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How Americans can become French citizens

The road US citizens must take towards French citizenship is a long and arduous one but still far from impossible. Here’s what you need to do.

How Americans can become French citizens
Photos: AFP

If you’re an American who woke up wanting to become a French citizen as quickly as you can, chances are that won’t be possible. 

For starters, you would’ve had to have lived in France for five years already, be married to a French national or have close French heritage.

If you haven’t spent that much time in l’Héxagone or aren’t even in the country yet, start by reading this other article to find out what the stages that come before applying for French citizenship are.

If you’re an American retiree planning to gain French citizenship, you can also find information more specific to your case here.

If you have lived for five consecutive years in France, you’re married to a French national or have French lineage, read on!

Fortunately for US citizens, the possibility of holding dual American-French nationality is also an option. 

For Americans residing in France for five years who want French citizenship:

The good news is that you’ll be familiar with a lot of the paperwork and processes we’re going to list as you've probably already had to handle them during previous residency applications. 

First of all it’s important to define what ‘living in France’ is understood as being by French authorities. 

At this stage (or earlier in your residency) you may be asked to prove that you've lived in France uninterruptedly or for no less than six months per year. 

In order to get French citizenship through naturalization, you’ll need to prove this with the documents they require at your local prefecture. 

Although these may vary between town halls, they tend to include a valid residency permit, rental and work contracts, bank statements and other official documents sent to your French address. 

(Unfortunately there’s a load of other paperwork you’ll also have to provide with your application, listed below)

They want you to prove that France is “the centre of your material interests and family ties”, to quote the country’s public service website.

If you have had to leave France for a longer period of time than six months in a year, there are some exemptions relating to serious illness, maternity, military service, research or study.

READ ALSO: How Americans can find work in France

For US citizens who are married to French nationals:

If you’re an American who’s married to a French person, residency requirements to apply for French citizenship are slightly more lenient.

However, the first thing authorities will take into account is how long you two have been married, as you can’t apply for naturalization until you’ve been married for four years.

If that’s the case and you’ve lived in France for three years, you can go ahead and apply (there are documents specific to your case listed below). 

And if your nuptials are four years old but you’ve lived in France for fewer than three years, the timeframe will depend on whether your spouse was included on the consular registry or not, four or five years respectively. 

Other conditions include being a legal resident in France, actually living as a couple under the same roof and a number of other requirements listed further down. 

SEE ALSO: These are 'the best cities in France for growing old in'

For US citizens with French family ties: 

If you’re the parent or grandparent of a French national, you’re over the age of 65 and you’ve lived in France for over 25 years, you can apply for French nationality. 

Likewise if you are the American brother or sister of a person who has acquired French nationality or has it through birth, you may also apply. 

There are few citizenship requests of this sort from American applicants, and the conditions are rather complex, so visit France’s official site for more detailed information specific to your case. 

What if I don’t fit into any of those categories? Are there any exceptions?

US citizens who have successfully completed a diploma from a French higher education institution can apply for French citizenship after two years of residency. 

Other exceptions to the five-year rule include exceptional contributions to France, be it through sport, finance, military, science or civic services. 


American children born in France with parents from the US can also become French but not automatically – unless one of the parents is of French nationality.

But the children are also required to have lived in France for five years depending on how old they are and they also need to be living in France at the time they apply.

Parents can apply on behalf of their child aged between 13 and 16 of that child has lived in France since the age of 8 and is born here. For teenagers aged 16 they need to have lived in France from the age of 11.

Find out more on the rules here

There are also some very specific loopholes relating to not having French residency.

That’s if you’re engaged in a public or private professional activity on behalf of the French State or an organization that’s of particular interest to France’s economy or culture. 

Otherwise, there’s living in Monaco. 

It may seem bizarre but France actually allows residents of the principality to apply for French citizenship without time constraints, presumably under the guise that if you can afford to make the glitzy city-state on the French Riviera your home, you’re unlikely to be a burden to the French State.

