What is the ‘Swedish dream’ and where can you find it?

Writer Paul Connolly explains why Sweden’s High Coast is home to the ‘Swedish dream’ and how moving there can help you to find life’s Swede spot.

What is the 'Swedish dream' and where can you find it?
Photo: Peder Sundström

Sweden has long been a beacon of hope for those looking to improve their lives. Whether it’s people like me escaping the Brexit-driven madness of the UK or a Syrian refugee fleeing that country’s civil war, Sweden offers opportunity, security and a chance to build a good life for you and your family.

The Nordic country is almost like a modern European America in that way — a land of opportunity and freedom. But while the ‘American Dream’ has been endlessly discussed, dissected and celebrated, not so much thought has been given to the ‘Swedish Dream’.

Maybe that’s because the Swedish Dream isn’t much like the American Dream at all.

Find out about opportunities in Sweden’s High Coast

The American Dream is all about money, power and status – ‘making it big’.

The Swedish Dream is all about happiness, opportunity and family – ‘making it golden’.

A region such as The High Coast in Sweden, on the Bothnian Gulf in Västernorrland, 500 km north-east of Stockholm, embodies the Swedish Dream – it’s a place of staggering natural beauty, thriving towns, great schools and robust entrepreneurial spirit.

But what are the other constituent parts of the Swedish Dream?

Living close to nature

Photo: Fredrik Lewander

Chasing the Swedish Dream on The High Coast can be a spectacularly beautiful experience – the region’s unique combination of ocean, mountain and forest landscapes offers a unique playground in which to enjoy outdoor life. Hiking, surfing, fishing, kayaking, climbing, skiing and snowmobiling, are all possible at different times of the year.

And then, when you want to kick back, the towns of The High Coast, such as Örnsköldsvik and Sundsvall have bustling bars and restaurants.

Blair Christianson, who left Canada for The High Coast 17 years ago, still can’t quite believe his luck: “We have ski slopes just a few kilometers away, are surrounded by gigantic expanses of wilderness and have peace and quiet when we need it. It really is fantastic.”

Sense of community

Rural Swedes are generally a warm, generous bunch. In our village, residents visit often to have coffee, share cakes and bring presents for kids. When we had our twin girls, we were inundated by well-wishers, many of whom we’d never even met before. It was an endless flow of friendly, baked goods-carrying Swedes. It was just like The Waltons TV series but with less God and more cake.

Friends enjoying a drink at APA in Härnösand. Photo: Supplied

“We’ve never come across rude people here,” says Blair. “If you want to talk, they’ll talk to you. If you want to be left alone, you can have seclusion. But one word of advice – learning the language will make you feel so much more at home. It’s really worth making the effort.”

Find out how you can live the ‘Swedish dream’

Gender equality

Sweden is almost ridiculously civilised. Its approach to gender equality is totally taken for granted by locals but a regular source of astonishment to outsiders. Every non-Scandinavian on their first walk or drive through a Swedish town is immediately struck by the number of men pushing kids in buggies. It’s a common sight in Sweden to see a posse of men wheeling their kids around town centres before stopping off for an afternoon latte. Where I come from in England such unusual behaviour would make the local TV news.

Photo: Fredrik Lewander. Photo: Supplied

Blair agrees. “Life here is so much more focused on both parents, not just the father. It’s so much fairer.”

This is the result of Sweden’s incredibly generous 16-month parental leave which can be shared out between mothers and fathers, with three months of that set aside specifically for each parent. This encourages fathers to bond with their children and allows mothers to get back to work.

Great work-life balance

When you first start work here in northern Sweden it’s a little discombobulating. You have to disentangle yourself from all your previous working practices. Swedes are loyal and highly committed employees who are unafraid of taking the initiative themselves and solving problems. They don’t need to be held by the hand. This makes them a productive bunch.

This dedication to getting the job done springs from being treated well. Employers don’t expect workers to eat their lunch at their desk. They encourage regular fika breaks and offer flexible working hours. Workers go home on time. Indeed, many parents in the office will likely have already gone to pick up their kids from school at 3.30pm to take them to the nearby ski slopes where they’ll enjoy an hour or two of skiing before heading home.

Find out about opportunities in Sweden’s High Coast

Peder Sundström. Photo: Supplied

Entrepreneurial spirit and support

Entrepreneurs here don’t just want to make money but are passionate about making the world a better place. 

Take, for example, Sandlund/Hossain, a Swedish/Bangladeshi leather bag company founded by High Coast local Anders Sandlund and his childhood friend Tulin Houssain. The company not only makes beautiful bags but does so sustainably through its CowFunder initiative which provides families in Bangladesh with cows. The idea is that the family cares for the cow throughout its life after which they can earn a year’s income from the meat while Sandlund/Houssain gets traceable and well-kept rawhide. Sandlund/Hossain embodies innovation and sustainability, two keywords for any business seeking the Swedish Dream on the High Coast.

