OPINION: Do the French deserve France?

The French, and in particular yellow vest protestors, moan about inequality but the figures show that their country is a world leader in wealth redistribution, says economist Michel Cicurel of investment group La Maison.

OPINION: Do the French deserve France?
Photo: AFP

French pessimism is an enigma. It is at the same level as in the most deprived countries on the planet. Why is this darkness of spirit so prevalent here? The writer Jean Cocteau said of the Italians that they were good-humoured Frenchmen, while Italians for their part like to talk of la furia francese, French fury or rage.

Is it possible that the French do not deserve France, that they moan about the splinter in the eye of their country without seeing the plank in their own? Because the complaints made about France by our fellow citizens, so many of whom back the yellow vest movement, are the exact opposite of the accusations the country deserves.

What really threatens France is that it lives beyond its means, gives generously to its children what it does not have, and is no longer able to produce what it needs. France is the world champion of redistribution and of the taxes that enable this redistribution.

Social transfers (health, old age, unemployment, housing, family etc) are at 800 billion euros a year, the equivalent of one third of the wealth created by the nation, and make up nearly two thirds of public spending.

This is much more than in any other developed country, and leads to another world champion trophy, that of tax, to which we should add the future tax that our public debt represents.

'France is one of the most egalitarian countries in the world'

It is said that anger in France feeds on the scandal of inequality, yet we are one of the most egalitarian countries in the world.

According to INSEE, the national statistics office, the ratio between the incomes of the top 10 percent and the lowest 10 percent is rather high at 22 before taking into account the works of the welfare state, with its levies and social charges.

But it is only 5 to 6 after redistribution, which is low compared to similar countries.

France is also a country where the poverty rate is among the lowest, even if it remains at a painful 14 percent of the population.

Economist Michel Cicurel of investment group La Maison. Photo: AFP

Where France falls down is that we are no longer able to sustainably support our welfare state because we do not produce enough. Our current account and public deficits are no longer sustainable.

In order to produce what we consume, we need more employment and more capital. But these two factors were ravaged by retirement at 60 (until 2010 when it was raised to 62), the thirty-five hour working week, and the confiscatory taxation of capital.

'Globalisation has both benefited and bruised French consumers'

It is not a question of reproaching the yellow vests, whose demands are those of the working classes suffering from the transformation of the world. Globalisation, and its ultimate stage which is digitalisation, has tremendously benefited the French consumer, who imports clothes, appliances, electronics, etc. at exceptionally low prices. But it has bruised many workers shaken by major movements in urbanisation and modernisation.

These French, driven from the city centres by property prices, and from the suburbs by immigration, now live resentfully in their houses on the urban fringes where they are hemmed in by high fuel prices and ecological constraints. This is a significant part of the French population, one excellently depicted by the geographer Christophe Guilluy (whose latest book Twilight of the Elites continues his examination of “la France périphérique”).

Their situation deserves consideration and action. But they certainly do not make up the three-quarters of our fellow citizens who support the yellow vests, and whose bad mood could lead to bad decisions.

Populism finds a magnificent playground in the latent pessimism of the French. But, curiously, they have so far never deliberately gone for the extremes as other Europeans have done without hesitation. It as as though French grumbling always stops just before the point where it could break the country.

There is a lot of political intelligence in our country, and perhaps the good faith of the ongoing debates will enable it to find common sense. It would be nice if France could keep the French it deserves.

This article was first published in the Journal du Dimanche on 3 February 2019


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OPINION: Why Germans’ famed efficiency makes the country less efficient

Germans are famous for their love of efficiency - and impatience that comes with it. But this desire for getting things done as quickly as possible can backfire, whether at the supermarket or in national politics, writes Brian Melican.

OPINION: Why Germans' famed efficiency makes the country less efficient

A story about a new wave of “check-outs for chatting” caught my eye recently. In a country whose no-nonsense, “Move it or lose it, lady!” approach to supermarket till-staffing can reduce the uninitiated to tears, the idea of introducing a slow lane with a cashier who won’t sigh aggressively or bark at you for trying to strike up conversation is somewhere between quietly subversive and positively revolutionary – and got me thinking.

Why is it that German supermarket check-outs are so hectic in the first place?

READ ALSO: German supermarkets fight loneliness with slower check outs for chatting

If you talk to people here about it – other Germans, long-term foreign residents, and keen observers on shorter visits – you’ll hear a few theories.

