Freelancers in Austria: Everything you need to know about the new GDPR

Following a series of high-profile privacy scandals, the EU decided to tighten up the regulations governing EU businesses and their use of personal data. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was the result, and it now applies to businesses and individuals who hold data on other people.

Freelancers in Austria: Everything you need to know about the new GDPR
Photo: pe3check/Depositphotos

One of the biggest changes to the EU’s approach on privacy is the fact that the GDPR applies to businesses of all sizes — including freelancers. While your responsibilities as a freelancer in Austria aren’t quite as wide-ranging as they are for companies, you have a legal obligation to meet them.

In order to fully understand your responsibilities, it’s important to understand what the GDPR is.

What is the GDPR?

The GDPR aims to standardise how privacy regulations are managed across the EU. Before, the rules relating to data protection differed slightly in member states. Now, however, all EU nations are subject to exactly the same rules.

But the biggest objective of the GDPR is to give individuals more control over their own personal data. Anything that can be used to identify an individual is regarded as personal data, which includes addresses, IP addresses, email addresses and shopping habits. The GDPR also regards personal issues such as religious beliefs, sexuality and relationships as private.

Photo: REDPIXEL/Depositphotos

EU citizens now have the legal right to ask companies and freelancers for details of the personal data that is held on file. Moreover, every freelancer and business must provide the information without delay — and free of charge.

The GDPR went live on 25th May 2018, so your responsibilities in relation to consumer privacy must be upheld now. The largest companies could face fines of up to 20 million euros for failing to comply with the GDPR. While freelancers can expect a degree of leniency and time to comply, it’s important to ensure that your processes are fully compliant. Technically, you could be fined for serious breaches.

Who needs to comply with the GDPR?

Businesses and sole operators (freelancers) that handle personal or sensitive data on EU citizens must comply with the GDPR. As a freelancer in Austria, you probably need to make a few changes to your own operations — even if you don’t think you do. If you have addresses, client names, telephone numbers, social media profiles or any customer data in your business, you need to comply with the new rules.

Preparing your business for the GDPR

EU officials responsible for the GDPR have said that freelancers and small companies in particular will be given time and a degree of flexibility at first. That said, making the necessary changes to your own operations is essential. Repeat offenders — even freelancers — are likely to face fines for failure to comply.

The best thing you can do is read the GDPR in full. However, it’s a very large document, so it’s probably not something you can do in a day. To summarise, the new regulations demand more transparency with regard to personal data. Requests from consumers with regard to disclosure of their private data must be answered as soon as is practicably possible.

As a freelancer who holds the private details of others, you have to be more careful with it than before. It is your responsibility to protect it from falling into the wrong hands — and you certainly can’t hand it over to third-parties without the permission of the individual.

How to stay on the right side of the law

In reality, complying with the GDPR isn’t too difficult for a freelancer in Austria. Follow these four basic principles to ensure you’re never prosecuted for a breach of the regulations.

Keep records of all data

It is vital that you keep a full record of every bit of personal data you collect during the course of doing business. If you can’t provide data when you’re asked for it, there’s a reasonable chance you’ll be fined. If you’re accused of failing to disclose a person’s data, you could be fined two percent of your annual turnover.

Secure all the data you hold

Once you have a person’s data, it is your legal responsibility to keep it safe — from theft, fraudsters and damage or loss. The GDPR holds all freelancers accountable for data safety. Your data should be encrypted or stored safely behind passwords. But you not only have to pay attention on digital data. The GDPR also affects all letters and other confidential papers. To retain them safely while having them at hand in your working area, use a file cabinet that you can lock. If you’re found to have been negligent with the personal data of someone else, there’s a chance you could be fined.

Photo: Devon/Depositphotos

Only collect the data you need to

The GDPR states that there must be a valid reason to collect personal data. For example, it is reasonable to collect and store data from a website contact form — as the consumers themselves submit the information. However, under the terms of the GDPR, you need to demonstrate the reason for collecting the information. Don’t ask your clients for information you’re never going to use.

Get consent for data collection

In order to collect and store data on an individual, you must have their consent — even if you’re using cookies on your website to improve the user experience. What is different now is that opt-in nature of data collection. Your customers should be able to tick a consent box on a website; consent can never be assumed. You should also ensure that any consent boxes you use aren’t pre-ticked.

Crucially, there is a retrospective element to the GDPR. Data that was collected prior to the May 25th launch cannot be used now if it was acquired in a way that contravenes the new regulations. You therefore might have to get consent for the data you already hold. To ensure you’re compliant, reach out to all the people you hold data on, and ask for their continued permission.

Photo: wrangler/Depositphotos

These regulations are not about punishing freelancers and businesses — they’re about protecting the public from unscrupulous operators who invade the privacy of people in the EU. As long as you’re doing everything in your power to comply with the GDPR, you don’t have anything to worry about.


For members


What is the Austrian government doing for gender equality?

The federal government in Austria announced funding that mainly benefits women in rural areas, older women, and issues related to forced marriage, violence and digitalisation.

What is the Austrian government doing for gender equality?

The Federal Chancellery is investing €2 million into 18 different initiatives aimed at empowering women and girls in Austria.

Around 7,000 women are expected to benefit from the funding. 

Funding to support women’s rights, combat violence, and improve digital skills

The funding, announced by Women’s Minister Susanne Raab from The People’s Party (ÖVP), will mainly support projects focusing on improving the lives of women in rural regions, women over 60, and women working on farms.

Main areas of support include combating forced marriage, gender stereotypes, and addressing cultural and family-related violence. The funding supports projects that offer ways out of violent structures, raise awareness of specialised institutions, and promote dialogue between generations.

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“Violence has no place here in Austria. We are taking numerous measures to combat this and ensure that women who are victims of such acts receive the necessary help and support, because every woman and girl in Austria should be able to live free from violence,” says Raab.

The projects will run from 1st September 2024 to 31st December 2025 and also focus on empowering women and girls in the digital space. This includes supporting projects that promote access to digital skills and develop strategies to combat digital violence, such as online hate.

The Federal Chancellery will invest 2 million euros in 18 different initiatives to improve women’s lives in Austria. Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Significant support to associations all over Austria

“Every woman and girl must know that she can achieve anything in her life and live the way she wants”, emphasised Raab.

Significant support from the Chancellery includes €150,000 for the “EqualiZ” association in Carinthia. The association aims to improve participation and self-confidence among women and girls in rural areas, particularly those in the agricultural sector.

EqualiZ focuses on breaking down outdated gender roles and tackling power imbalances that limit women’s opportunities and independence. The association also works to address different forms of gender-based violence.

Another recipient is Johannes Kepler University in Linz, which will receive €190,000 for a nationwide project aimed at educating schoolgirls about the risks of cybercrime related to artificial intelligence.

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The project focuses on dangers from fake photos, videos, and audio generated by artificial intelligence. The goal is to increase students’ awareness and teach them how to stay safe online.

Additionally, about €120,000 is awarded to the “Mafalda” association in Styria for raising awareness about human and women’s rights, as well as forced marriage.

The association’s goal is to provide a creative approach to complex issues, offer information on violence dynamics and patriarchal structures, and highlight options for escaping such situations. 

You can read about the other projects that will receive funding HERE.

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