Norway unveils Utøya monument on day of remembrance

A memorial for the victims of the July 22nd, 2011 terrorist attacks on the island of Utøya and in Oslo was unveiled on the seventh anniversary of the tragedy on Sunday.

Norway unveils Utøya monument on day of remembrance
Photo: Audun Braastad / NTB scanpix

On July 22nd, 2011, neo-Nazi Anders Behring Breivik carried out the two attacks, first killing eight people by detonating a bomb at the foot of a government building in Oslo.

He then killed 69 others by opening fire at a Labour Party youth camp on the island of Utøya, with the teenagers trapped by the waters of the surrounding lake.

The attacks were the worst committed on Norwegian soil since World War II.

A memorial to the victims was unveiled at 10am on Sunday, the seventh anniversary of the murders, at Johan Nygaardsvolds plass in Oslo.

The names and ages of each of the victims are inscribed on the memorial, which resembles broken glass as a symbol of the damage caused by the bomb in the Norwegian capital.

Prime Minister Erna Solberg was among those who spoke at the unveiling and memorial ceremony on Sunday.

“Seven years sounds like a long time, but many still live every day with what happened on July 22nd,” the PM said according to NRK’s report.

The names of each of the victims were read out following Solberg’s and the other speeches.

Manu Hussaini, leader of the youth wing of the Labour Party, said that Norway had a duty to be there for the survivors and those living with the loss of loved ones.

“Let us use this day to see each other. To see all those who need help and care, an extra hug or a shoulder to cry on,” Hussaini said in his speech.

Other speakers included Lisbeth Kristine Røyneland, the leader of the national group for support of July 22nd victims, and Tor-Inge Kristoffersen, a member of the group.

Jonas Gahr Støre, leader of the Labour Party, stressed the importance of a memorial in Oslo’s Regjeringskvartalet, the area where the Oslo attack was committed and which is home to many official buildings.

“It is like a gravestone and a collective memorial for those who lost loved ones. It is also a part of Norway’s history,” Støre told NTB.

The memorial in Oslo is officially temporary, with authorities currently not at consensus as to how the tragedy will be permanently marked at Utøya.


Today in Norway: A roundup of the latest news on Tuesday 

Find out what's going on in Norway on Tuesday with The Local's short roundup of important news.

Today in Norway: A roundup of the latest news on Tuesday 
Oslo Operahus .Photo by Arvid Malde on Unsplash

Only one in ten Norwegians plan to travel abroad this summer 

Around ten percent of people in Norway are planning to take a holiday abroad this summer, according to a survey carried out by tourism organisation NHO Reiseliv.

Seven out of ten respondents said they still plan to holiday in Norway this year, even if they receive a vaccination before the holidays start.

READ MORE: ‘My arguments didn’t matter’: How I ended up in a hotel quarantine in Norway 

Viken and Vestland are this year’s most popular travel destinations for Norwegians planning a “staycation”. Young people were the most likely to want to remain in Norway this summer. Just under half of those aged between 18 and 29 said they wished to stay in Norway this summer. 

Third of Utøya survivors have received abuse or threats

A third of Utøya survivors have been victims of hate speech or received threats, according to a new survey. 

Three-quarters of respondents said that the reason they received the abuse was linked directly to the Utøya terror attack, the Norwegian Centre for Violence and Traumatic Studies (NKVTS) found. 

The massacre on Utøya was the second of two terror attacks carried out by Anders Breivik on July 22nd, 2011. Of the 69 people who died in the attack, 32 were under the age of 18. 

Fewer in Oslo willing to ditch cars 

A climate survey carried out by the city of Oslo has shown that fewer people than before are willing to cut back on using their cars. The proportion of those who think that Oslo city centre should be car-free has fallen to 45 percent from 52 percent last year. 

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When asked whether Oslo City Council had gone too far in removing cars from the city centre, almost half said that they believed that this was the case. 

“A change in the attitude around these measures may be due to more people feeling dependent on cars during the pandemic. There has been a lot of debate about measures that have been introduced or are planned to be introduced,” Heidi Sørensen, Director of the Climate Agency, told the Dagsavisen newspaper

Tighter Coronavirus measures in Trondheim 

Gyms, museums and swimming pools have been closed, and alcohol service in hospitality has been stopped in Trondheim. The new measures come barely a week after restrictions were last tightened. 

“We need to shut down most of Trondheim to get control. It is only days since we last tightened measures, but we are in a situation where we must take even stronger action,” Morten Wolden, the municipal director for Trondheim, told state broadcaster NRK.

Norway reports 292 new Covid-19 cases

On Monday, 292 new coronavirus infections were registered in Norway. This is a drop of 52 compared to the seven-day average of 344. 

In Oslo, 48 cases were recorded, an increase of two on the capital’s seven day average of 46. 

The R-number or reproduction rate in Norway is currently 1.0. This means that every ten people that are infected, will, on average, only infect another ten people, indicating that the infection level is stable. 

Total number of Covid-19 cases so far. Source: NIPH