One is that Germans tend to shop daily on the way home from work, and so place a higher premium on brisk service than countries where a weekly shop is more common; and it is indeed a well-researched fact that German supermarket shopping patterns are higher-frequency than in many comparable countries.

Bavarian supermarket

A sign at a now-famous supermarket in Bavaria advertises a special counter saying “Here you can have a chat”. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Karl-Josef Hildenbrand

Another theory is that, in many parts of the country (such as Bavaria), supermarket opening hours are so short that there is no other way for everyone to get their shopping done than to keep things ticking along at a good old clip.

The most simple (and immediately plausible) explanation, of course, is that supermarkets like to keep both staffing and queuing to a minimum: short-staffing means lower costs, while shorter queues make for fewer abandoned trolleys.

German love of efficiency

Those in the know say that most store chains do indeed set average numbers of articles per minute which their cashiers are required to scan – and that this number is higher at certain discounters notorious for their hard-nosed attitude.

Beyond businesses’ penny-pinching, fast-lane tills are a demonstration of the broader German love of efficiency: after all, customers wouldn’t put up with being given the bum’s rush if there weren’t a cultural premium placed on smooth and speedy operations.

Then again, as many observers not yet blind to the oddness of Germany’s daily ‘Supermarket Sweep’ immediately notice, the race to get purchases over the till at the highest possible rate is wholly counter-productive: once scanned, the items pile up faster than even the best-organised couple can stow away, leaving an embarrassing, sweat-inducing lull – and then, while people in the queue roll their eyes and huff, a race to pay (usually in cash, natch’).

In a way, it’s similar to Germany’s famed autobahns, on which there is theoretically no speed limit and on which some drivers do indeed race ahead – into traffic jams often caused by excessive velocity.

Yes, it is a classic case of more haste, less speed. We think we’re doing something faster, but actually our impatience is proving counterproductive.

German impatience

This is, in my view, the crux of the issue: Germans are a hasty bunch. Indeed, research shows that we have less patience than comparable European populations – especially in retail situations. Yes, impatience is one of our defining national characteristics – and, as I pointed out during last summer’s rail meltdown, it is one of our enduring national tragedies that we are at once impatient and badly organised.

As well as at the tills and on the roads, you can observe German impatience in any queue (which we try to jump) and generally any other situation in which we are expected to wait.

Think back to early 2021, for instance, when the three-month UK-EU vaccine gap caused something approaching a national breakdown here, and the Health Minister was pressured into buying extra doses outside of the European framework.

This infuriated our neighbours and deprived developing countries of much-needed jabs – which, predictably, ended up arriving after the scheduled ones, leaving us with a glut of vaccines which, that very autumn, had to be destroyed.

A health worker prepares a syringe with the Comirnaty Covid-19 vaccine by Biontech-Pfizer. Photo: John MACDOUGALL / AFP

Now, you can see the same phenomenon with heating legislation: frustrated by the slow pace of change, Minister for Energy and the Economy Robert Habeck intended to force property owners to switch their heating systems to low-carbon alternatives within the next few years.

The fact that the supply of said alternatives is nowhere near sufficient – and that there are too few heating engineers to fit them – got lost in the haste…

The positive side of impatience

This example does, however, reveal one strongly positive side of our national impatience: if well- directed, it can create a sense of urgency about tackling thorny issues. Habeck is wrong to force the switch on an arbitrary timescale – but he is right to try and get things moving.

In most advanced economies, buildings are responsible for anything up to 40 percent of carbon emissions and, while major industrials have actually been cutting their CO2 output for decades now, the built environment has hardly seen any real improvements.

Ideally, a sensible compromise will be reached which sets out an ambitious direction of travel – and gets companies to start expanding capacity accordingly, upping output and increasing the number of systems which can be replaced later down the line. Less haste now, more speed later.

The same is true of our defence policy, which – after several directionless decades – is now being remodelled with impressive single-mindedness by a visibly impatient Boris Pistorius.

As for the check-outs for chatting, I’m not sure they’ll catch on. However counterproductive speed at the till may be, I just don’t see a large number of us being happy to sacrifice the illusion of rapidity so that a lonely old biddy can have a chinwag. Not that we are the heartless automatons that makes us sound like: Germany is actually a very chatty country.

It’s just that there’s a time and a place for it: at the weekly farmer’s markets, for instance, or at the bus stop. The latter is the ideal place to get Germans talking, by the way: just start with “About bloody time the bus got here, eh?” So langsam könnte der Bus ja kommen, wie ich finde…

READ ALSO: 7 places where you can actually make small talk with Germans