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From football to tiramisu: A look at Italy’s deepest rivalries

From football-related enmities to culinary disputes, Italy truly has no shortage of long-lived rivalries and feuds. Here are some of the fiercest ones.

Palio di Siena
Jockeys representing different districts ('contrade') wait at the start line of the iconic Palio of Siena horse race. Photo by GIUSEPPE CACACE / AFP

Though outsiders often paint Italy with broad, homogeneous strokes, these regional identities are still very much alive today. In fact, Italians are so proud of their heritage that when asked where they’re from, many will respond with their hometown or region before evening mentioning Italy.

If everyone thinks their traditions are the best, then perhaps it’s no surprise that some serious feuds have developed throughout the bel paese

From sporting squabbles to disputes over a dessert, here are the Italian rivalries you need to know about. After all, you never know when you might be asked to pick a side.

North vs South

Just like the UK, Italy has its own north-south divide, one that runs deep in the psyche of many Italians.

Northerners, who consider themselves hardworking and industrious, enjoy life in the wealthiest regions of Italy, in developed, modern cities like Milan and Turin – you know, where stuff like public transport just works.

Those in the south, according to northerners, are corrupt and perpetually unemployed. It’s no wonder the region has no money.

Ask a southerner, though, and they’ll tell you a story of how the rich north wants to keep government money for itself while the south struggles to fight organised crime, a stagnant economy and a lack of opportunity for young people.

AS Roma vs SS Lazio

One of football’s fiercest rivalries was born in Rome in 1927 with the merger of three of the city’s teams to form AS Roma.

SS Lazio, founded 27 years earlier in Rome’s Prati neighbourhood, refused to join and the two sides have hated each other ever since.

Nowadays both teams believe they are the true representatives of the Eternal City but it’s perhaps AS Roma, who sport Rome’s traditional red and yellow and have adopted the she-wolf as their emblem, who have best ingrained themselves within the capital’s mythology.

Derby di Roma

Lazio’s forward Ciro Immobile vies with Roma’s midfielder Alessandro Florenzi during a Serie A football match in November 2017. Photo by Vincenzo PINTO / AFP

It also can’t hurt that they built their first grounds in the working-class neighbourhood of Testaccio, in the heart of the city.

Lazio fans, meanwhile, mainly resided in the suburbs and outskirts, earning them the moniker burini, or peasants, from their rivals.

Twice a year, the two teams meet in the Derby della Capitale and their shared stadium becomes the scene of flares, banners, an intense level of noise and, sometimes violence and racism.

Pisa vs Livorno

The two Tuscan cities of Pisa and Livorno might be neighbours but there’s no love lost between them, thanks to a grudge that goes back to the time of the Medici family.

With the backing of the Florentine dynasty, Livorno grew from a small fishing village to a strategic port city, an upgrade that must have annoyed Pisa, a once-powerful maritime republic.

After being eclipsed by the ‘vulgar’ and ‘rude’ Livornesi down the road, Pisans came up with the saying: “The dream of a Pisan is to wake up at midday, look towards the sea and not see Livorno anymore”.

Livorno, of course, has its own phrase for its snobbish neighbour: “Better a death in the house than a Pisan at the door”.

Siena vs itself

When animosity with neighbouring Florence was no longer enough for medieval Siena, it decided to hate on itself too. The city was already divided into administrative and military districts known as contrade – so why not pit them against each other in the name of sport?

Some of the first civic games were basically organised punch-ups between warring gangs, but in the 1600s a dramatic horse race was held in Piazza del Campo and Il Palio officially began.

Palio di Siena

A scene from the electrifying Palio di Siena horse race held in Siena, Tuscany twice a year. Photo by Alberto PIZZOLI / AFP)

The race, which has changed little since its inception, typically lasts just 90 seconds and involves jockeys dressed in traditional attire riding bareback three times around the piazza.

Accusations of corruption and bribery are flung between sides and local residents have even been known to guard their jockey and horse for fear of sabotage from a rival contrada.

Ferrari vs Lamborghini

A feud between Ferrari and Lamborghini – both manufacturers of Italian supercars and both located in Emilia-Romagna – seems entirely inevitable, but this rivalry almost never happened.

In fact, the legend goes, Lamborghini sports cars might not have even existed if Enzo Ferrari had been able to stomach some constructive criticism.

Ferrari gallery

A 125C Sport car is displayed in in Maranello’s Ferrari Gallery, 25 October 2000. Photo by GABRIEL BOUYS / AFP

Ferruccio Lamborghini was born into a farming family but his main passion was always for engines so, after working as a mechanic during World War II, he set up a tractor company.

With the business doing well, he treated himself to a Ferrari. He had a few complaints about its handling though, and took his observations directly to the Ferrari boss.

Enzo didn’t appreciate the farm boy’s feedback and is quoted as saying: “You know how to drive a tractor, but you will never learn to drive a Ferrari”. It was just the push Ferruccio needed to launch his own line of luxury sports cars.

Friuli-Venezia Giulia vs Veneto

Italians are most passionate about food – eating it, talking about it, and, in particular, arguing about it. So when two regions both claim to be the birthplace of Italy’s most famous dessert that just won’t do.

Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia lie side by side in the north of Italy but are separated by a dispute over the origins of tiramisu.

It’s long been considered by many that the layered dessert was created in the late 1960s at Alle Beccherie, a restaurant in Treviso, Veneto, by pastry chef Roberto Linguanotto.