So what other paperwork do I have to submit?

Brace yourself because there are a lot of documents to submit and applicants can wait up to two years for an answer. 

Bear in mind that the greater the attachment to France you seek the more scrutiny you're likely to face from French authorities.

French police, your town hall and numerous other governmental departments will assess your citizenship application, and there’s also the chance you’ll be called for an interview. 

Firstly, you will need to submit a declaration request (demande d’acquisition par declaration) with copies of the following documents if they apply to your situation:

– Two signed and dated copies of the French nationality application form

– Copies of ID of both the applicant and spouse

– Your birth certificate (with certified translation if not in French);

– Proof of your address with your full name on it

– A marriage certificate no older than three months

– A document of “declaration of honour”, called an attestation sur l’honneur des 2 époux, which you and your spouse need to sign in person at your local préfecture or consulate

– Extra proof of your life as married couple including birth certificates of your children, a mortgage contract, title deeds, a joint tax document, or a shared bank account.

– Proof of your spouse being a French citizen at the time of marriage

– Marriage certificates from any previous marriages and official divorce papers

– A criminal record certificate from your country of residence for the last ten years.

– Proof that you’ve resided in France for at least 3 years since your marriage (if you’ve lived abroad, a document proving you’ve resided in France for at least 3 years after your marriage or a document proving your spouse was registered in the French registry during your time abroad)

– Proof of employment or financial resources that show you won’t be a burden to the state.

Wow! Anything else?

One more important thing: you will need to prove your level of French through an official language certificate or in an interview, to be held in French of course.

Authorities will also assess how well integrated you are into French society and your knowledge of French culture. They make some exceptions for those over the age of 60 or who have a disability. 

For those applying for citizenship through marriage, French language requirements have been relaxed to a B1 level of the European Reference Framework for Languages. of the Council of Europe (CEFR).

And if all of the above goes according to plan?

If your citizenship application is approved you will become a French citizen in an official ceremony in which you’ll be handed a French national ID card and a French passport. 

That will mark the end of a tough and drawn out process but one which will allow you to live indefinitely in France, vote in French elections, move freely within the EU and even hold public office. 

And you don’t have to give up your American nationality either. 


by Alex Dunham

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Quick guide: Who is eligible for French citizenship?

Want to know if you are eligible to become French? Here's our quick guide to the pathways to citizenship and the criteria that you will need to fulfil.

Quick guide: Who is eligible for French citizenship?

Gaining French nationality brings with it many advantages from the right to vote in French elections to the right to live and work in 27 different countries (thanks to France’s membership of the EU).

It might also bring you within the scope of French judicial authorities if, say, you happen to run a global messaging service that is allegedly used by criminals and terrorists – don’t say we didn’t warn you.

But who is actually eligible for French citizenship?

Here are the different routes to nationality, and the requirements that you must fulfil – be aware that even if you fulfil all of the criteria, the process of gaining nationality is still long and requires a lot of paperwork.


The most common route to French citizenship is through residency – once you have been legally resident in France for five years you are entitled to apply to become French. This can be cut to two years if you completed higher education in France.

However, residency is only the start and there are many other requirements to fulfil, starting with speaking French to B2 level (recently raised from B1) and having the exam certificates to prove it.

You will then need to compile a bunch of documents including proof that you are financially sustainable (either through a job or other income, a pension or savings), have a clean criminal record and a ‘settled stable life’ in France – this last one is at the discretion of interviewers but applications can be refused if, for example, you have a spouse or minor children living in another country, as this indicates that you do not see France as your forever home.

If you satisfy all the requirements and provide all the requested documents, you then proceed to the interview stage where you will have to prove that you understand French culture, history, politics and values and that you agree with and intend to uphold those values.

QUIZ: Could you pass the French citizenship interview?

