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Swedish word of the day: lugn

This word can be tough for non-native speakers to say, but it's very useful.

Swedish word of the day: lugn
A great word for that quiet period between Christmas and New Year's. Photo: Annie Spratt/Unsplash/Nicolas Raymond

Lugn means ‘calm’, ‘tranquil’, ‘serene’ or ‘relaxed’. You can use it to describe something’s permanent state or a temporary condition: for example, if you say det är en lugn gata (it’s a calm/quiet street), it means that it is street where there’s never much noise or traffic, but if you say gatan var lugn (the street was quiet), that just refers to a particular point in time. 

When you describe a person, the tense used changes the meaning of lugn even more. If you say han var lugn (he was calm), this can mean ‘calm’, ‘unperturbed’, ‘unworried’, ‘unbothered’ or ‘relaxed’, and you’d usually be describing the person’s state in reaction to a specific incident. But if you say something like han är en lugn person (he is a calm person), it’s a reference to temperament, implying that nothing ever really bothers him, or describing someone who is cool-headed and rational.

Lugn can also be used as a noun (it’s an ett word), in which case it means ‘the tranquility/calmness’. For example: till slut kom lugnet (in the end, all was calm). And it can be transformed into an adverb, lugnt, which you’ll often hear in the phrase ta det lugnt! (take it easy).

  • Don’t miss any of our Swedish words and expressions of the day by downloading The Local’s new app (available on Apple and Android) and then selecting the Swedish Word of the Day in your Notification options via the User button

The word lugn existed in Old Swedish, when it was also sometimes spelled lygn, and at that point it referred specifically to the calm, still surface of a lake. Today’s Swedish no longer has a specific word to describe this, but lugn still works in that context. And this word actually shares an etymology with the word ‘lagoon’, referring to a shallow body of water which usually has a calm surface due to its depth and isolation.

You can also use the verb lugna (to calm, to quieten), which most often appears in the phrase lugna ner (to calm/quieten down). For example: du måste lugna ner hunden (you need to calm the dog down); när han lugnar ner sig ska han kunna sova (when he calms down he’ll be able to sleep).

In the first example, lugna ner is as a transitive verb, which means it requires a grammatical object: in the first example above, the subject is du (you), which is doing the action of calming to the object, hunden (the dog). The second example uses a reflexive verb, which means the subject and the object are the same; the object (han) is doing the calming to himself (sig).

Example sentences

Tekniker som meditation kan ge lugn även i en stressig miljö.

Techniques like meditation can bring calm even to stressful environments.

Jag får aldrig en lugn stund!

I never get a moment of peace!

Villa, Volvo, Vovve: The Local’s Word Guide to Swedish Life, written by The Local’s journalists, is available to order. Head to to read more about it. It is also possible to buy your copy from Amazon USAmazon UKBokus or Adlibris.

Member comments

  1. I enjoy these articles about word of the day, nut as a non Swedish speaker it would really help to have pronunciation

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Swedish word of the day: fullständiga rättigheter

You might have seen this phrase on the sign or menu at restaurants, but what does it actually mean?

Swedish word of the day: fullständiga rättigheter

Let’s start with the first word in this phrase: fullständiga, or fullständig when it isn’t used before a plural noun.

Speakers of German might recognise it as a version of the word vollständig, meaning complete.

The second word, rättigheter, or rättighet when singular, means a right, as in something you are entitled to. A literal translation of fullständiga rättigheter would therefore be “full rights”. Which admittedly doesn’t make a lot of sense in English.

Essentially, the rights in question here are the rights to serve alcohol. Sweden has strict alcohol laws: alcohol over 3.5 percent ABV can only be sold at Systembolaget stores, which are owned by the state, and you must be over 20 to do so.

In restaurants and bars, however, the drinking age is 18, and there are strict rules for waiters, bartenders and other hospitality workers when it comes to being allowed to serve alcohol over 3.5 percent.

  • Don’t miss any of our Swedish words and expressions of the day by downloading our app (available on Apple and Android) and then selecting the Swedish Word of the Day in your Notification options via the User button

A restaurant displaying the phrase fullständiga rättigheter has applied for and been granted a license to sell alcohol (serveringstillstånd), which among other things bans people who have been sentenced to a crime or who haven’t paid taxes or employer fees on time from serving alcohol.

Applicants also need to have sufficient knowledge of Sweden’s alcohol laws, which may include a written test, depending on the municipality.

So, next time you’re looking for a restaurant for your next night out and you know you want to drink a few beers or share a bottle of wine, you know what to look for.

Example sentences:

Har du bara folköl? Nej, vi har fullständiga rättigheter!

Do you only have folköl [beer under 3.5 percent ABV]? No, we have a full alcohol license!

Restaurangen var bra, men de har precis öppnat, så de saknar fullständiga rättigheter.

The restaurant was good, but they’ve only just opened so they don’t have an alcohol license yet.

Villa, Volvo, Vovve: The Local’s Word Guide to Swedish Life, written by The Local’s journalists, is available to order. Head to to read more about it. It is also possible to buy your copy from Amazon USAmazon UKBokus or Adlibris.