What is the protest by French taxi drivers, driving instructors and ambulance workers all about?

Taxi drivers caused traffic chaos around Paris on Monday morning as they blocked the peripherique ring road around the French capital as part of a joint protest with driving instructors and ambulance workers. But what's all the fuss about?

What is the protest by French taxi drivers, driving instructors and ambulance workers all about?
Taxi drivers take part in a blockade on the A6 highway near the Porte d'Orleans, southern Paris, on May 20, 2019. Photo: AFP

Taxis gathered early on Monday morning, blocking the roads near the city’s main airports, Charles de Gaulle and Orly, as well as around the business district of La Défense. 

The result was car chaos as traffic jams also grew around Boulevard Raspail in central Paris and commuters struggled to get into the French capital.  

A “go-slow” protest was also being held on the A4, beginning at Lognes, a town in the greater Paris region of Ile-de-France, while on the A106 an estimated 200 taxis were protesting at Chevilly-Larue and there were about 50 taxis at Chilly-Mazarin.

So, what’s the protest all about?

The taxi drivers, driving instructors and ambulance workers are voicing their opposition to the LOM  – the new transport law currently under consideration in the French parliament. 

A spokesperson for the taxi division of the SUD union, Adil Karami told the French press that the new law would “destroy the balance between traditional taxis and private minicabs (VTCs).”

Karim Asnoun from the taxi division of the hard left CGT union said the new law “plans to give VTCs the same rights of taxis, such as the freedom to use bus lanes and social security agreements without subjecting them to the same constraints.”

Meanwhile French driving instructors are furious over the proposed reforms to the system of preparing for the theoretical and practical driving tests which they say will undermine their profession and make the country’s roads less safe. 

One measure would ease accreditation rules to allow driving schools without a physical premises – i.e. online schools – to be set up more easily. This would be unfair to traditional schools who have to fork out for a room or a building in which to hold classes, unions argue. 

Driving instructors were set to block roads across the country, with traffic jams predicted in major cities, notably Toulouse. 

As for ambulance workers, who also protested at the end of 2018, they want an end to article 80, a controversial measure which private ambulance companies worry will threaten their jobs, as hospitals are now under obligation to put out calls for tender for transport contracts.

“We have asked the prime minister to meet with us,” said Adil Karami from the SUD union, adding that this is merely “act 1” of the protests and that “the government has an interest in solving the problems as soon as possible.”

Member comments

  1. Far too many restrictive practices in France making the consumer pay more then they need to

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Clashes mar rally against far right in north-west France

Riot police clashed with demonstrators in the north-western French city of Rennes on Thursday in the latest rally against the rise of the far-right ahead of a national election this month.

Clashes mar rally against far right in north-west France

The rally ended after dozens of young demonstrators threw bottles and other projectiles at police, who responded with tear gas.

The regional prefecture said seven arrests were made among about 80 people who took positions in front of the march through the city centre.

The rally was called by unions opposed to Marine Le Pen’s far-right Rassemblement National party (RN), which is tipped to make major gains in France’s looming legislative elections. The first round of voting is on June 30.

“We express our absolute opposition to reactionary, racist and anti-Semitic ideas and to those who carry them. There is historically a blood division between them and us,” Fabrice Le Restif, regional head of the FO union, one of the organisers of the rally, told AFP.

Political tensions have been heightened by the rape of a 12-year-old Jewish girl in a Paris suburb, for which two 13-year-old boys have been charged. The RN has been among political parties to condemn the assault.

Several hundred people protested against anti-Semitism and ‘rape culture’ in Paris in the latest reaction.

Dominique Sopo, president of anti-racist group SOS Racisme, said it was “an anti-Semitic crime that chills our blood”.

Hundreds had already protested on Wednesday in Paris and Lyon amid widespread outrage over the assault.

The girl told police three boys aged between 12 and 13 approached her in a park near her home in the Paris suburb of Courbevoie on Saturday, police sources said.

She was dragged into a shed where the suspects beat and raped her, “while uttering death threats and anti-Semitic remarks”, one police source told AFP.

France has the largest Jewish community of any country outside Israel and the United States.

At Thursday’s protest, Arie Alimi, a lawyer known for tackling police brutality and vice-president of the French Human Rights League, said voters had to prevent the far-right from seizing power and “installing a racist, anti-Semitic and sexist policy”.

But he also said he was sad to hear, “anti-Semitic remarks from a part of those who say they are on the left”.

President Emmanuel Macron called the elections after the far-right thrashed his centrist alliance in European Union polls. The far-right and left-wing groups have accused each other of being anti-Semitic.