remain in Germany.

Here’s another one of our useful guides which outlines the easiest visas to get as an American already living in Deutschland. For instance, if applying for a residence permit as a job seeker, you’ll need to provide a detailed letter of motivation explaining how you plan on securing a job. Or, if you’re a highly qualified candidate with a contract from a German employer in hand, you can apply for a Blue Card. 

READ ALSO: The easiest visa to get for your first year in Germany (if you’re young)

The key cultural differences between America and Germany

If you’ve never visited Germany before, it might be useful to have a heads-up of the differences, particularly in terms of culture, with your native country and your soon-to-be adopted country.

As you might already have heard, Germans are rather direct and comparatively prefer less small talk. When the American journalists here at The Local go back home on vacation, they say a noticeable difference is not only that people in the US are louder, friendlier and more open, they’re also bolder.

In a similar vein, the challenge of making friends in Germany is something expat surveys have been pointing out for years now. Though each expat will have a different experience, Americans might find it hard to settle due to a perceived unfriendliness among the Teutons.

Germany is moreover far less patriotic than many other countries, including America. Needless to say, a lot of this has to do with its role during the Second World War.

To put it in context, some Germans say they feel embarrassed when Germans wave the national flag during World Cup season – arguably the only time they are socially allowed to be somewhat patriotic. Germany’s just not a flag-waving country.

Bavarians watching a World Cup game in 2014. Photo: DPA

Teutonic culture further differs from that in the US in its openness to nudity. Here it’s common to go to saunas sans clothing or towels, people casually undress in changing rooms, nude beaches abound, the list goes on.

Work culture in Germany

“Punctuality is very important whether the event is social or business,” the US Embassy writes on the living and working in Germany section of its website.

If you know you’ll be late for a meeting, for instance, the US Embassy advises that you let your colleagues know “preferably before the time you were expected.”

This adherence to punctuality reflects the German attitude to rules in general. For instance, don’t jaywalk unless you want someone to berate you in public for disregarding the red traffic light.

And while the US doesn’t guarantee its workers paid vacation, Germany couldn’t be more opposite in that more than half of German employees take 30 days’ leave per year.

Whereas you might be used to eating lunch at your desk as a worker in the US, this wouldn’t really fly in a typical German office where it’s common to take a full hour’s break.

To further illustrate how seriously Germans take work-life balance, for upwards of two weeks around the Christmas period many businesses come to a standstill as most employees take their annual leave during this time.

Another thing: Germans like to make a clear distinction between home and work, meaning that if they can avoid hanging out with their colleagues in the evening, they will. Germans also love their previous Feierabend (literally celebration evening) every night of the work week. When they leave the office, their work day is done, and the revered relaxation time begins. 

5 key miscellaneous differences to make note of

To round off our guide to moving to Germany, here is a random list of points you’ll definitely need to know before you up sticks. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

1. Tipping in restaurants

Contrary to the States where it’s common nowadays to tip servers anywhere from 15 to 20 percent in restaurants, this isn’t really a thing in ‘Schland. You should still tip, though. A general rule of thumb is to round up to a flat figure. This usually ends up working out to around 5 to 10 percent.

We’re warning you now: don’t leave your tip on the table. In the German hospitality industry, tips are sorted when you pay your bill in cash with your server. Adding tips via credit card isn’t common.

2. Have cash on hand

The topic of tipping brings us to another major difference: unlike the US, Germany is still very much a cash society. You’d be wise to have cash on hand with you on a night out; some bars and restaurants in Berlin for instance have signs outside warning customers that they only take cash.

READ ALSO: Ask an expert: Why is cash still so popular in Germany?

3. Shops are closed on Sundays

Germany has some of the strictest laws for shop opening hours in Europe. Unless you live in a big city or close to a main train station, the majority of stores are closed nationwide on Sundays as Germans continue to observe the day as a Ruhetag (day of rest).

SEE ALSO: Why are shops in Germany closed on Sundays?

4. You’ll still need to file American taxes

As another one of our articles outlines, if you’re an American abroad you are not exempt from filing your taxes back home.

5. Exchanging your driving licence for a German one

The state where your American licence is from will determine whether or not you need to complete a driving test if, in future, you’d like to get your hands on a German driving licence.

People with licences from New York, California, and Hawaii, for instance, must complete both a practical and a theoretical driving test. But people with licences from states such as Florida, District of Columbia and Tennessee only need to complete a theoretical test.

Meanwhile US citizens from 28 states, including Michigan, Texas and Washington, can exchange their licence for a German one without having to complete any exams.

READ ALSO: What you need to know about German driving licences

You’re not in a food desert: American food in Deutschland 

You’ll be happy to know that when it comes to finding comfort food from back home in Germany, there are lots of options.

