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Everything that changes in April 2019 in Germany

From higher wages to new tax deductions, a lot of changes are in store from April 1st - and that's no joke.

Everything that changes in April 2019 in Germany
A flower clock in Bernburg, Saxony-Anhalt. Photo: DPA

Minimum wage rises for temporary workers

From April 1st, the minimum wage for temporary workers in the West German states will rise by 3.2 percent to €9.79 – a slight increase from the previous 9.49. It remains the same throughout east Germany.

By October 1st, 2019, the industry minimum wage will rise to 9.96 in west Germany, and 9.66 in east Germany.

This means that the minimum wage for temporary workers will be higher than the legal minimum wage. Introduced in the summer of 2014, the statutory minimum wage has climbed from 8.50 in 2015 to 9.19 today. In 2020, it’s slated to rise even higher to 9.35.

Higher wages for civil servants

Civil servants can also look forward to higher wages starting in April 2019: their salary will increase by a full 3.09 percent. The pay for civil servants in Germany will rise again in 2020, this time by 1.06 percent.

Hamburg holiday housing

Hamburgers who want to rent out their flat as holiday accommodation need a special registration permit from April 1st. The apartment will then be provided with a housing protection number.

SEE ALSO: The places in Germany where rents are rising rapidly

Anyone who rents out holiday accommodation without prior notice is thus in breach of the new Housing Protection Act – and can expect fines of up to 500,000. The regulation was put in place to relieve the increasingly competitive housing market.

New tax deduction

If you have to move for professional reasons, you can save taxes. In addition to brokerage, travel or shipping costs, taxpayers can now also deduct an amount for “other moving costs”. On April 1st, the amount increases from 1622 for married couples and 811 for single people.

SEE ALSO: These are the 8 German tax breaks you need to know about

Photo: DPA

If children or other relatives live with you in the new apartment, the lump sum increases by 357. If the children need extra attention – for example, in the form of tutoring – because the new school has more material than the old one, up to 2045 can be claimed.

Revised driving licence test

Planning on taking a test for a German driving license soon? If so, be aware that the official list of questions will include 32 new ones, and 38 others which have been revised – including new video and image questions.

SEE ALSO: What you need to know about getting a German driver's license 

Animal welfare transparency

Animal protection – though shopping – is becoming easier on Monday. The major German supermarket chains such as Edeka, Rewe, Aldi, Lidl, Netto, Penny and Kaufland are introducing a uniform seal on sales packaging starting April 1st to inform consumers at first glance about the conditions under which animals are kept for slaughter.

They range from a first stage “keeping animals indoors”, which meets the legal requirements to level 4, in which animals are guaranteed outdoor space to roam around. Organic meat is also to be classified in this level.

Don’t be foiled by Aldi’s pickles

On a lighter note about grocery store changes, Aldi stores throughout Germany will sell all of their pickles without their former foil wrap.

Tests have shown that the vegetables are not damaged during transport without plastic film. In addition, the discounter wants to introduce a new system of returnable bags for fruit and vegetables as part of a push to cut back on its plastic waste.

End of 500-euro bills

Germany is known for being a cash-friendly nation, with most baristas barely flinching if you hand them a 50 note for a small coffee, and quickly producing the change. A 500 one would likely be another story. That’s just as well as Europe's central banks no longer want to produce the €500 note.

SEE ALSO: Mixed emotions in Germany as 500-euro bill bows out

The purple banknote will be available from the Bundesbank and the Austrian National Bank until April 26th. The other 17 national central banks in the euro zone stopped issuing the note on January 26th.

Soon the 500-euro bill will no longer be among this collection. Photo: DPA

A Congstar Change

Around 4.5 million Congstar customers will receive a new contract partner from April 1st. According to the mobile communications provider, the contracts that were once concluded with Congstar GmbH will be transferred to the parent company Telekom. Although Congstar has always been a subsidiary of Telekom, the “organizational affiliation” within the company is now changing.

According to the provider, apart from this purely legal change for customers, everything should remain the same for the time being. A special right of termination does not exist due to the adjustment.

More cities join diesel driving ban

The diesel driving ban continues: Several administrative courts have ruled that, from April 1st, the Euro 1-4 classes will be banned in Cologne, Bonn and Stuttgart.

In Cologne and Bonn the driving ban also applies to petrol engines: In Cologne petrol engines of classes 1 and 2 will be banned and in Bonn the driving ban for classes 1-3 will apply.

Around 10 million of the 15 million diesel cars registered in Germany fall short of the latest Euro 6 EU emissions regulation, potentially making them eligible for a ban, as well as two million diesel trucks.

SEE ALSO: Here's how you can be affected by diesel bans in German cities

In Bonn, the driving ban only applies to individual streets. In Cologne and Stuttgart, on the other hand, it applies to the entire environmental zone around the city centre and the districts east of the Rhine.

In Stuttgart, the diesel driving ban no longer only applies to foreign drivers, but from April onwards to all motorists. From September 2019, a driving ban for Euro 5 diesel vehicles is also planned.

An end to Google+

Google introduced its Google+ as an alternative to Facebook, but relatively few users joined. The social media giant is now recommending that users shut down their accounts before April 2nd.

