Terror in Germany: Investigators have foiled 13 attacks since 2010

Authorities have prevented 13 terror attacks planned on German soil in the last nine years, new figures revealed on Wednesday show.

Terror in Germany: Investigators have foiled 13 attacks since 2010
File photo shows police conducting raids during an earlier operation. Photo: DPA

According to the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), which coordinates state and nationwide police investigations in Germany, the attacks prevented since 2010 are linked to Islamic extremism.

At least five of the 13 incidents were planned to take place in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), the Rheinische Post reported Wednesday. These included a planned 2011 bomb attack and a firearm attack in the state capital of Düsseldorf by the so-called Düsseldorf Cell.

The figures also include the failed bomb attack at Bonn Central Station in 2012 and the thwarted attack on the chairman of the Pro NRW party (a far-right political party in NRW) as well as a case in Cologne last year.

Other planned attacks in Chemnitz, Ludwigshafen, Schwerin, Lower Saxony, Karlsruhe and in the Frankfurt area were also prevented. In addition, targeted attacks on Bundeswehr (army) soldiers in 2016 and 2017 were also foiled by authorities.

It came as police launched a nationwide operation on Wednesday morning, searching around 90 properties in nine federal states, DPA reported. The raids are in connection with organizations being suspected of financing the terrorist group Hamas.

The searches were taking place in Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Berlin, Hamburg, Hesse, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate and Schleswig-Holstein.

Suspects being monitored

A group of six men from Tajikistan are currently at the top of the list of suspects being monitored by the security authorities, RP Online reported. They are part of the group of 11 who were arrested at the end of March as part of an anti-terror operation in North Rhine-Westphalia and Baden-Württemberg.

SEE ALSO: Police arrest 11 over terror attack plan

They are being investigated on suspicion of preparation for a serious act of violence that would endanger the state. However, the authorities have so far lacked concrete evidence so the men are at large, but are being observed by officials.

According to the BKA, in addition to the prevented attacks, there have also been other anti-terror operations, but further information could not be disclosed for tactical reasons.

Terrorist threat remains high

More than two years after the attack by terrorist Anis Amri on the Berlin Christmas Market, which claimed the lives of 12 people, the terror threat in Germany remains high. According to security authorities, there is currently no concrete risk of an attack. But officials are prepared for any development.

“All our senses are sharpened,” a source told RP Online. “We have our eyes on the known dangers and we will intervene as soon as there are indications of an attack.”

Michael Mertens, NRW Chairman of the Police Union backed this view. “There is no reason for the all-clear,” he said. “On the contrary. attacks can come from all sides. Not only by Islamists, but also by left-wing autonomists and right-wing extremists, as has just happened in New Zealand,” said Mertens, in reference to the recent Christchurch tragedy.

The fact that 13 terrorist attacks have been prevented since 2010 is also due to good cooperation and communication between the different authorities involved. “This is the only way to strike at the right moment in the context of averting danger,” said Mertens.

Erich Rettinghaus, head of the German Police Union in NRW, pointed out the importance of foreign secret services in the fight against terrorism.

“It would not work without their support,” Rettinghaus said. He added that in particular the US as well as France plays a “central role for the German intelligence services in defending against terrorism”.

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READER QUESTION: What powers do police have on the street in Denmark?

Police in Denmark can only stop and search members of the public without cause under special circumstances. What are the rules that apply?

READER QUESTION: What powers do police have on the street in Denmark?

Copenhagen Police said last week that they had confiscated more than 20 knives in just under a month as a result of around 830 people being checked for weapons in special visitationszoner or “stop-and-search” zones.

Denmark’s laws allow these zones to be established by law authorities for a limited period in response to violent crime. They mean police officers can stop people on the streets or in cars and check if they are carrying weapons without having to give any cause.

READ ALSO: Danish police search 830 people in Copenhagen in less than a month

The Local was contacted by a reader who asked what police “may and may not do” in Denmark.

“For example, can they ask for ID, question you on the street, search you? Can people video in a public place?”, they wrote.

Asking for ID

Police don’t have the right to demand ID, but can ask for your name, address and date of birth, in accordance with paragraph 750 of Denmark’s Retsplejeloven or policing laws. You do not have to give your full CPR (personal registration) number if you have one, although you might be asked for it and see no reason not to give it.

If someone refuses to provide this basic information to the police or provides false information, they can be fined or punished.

It’s worth noting, though, that foreign residents of Denmark who have an opholdskort or residence card are technically required to carry it with them at all times.

READ ALSO: Can you travel in and out of Denmark if you lose your residence card?

The police can question members of the public, but individuals are not required to provide any statements, and no force can be used to compel someone to speak or answer questions. 


Police can search a person or their vehicle if they have “reasonable suspicion” that the person may have broken the law. They can only conduct a search without any cause if they are in a designated search area (visitationszone) as described above.

In non-visitationszoner, police need reasonable grounds to conduct a search. This can include visible illegal activity, smell of drugs, acting suspiciously or being in a location where drugs or weapons are known to be circulating.

Police may also search your vehicle if they suspect it contains illegal items, such as weapons or drugs, or if the vehicle is involved in a crime.


Police in Denmark have the authority to detain individuals for questioning if they suspect the person has committed a crime. Detention without formal charges must be reviewed by a court (known as a grundlovsforhør) within 24 hours.

Police can issue on-the-spot fines for minor offences such as traffic violations and public disturbances, but must follow up with court procedure for serious matters.

All searches conducted by police must be recorded, as must preliminary charges (termed sigtelser), which mean you are under police suspicion. These preliminary charges, which police can give if they have “reasonable grounds” to suspect you have broken the law, enable them to carry out a search as described above.

You are not obliged by law to respond to police questions during these initial searches and proceedings. Once arrested, the police must inform you of your rights, which include the right to remain silent and the right to a lawyer.

Police must record searches and initial charges including the time and circumstances of the interaction, allowing a member of the public to later file a complaint if they believe police did not act correctly.

Video recording in public spaces

Members of the public have the right to film or photograph in public spaces, including police officers, as long as they do not interfere with police work. Denmark does not have laws that prohibit filming law enforcement as long as the filming does not obstruct the officers in their duties.

If police deem that filming obstructs their work or invades the privacy of others, they can ask individuals to stop. Recording police actions from a distance without interference should generally be allowed.

In 2021, Copenhagen Police commented after media reported, based on video evidence, that some officers had threatened members of the public with being arrested if they filmed them.

“Based on the recordings presented to us, we have decided to clarify the rules on this area to all employees. As a starting point, there is no basis for charging a person who is passively filming… a police officer on duty,” Copenhagen Police told newspaper Berlingske.


Members of the public can file complaints with the independent Police Complaints Authority (Den Uafhængige Politiklagemyndighed) if they believe the police have misused their power or acted unlawfully. You should provide a case number when filing the complaint, if you have one.

Complaints can also be filed at local police stations.

As a member of the public, you have the right to complain about both the conduct of the police and the basis on which they took their decisions – meaning, for example, how they may have justified carrying out a search. In the later case, the complaint may mean you believe a police officer has broken the law.

The Police Complaints Authority handles the case differently depending on whether it relates to a conduct issue or a potential criminal act.

Are there any further questions relating to this article you’d like us to answer? Let us know in the comments.