Lost murals by Italian Futurist rediscovered in Rome

Murals painted by one of the founding fathers of the Futurist movement, Giacomo Balla, has been rediscovered in a building under renovation in Rome.

Lost murals by Italian Futurist rediscovered in Rome
Giacomo Balla's mural, recently rediscovered in a building under renovation. Photo: Banca d'Italia/YouTube

The boldly coloured murals, which cover around 80 square metres of walls and ceiling, once decorated the Bal Tic Tac, the nightclub opened by Balla in 1921. 

His paintings were believed lost after the club was shut down and the building put to other use, but some of the original decor reemerged during a renovation of the premises, which now belong to the Bank of Italy.

While the first-floor ballroom was painted over, the decoration on the ground floor survived for decades hidden under wallpaper, a false ceiling and wooden panels.

Balla's murals today. Photo: Banca d'Italia

The bank, which said it had been working with specialists to uncover Balla's murals since first detecting them last year, plans to leave the paintings in place.

They will be visible to the public as part of the Bank of Italy's new museum, which is scheduled to open in 2021 – exactly 100 years after the Bal Tic Tac debuted.

Get a preview in this video:

Located at the corner of Via Milano and Via Nazionale, the Bal Tic Tac was the first of a new wave of cabaret clubs that aimed to unite the dynamic, experimental style of painting being developed by Balla and other Italian artists with the new kinds of music pioneered by jazz players in the US. 

It quickly became one of the most fashionable nightspots in Rome, drawing the hip crowd with its inventive musical programme, wild dancing and reputation for hedonism. According to the leader of its house jazz band, a sign hung over the entrance to the room where they performed: “If you don’t drink champagne, go away!”

READ ALSO: Why the Italian Futurists hated spaghetti, and other surprising pasta facts

Contemporary visitors were equally struck by Balla's murals. One reporter at the time described the club's decor as “a triumph of skillful imagination”, at once clashing, playful and exuberant: “The very walls seem to dance… They create a luminosity that looks like a carnival in the sky.”

Futurism developed close ties to Italian nationalism and Fascism, and fell out of favour after World War II. Balla, who died in 1958, is best remembered for his attempts to capture motion in painting. Today his works are part of collections in cities around the world, including Turin, Venice, Paris, London and New York.

Photo: Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash by Giacomo BallaAlbright–Knox Art Gallery, PD-US, Wikimedia


Updated: What is Italy’s Palio di Siena and where can you watch it?

Italy's hotly-anticipated Palio di Siena horse race is back - but what exactly is it and where can you watch it?

Updated: What is Italy's Palio di Siena and where can you watch it?

The renowned Palio di Siena horse race returns on Saturday, August 17th, with jockeys racing it out in Tuscany’s medieval jewel, Siena.

With origins dating back to 1633, the Palio di Siena is Italy’s most famous historic horse race.

The event is a competition between the neighbourhoods of Siena, called contrade, with each contrada having its own coat of arms and patron saints. There are 17 contrade in Siena, but only 10 compete – this year’s competitors are; Chiocciola, Oca, Istrice, Selva, Lupa, Valdimontone, Onda, Nicchio, Leocorno and Civetta.

It occurs twice a year in Siena’s main square, Piazza del Campo. The first race took place this summer on July 2nd. Each Palio lasts a total of four days; three days of celebrations and the final day being the race itself.

The race consists of three laps of Piazza del Campo. The starting point (the mossa), is made up of two ropes in which the 10 participating horses and jockeys must wait in order. The horse, with or without a jockey, which completes the three laps first wins.

The prize is a large silk-painted canvas, known as the drappellone, which is designed and created every year by a different artist.

Over the centuries, the race has only been cancelled a handful of times, including for World War II and the Covid pandemic. 

In recent years the Palio has been the subject of protest from animal rights groups who state that the horses suffer during the competition. Preliminary investigations into a defamation trial began at the start of June this year, after Walter Caporale, the national president of animal rights group Animalisti Italiani (Italian Animalists) was accused of defining the event’s organisers as “sadistic and uncivilised.” The next hearing is set for February 28th 2025. 

The final race this year was supposed to take place on Friday, 16th August but it was cancelled due to heavy rain.

Watch the Palio di Siena live on television or via streaming on Italian channel LA7 from 4.45pm on Saturday.

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