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How to make the most of Germany’s long summer days

In Germany the sun sets late and rises early in the summer months. The Local's reporters share their favourite activities for taking advantage of the long hours of daylight.

How to make the most of Germany's long summer days

Germany doesn’t quite get to see the “midnight sun” – how’s it going up there Norway? – but it is located far enough north to enjoy rather long days during the late spring and summer seasons.

The summer solstice, called Sommersonnenwende in German, marks the longest day and also the beginning of the summer season in the Northern Hemisphere.

In the town of Flensburg, which is near Germany’s northern border with Denmark, the sun sets at 10:06 pm and rises at 4:41 on the summer solstice, amounting to approximately 17 hours and 24 minutes of daylight.

Central and southern German cities get a little less daylight, but still enjoy late night sunsets and early morning sun rises. Berlin, for example, gets 16 hours and 50 minutes of daylight on the solstice. Munich gets just over 16 hours of light on the longest day.

Especially for people who moved to Germany from more southerly latitudes, watching the sunset at 10 pm or noticing the sky lighten at four in the morning can be a surreal experience.

But of course the flip side of long days in the summer are long nights in the winter, giving you all the more reason to take advantage of all the light while you can.

Here’s a few things to do with your extra daylight hours during the German summer:

Add outdoor sports to your ‘Feierabend’ routine

Germans place a high value on work-life balance, and this is perhaps best seen in the importance placed on the Feierabend, or your after-work time.

READ ALSO: Why every country should get on board with the German Feierabend

During the winter having a dinner date, or more simply a Feierabendbierchen, are the main after-work activities that come to mind. But during Germany’s long summer days, you still have plenty of daylight left to go skating in the park, or enjoy a bicycle tour of the city, even if you work until 6 pm or later.

sunset jog

Jogging, biking and other sports are all possible after work during Germany’s long summer days. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Peter Kneffel

Some people really take advantage of the extended light – using that extra time for physical activities that they might not otherwise get to do during work days. It’s not uncommon to see people stand-up paddle boarding on the river, or rock climbing, late into the evening in the summer.

Go for an early morning stroll

Germany’s early morning sunrises can be a bit of a controversial topic.

For the early birds, they offer an opportunity to get ahead of the day before your work day or other obligations begin. For the night owls who currently lack shutters, they can be an unwelcome wake-up call.

But with the sky lightening as early as 4:30 am, whether you’ve freshly woken up, or are heading home after a long night out, you may want to consider taking advantage of a unique opportunity for a morning walk. 

Especially for those who tend to sleep in, an early stroll can allow you to see the world anew – complete with birdsongs in the air and the smell of freshly baked bread wafting out of local bakeries.

Enjoy some of Germany’s summer events and festivals

The summer season is a good one for outdoor events and festivals in Germany, and especially in June and July, attendees can add a catching a late evening sunset to a fest day’s itinerary.

There are a number of festivals worth checking out in June in Germany, including some events scheduled for the longest day itself, such as this solstice celebration in Conneforde or Fête de la Musique in Berlin.

A couple others worth mentioning are the Tollwood Summer Festival in Munich or the Rose and Light performance night in Frankfurt’s Palm Garden.

Stay tuned for a list of July events we’ll be sharing soon.

Catch a film at an open air cinema

Germany loves open air cinemas – it’s home to hundreds of them – and a mid-summer eve is really the best time to experience one.

To find an outdoor theatre near you, try searching for ‘Freiluftkino’ + your city name. 

But be sure to keep languages in mind while looking over screening programs. If you don’t yet have the German skills to enjoy a movie auf Deutsche, you’ll want to look out for films marked OV (original version), OmU (original version with German subtitles) or OmeU (orginal version with English subtitles). 

an open air cinema

Spectators watch a film at the open-air cinema in Oranienburg Castle Park at dusk. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Jens Kalaene

Watch (or play) some football

This year, you have the added option of watching Euro 2024 football games – often late into the evening – until July 14th.

Of course watching football is something you can always enjoy in the comfort of your own home. But this year you can join in the real-world frenzy that is the UEFA Euros Championship outside at one of the official fan zones, or otherwise at your favourite beer garden, späti or sports bar with outdoor seating.

This has the added benefit of allowing you to watch the game, while also taking in a the summer breeze.

And if watching Die Mannschaft score a couple goals is particularly inspiring, you might still have enough light to head to your local park and kick a ball around after.

Take a wild dip in refreshing waters

Summer in Germany is often accompanied by at least a few heatwaves: a string of hot, sticky days when temperatures soar and it’s tempting to just stay indoors.

In warm weather, though, there’s nothing quite like venturing out to a picturesque lake or a beach along Germany’s rugged coastline and taking a wild dip.

Though you can’t expect temperatures as warm as the Mediterranean sea, that’s part of the charm: bathing in cool, refreshing waters is the ideal medicine for lethargy during those sweltering summer afternoons. 

There are a range of studies that show that outdoor swimming is good for the soul – not to mention great for your health. From releasing mood-enhancing endorphins to boosting immunity and improving cardiovascular health, it’s no wonder wild swimming is known as one of the best natural highs around. 

READ ALSO: ‘Go early and stay late’ – Your tips for making the most of Germany’s lakes

With reporting by Imogen Goodman