The residency path is the toughest route to citizenship and a significant percentage of people are turned down because they are judged to be insufficiently integrated into French society.

Find full details on how to apply HERE


The residency route is known as ‘par décret’ and is essentially at the discretion of French authorities. People who are applying through their family situation (eg French spouse, born in France, French parent) use the ‘par déclaration’ route.

This is typically slightly easier and if you meet the criteria you are entitled to French citizenship. But – and this is crucial – while your personal circumstances may entitle you to citizenship, it will only be awarded if you provide documents proving that you meet all the criteria. 

If you are applying through marriage you must have been married to a French citizen for at least four years, although you do not need to live in France.

You will also need to speak French to B1 level (lower than for citizenship through residency) and will need to provide proof that your marriage is real, and that you live together with your spouse.

As with the residency process, you will need to attend an interview at your local préfecture (or French consulate if you live outside France) where you will need to demonstrate your knowledge of France and support for French values. You may also get a police visit at your home to check that you are indeed living together as a couple.

Full detail on the criteria and how to apply HERE.


Children born to one or more French parents get the right to citizenship through ancestry (more on that below) but children born in France to non-French parents can also become French through the droit du sol (birthplace right).

This right is, however heavily qualified.

The child must be born in France but parents cannot apply for citizenship on the child’s behalf until they reach the age of 13. At that time they must still be living in France, and must have spent a significant part of their childhood here (and must be able to prove that through documents like school certificates).

The rules are different for children born in some of France’s overseas territories.

Children can apply in their own right once they reach the age of 18, but must also fulfil the criteria for having spent a significant part of their childhood in France.

Children and parents must attend an interview at the préfecture but for this route there is no grilling on French history and politics (presumably because the kids get enough of that at school) although the child will likely have a quick chat with the official away from their parents, to confirm that they want to become French and are not being coerced.

Full details on how to apply HERE.


While France is relatively generous with citizenship through residency, it is less so when it comes to ancestry and only people who have a French parent qualify for this route. It is not possible to qualify through a French grandparent or other relative.

Ideally if you have a French parent they will apply for citizenship on your behalf when you are born, but if they did not do this then it’s still possible to apply as an adult.

You will need to provide the necessary documentation for your birth and your parent’s French citizenship. If your French parent lived outside France for a long time, you may need to provide some proof of their ‘ongoing connection’ to France. 

You do not need to provide formal proof of your ability to speak French to gain citizenship by this route, but the entire application process will be conducted in French.

Full details HERE.

Military service 

In order to serve in the French army you will usually need to be French, but there is one exception – the famous Légion étrangère or the French Foreign Legion.

As the name suggests this unit is open to foreigners and you do not need to speak French in order to join. Once you have served for five years in the Legion you are entitled to French citizenship, reduced to two years if you were wounded on active service.

A word of warning – the Legion’s training is famously brutal and their soldiers tend to be the first in and the last out of conflict zones.

Special skills/exceptional foreigner

There are two other routes to citizenship which exist but are very rare, and they both concern people who have some kind of special skills or have something exceptional to offer to the French state.

The first route is a fast-tracking of the normal application process – you need someone to nominate you to the Interior Ministry and you will need to prove a good grasp of the French language, plus “contributing through outstanding work to the influence of France and the prosperity of its international economic relations”.

The Interior Ministry suggests that this could include “a well-known personality or a company director whose work in this field is recognised” although it is commonly used for sports stars who wish to naturalise and then play for France at international level.

This route still involves the interview at the préfecture confirming that you understand French culture and values.

The much rarer ‘foreign emeritus’ procedure simply requires two conditions be met; the person is a French speaker, and they have contributed through outstanding work to the influence of France and the prosperity of its international economic relations.

You cannot apply for this, the exceptional procedure is initiated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. According to French regional news outlet Ouest France, only 10 to 20 such applications are processed each year.

It was through this pathway that Pavel Durov, CEO of the messaging app Telegram, became French.