There’s also a tradition of locals supporting local entrepreneurs by buying into their businesses, in a phenomenon called ‘stock-based crowdfunding’, which bolsters new businesses. Hernö Gin, for example, a startup distiller, has 1,000 investors of which 50 percent come from The High Coast – it’s a remarkable level of local involvement.

Local authorities also provide vigorous support for businesses. Timrå municipality on the High Coast was recently ranked eighth in ‘Best Service for Businesses’ category in the Confederation for Swedish Enterprise’s survey. Any business that relocates to the High Coast can expect a warm welcome, comprehensive support and streamlined establishment processes.

A great place to raise a family

In the UK, for example, childcare provisions now take up nearly 34 percent of a family’s income. In Sweden it is 4.4 percent. That disparity is truly vast. Medical care for children is free. The education system up to, and including, university is free. This is great. I don’t want my twin girls to have to pay for their university education and to be encumbered by debt for years after graduation. Sweden nurtures its young, understands that you have to invest in youth, not demonise it or financially hamstring it.

Photo: Peder Sundström

Blair agrees wholeheartedly with me. “The life here for our kids has been amazing. Brilliant. I would never have moved our kids back to Canadian schools. It’s very civil here. No bullying. There’s such a supportive atmosphere – kids can just be kids.”

Find out how you can live the ‘Swedish dream’

Affordable property

One of the most surprising aspects of The High Coast is the incredibly low price of property. For the average price of a garage for your car in London, in rural Sweden you can buy a well-maintained, 4-bedroom house with land overlooking a lake. Yes, all that for €60,000.

Indeed, moving to Sweden could be even cheaper if you’re a DIY ninja.  If you’re willing to roll up your sleeves and get stuck in to a spot of renovation you could buy a large house in need of modernisation for an amazing €15,000. No, you’re not seeing things.

The Swedish Dream is alive, real and waiting for you on the beautiful High Coast.


This article is produced by The Local Creative Studio and sponsored by High Coast Invest.

For members


Here’s why Umeå was just ranked the best place to live in Sweden

Situated seven hours north of Stockholm, Umeå may not be the most famous municipality beyond the borders of Sweden – but there's more to this northern city than meets the eye.

Here's why Umeå was just ranked the best place to live in Sweden

Umeå is in fact the best place to live in Sweden, according to a new ranking by the magazine Fokus

The research was carried out by Infostat on behalf of Fokus and looked at factors such as household economy, safety, jobs, education, childcare, healthcare, infrastructure, services, leisure and public economy.

“This is of course great. All of northern Sweden and not least Umeå is on fire right now and offers residents extremely good opportunities to live good lives,” Umeå mayor Hans Lindberg said in a press statement.

Lindberg highlighted the fact that the city has low unemployment, good proximity to nature and good transport links. It was also ranked highly when it came to feelings of safety, has a low gun violence rate, low ethnic segregation and good police presence.

It’s also the largest city in Sweden with no so-called vulnerable areas.

While much of the rest of Norrland is predominantly industrial, Umeå has two universities, so the city benefits from a young population and a thriving cultural scene. Many people outside Sweden may not have heard of it, but it does have one claim to fame internationally: Stig Larsson, the author of the Millennium crime trilogy, grew up in Umeå and wrote some of his earliest work in the city.

And having a university appears to be a common theme in the top three, where Umeå was joined by Luleå, also in Norrland, and Karlstad, on the shores of Lake Vänern.

The study also looked at how different cities fare among varying groups of people who may not want the same things. The best municipalities for people in their twenties, for example, were Solna, Stockholm and Luleå, while families with young children had the same top three as the study as a whole, but in a different order, with Luleå first, followed by Karlstad, followed by Umeå.

Pensioners preferred Örnsköldsvik, also in Norrland, followed by Umeå and Solna.

The worst municipalities overall were Tanum, Älvdalen and Vansbro.

Here’s the top ten:

1. Umeå

2. Luleå

3. Karlstad

4. Lidingö

5. Mölndal

6. Täby

7. Örnsköldsvik

8. Östersund

9. Nacka

10. Lund

And the bottom ten:

281. Heby

282. Gnesta

283. Östhammar

284. Valdemarsvik

285. Flen

286. Vingåker

287. Gagnef

288. Vansbro

289. Älvdalen

290. Tanum

Do you live in Umeå? Do you agree it’s the best place to live in Sweden? Let us know in the comments what you like about it.