In recent years, however, Friulians have hit back with their version of events. They say a hotel in Udine was also serving tiramisu during that same period.

The Friuliani claim to the title was bolstered further when, in 2016, two food writers discovered tiramisu recipes from the region dating back to the 1950s.

In 2017, the dessert was officially added to a list of traditional dishes of Friuli-Venezia Giulia but the two regions still couldn’t resolve their differences. Venetians responded with calls for the decree to be suspended, claiming officials must have been given inaccurate information.

Originally from the UK, Emma Law is a freelance writer and marketing consultant based in Rome. Follow her on Twitter.

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The people and stories behind some of Italy’s common street names

You may have seen their names dozens of times, but how much do you know about the people Italy’s streets are named after? From politicians to inventors, here's a look at some of the figures behind the country’s ‘vie’.

The people and stories behind some of Italy’s common street names

Whether you’re venturing down the alleyways of a centro storico or sitting in traffic on a busy road, you might wonder at some point who the people who gave their names to Italy’s streets were.

Italy’s vie ‘hide’ the stories of notable Italian figures of decades and centuries past. Here are seven of the most famous.

Giuseppe Garibaldi 

Giuseppe Garibaldi is a big name in Italian history. 

He was a general and soldier of the Risorgimento, a 19th-century political and social movement aimed at unifying Italy, which was then divided into a number of small states.  

His conquest of Sicily and Naples along with his Redshirts (volunteers who followed Garibaldi through his unification campaigns) played a major part in the ultimate unification of Italy under the royal house of Savoy in 1861.

His most famous campaign, known as the Spedizione dei Mille (Expedition of the Thousand), started in Genoa on May 6th 1860 and reached Sicily’s Marsala five days later, where he proclaimed himself Dictator of Sicily on behalf of the then Duke of Savoy (and later Italy’s first King) Victor Emmanuel II (Vittorio Emanuele II).

Garibaldi was admired abroad, particularly by Abraham Lincoln, who offered him a commanding role on the Union side during the American Civil War. 

As well as numerous streets in both major cities and small towns around the country, it is far from rare to find statues of Garibaldi in major Italian squares.

Giuseppe Mazzini

Giuseppe Mazzini was a Genoese propagandist and founder of secret revolutionary group Young Italy (1831), which called for a united Italian nation. The group was eventually disbanded after 12 followers were executed and Mazzini was condemned to death in absentia.

Mazzini lived in London for a long time, where he started a school and founded a newspaper titled Apostolato Popolare (Popular Apostleship), where he wrote extensively about his ideas of unification.

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He returned to Italy later on in life and was arrested in Gaeta in 1870, before being pardoned and released by Italian troops. He died from pleurisy in Pisa in 1872. 

Camillo Benso, Count of Cavour

The Count of Cavour has numerous streets named after him in Rome, Palermo and Florence. He was Italy’s first Prime Minister following Italian unification.

Benso was the heir of an ancient noble family based in Piedmont and was a staunch supporter of the Risorgimento, so much so that he founded a newspaper called Il Risorgimento.

Cavour also publicly demanded that Rome be made Italy’s capital (Turin was the country’s first). 

He died in June 1861, nine years before Rome became the capital.

Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi posing in front of his early radio apparatus.

Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi posing in front of his early radio apparatus. Photo by AFP

Guglielmo Marconi

Guglielmo Marconi was an Italian physicist and inventor who’s credited as the inventor of radio.

Born in Bologna in 1874 to an Italian father and an Irish mother, Marconi filed the patent for his invention in England and later set up the world’s first wireless  telegraph and signal company in Chelmsford, England, which shut down in 2008.

In 1924, his company obtained a contract to establish a shortwave communication between England and other British Commonwealth countries. 

Marconi won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1909 and passed away in 1937 at the age of 67.

Cristoforo Colombo

Cristoforo Colombo is one of those household names that rarely need an introduction. 

The famous explorer and admiral is often referred to as the ‘founder of the new world’ after he crossed the Atlantic to reach the Americas in 1492.

The voyage was financed by Isabella I of Spain and her husband Ferdinand II of Aragon.

Columbus died in the Spanish city of Valladolid in 1506.

Giordano Bruno

Giordano Bruno was an Italian philosopher, astronomer and priest whose theory of an infinite universe contributed to the birth of modern science. 

Bruno’s theories were fiercely opposed by the Catholic Church. 

He was sentenced to death for heresy by Pope Clement VIII and burnt at the stake in 1600. 

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A statue of him can be found in Rome’s well-known Campo de’ Fiori square, in the same place where he was burnt.

Rome's Pantheon is the burial site of three former Italian royals

Rome’s Pantheon is the burial site of three former Italian royals. Photo by Filippo MONTEFORTE / AFP

Margherita of Savoy, Queen of Italy

Margherita of Savoy became the first Queen of unified Italy after marrying her first cousin King Umberto I. 

Born to Prince Ferdinand of Savoy, Duke of Genoa, and Princess Elisabeth of Saxony in Turin in 1851, Margherita served the Kingdom of Italy as crown princess for ten years between 1868 and 1878.

When her father-in-law, Vittorio Emanuele II of Savoy (the first King of Italy), passed away in 1878, she became Queen Consort. 

Margherita of Savoy lived until the age of 74, dying in 1926.

Her burial site can be found in Rome’s Pantheon alongside that of her father-in-law and her husband.