KaDeWe department store in Berlin carries numerous American products. Photo: Infinite Ache/Flickr

Grocery stores typically stock hot dog and hamburger buns, macaroni and cheese as well as popular American cereal brands and varieties. Some big supermarket chains even have sections completely devoted to American food.

US fast food giants like McDonald’s, Burger King, KFC and Taco Bell are dotted all across the country. Other chains such as Five Guys can also now be spotted around the Bundesrepublik. However, you might find it difficult to get authentic Mexican food outside of the metropolises like Berlin.

And contrary to popular belief, it’s rather easy to be a vegetarian here. Even in the most rural German towns, options for vegetarians and even vegans are available.

Member comments

  1. I’d like to add that Germany puts the customer last and the worker first. Unions rule. They will literally inconvenience hundreds of thousands of people for years on end rather than run three shifts 6 days a week to fix a major bridge in a matter of months all to convenience the unions. They drive terrible. It’s like they’ve never been on a road before. They cut in front of other cars constantly and wait until the last minute to get in the lane they need to be in. It’s exasperating. Plus the whole right before left thing, but no right on red has me pulling my hair out.

  2. One big issue for Americans that’s not covered in the article is hassles in opening bank accounts here in Germany. Thanks to BS IRS global reporting rules, foreign banks do not like to accept American citizens as clients. This needs more discussion, awareness and hopefully policy change.

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Americans in Germany: How to vote in the US presidential election from abroad

As the 2024 presidential election draws near, here is everything US citizens in Germany need to know about voting from overseas.

Americans in Germany: How to vote in the US presidential election from abroad

Unlike some countries, the US does not limit voting to people who live there – all adult US citizens can vote, no matter how long they have lived outside the country (excluding those who have had their voting rights suspended after committing a crime).

The Presidential Election is not until Tuesday, November 5th, but it is best to get a head start on your absentee ballot as early as possible.

It takes time to register, request and receive your mailed ballot, as well as time to send your ballot back to the US.

READ MORE: Americans in Europe invited to share views with White House in new survey

How do I vote?

This will depend on your state – and in this case ‘your’ state would be the place where you last lived in the United States (even if you no longer reside there).

Broadly, you will need to be registered to vote and you will need to request an overseas absentee ballot to participate in the 2024 election.

If you have never lived in the US, then you’ll want to start by finding out if you are eligible to get an absentee ballot and which state you should get one from.

For those who have lived in the US, homepage for the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) has a dropdown menu where you can select your state to get specific information. 

SPONSORED: The US is about to vote, have you made sure that you can vote in this election?

Unfortunately, each state’s rules and processes are slightly different, but the good news is that there are plenty of groups – both partisan and nonpartisan – that offer help to Americans abroad in getting registered.

One such organisation is the US Vote Foundation, which is a nonpartisan, non-profit that “together with our Overseas Vote and US.VOTE initiatives, is dedicated to bringing best-in-class voter services to millions of American voters.”

To start the process of registering and requesting your ballot, you can click here and follow the instructions, or you can find the dedicated page from your state.

There are also services offered from partisan groups like ‘Democrats Abroad’ and ‘Republicans Overseas’ which provide information and in some cases in-person help with getting registered to vote.

READ ALSO: Five ways working in Germany is better than employment in the US

How far in advance should I request a ballot?

This depends on your state and how absentee ballots are done, but the earlier the better.

The US Vote Foundation website offers specific information for voting requirements for each state – for example you can see the deadlines, eligibility requirements, as well as other helpful tools including checking whether you are already registered to vote.

You can see an example for the state of Maryland below, which shows that voter registration must be completed by October 15th, and requests for postal ballots must be received by Tuesday, October 29th, while email and online ballots must be requested by November 1st.

Maryland also requires that absentee ballots be postmarked on or before Election Day (November 5th) and received by Friday, November 15th.

Credit: US Vote Foundation

As the dates differ state-to-state, be sure to check your state’s rules and abide by them. There can be delays with sending and receiving ballots, so give yourself more than enough time.

When is the deadline for registering to vote?

Campaign group Democrats Abroad has been intensifying its efforts to encourage US citizens living in Germany to participate in the November 5th presidential elections ahead of a key deadline to register. 

September 21st is set to be the last day that this group voters can register for an overseas ballot, the Democrat-affiliate group explained.

The group has organised around 130 events in Germany and elsewhere as part of its “Bring Home the Ballot Campaign” to encourage increased participation.

According to DA, around 7.8 percent of the overseas electorate cast their vote in the presidential elections of 2020 – almost double the 4.3 percent who sent off their ballots back in 2016.

But with an overwhelming majority of the some 6.5 Americans living abroad choosing not to vote, the campaign group says there is still a long way to go.

“We want to wake up on November 6th knowing that we have done everything in our power to make American voices heard around the world,” says Sarah Mulloy, Bring Home the Ballot Coordinator for the EMEA region of Democrats Abroad.