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Eleven numbers that tell the story of women in Switzerland today

February is the anniversary of women getting the right to vote in Switzerland, which happened in 1971. Here are 11 numbers which tell the story of women in Switzerland today.

A woman takes a picture on her phone
Photo: AFP

1971: This is year when women in Switzerland were finally granted women the right to vote at the national level.

Though it wasn’t quite the last country in Europe to do so (Liechtenstein held out 1984), it was decades after most of the western world and a full 78 years after New Zealand became the first country to grant women’s suffrage in 1893.

EXPLAINED: What happened after Swiss women got the right to vote in 1971?

At the cantonal level, Vaud and Neuchâtel became the first to give women the right to vote in 1959. However, women in the conservative eastern Swiss canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden had to wait until 1990.

12 percent: This is how much more men earned than women in 2016 across all professional levels in both the public and private sectors, according to the Swiss Federal Statistics Office.

For top, upper and middle management this gender pay gap was even higher – at 18.54 percent. Among staff with no management functions, it was eight percent.

A total of 57.1 percent of the overall wage gap (18.3 percent) between men and women in 2016 could be explained by factors including the different duties carried out by women in the workplace, differing levels of responsibility for men and women, and wage differences between industries.

However 42.9 percent of the wage gap could not be explained by these factors.

Read also: How women are losing out in lucrative Swiss banking sector

In terms of actual wages, in 2016, 16.5 percent of women earned less than 4,000 Swiss francs (€3,570) a month after tax, against 5.3 percent of men. By contrast, 26.1 percent of men earned 8,000 francs or more compared to 13.8 percent of women who earned that amount.

14 weeks: This is how much maternity leave Swiss mothers are entitled too. Women receive 80 percent of their salary up to a maximum of 196 francs a day.

Swiss maternity leave was finally introduced in 1995 but only after four previous referendums on the issue failed.

32 percent:This is the percentage of women in the Swiss lower house of parliament, the National Council. Meanwhile, just 15.2 percent of Swiss senators are women.

Swiss Defence Minister Viola Amherd and Justice Minister Karin Keller-Sutter are both members of the Federal Council as at 2022. Photo: AFP

As at 2022, there are three women in the seven-member Swiss government, known as the Federal Council.

85.4 years: This is the life expectancy of girls born in Switzerland in 2017, up from 82.1 ten years earlier and four years longer than the life expectancy of 81.4 years forecast for boys born in 2017.

In addition, one in four girls born in 2017 are predicted to live to be 100. For men, that number is one in eight.

Meanwhile, the life expectancy for women who had already reached the age of 65 in 2017 was an average 22.5 years against 19.7 years for men.

22.2 percent:This is the number of Swiss women aged 16 and over who have been sexually assaulted according to a recent survey commissioned by Amnesty International.

However, only 11 percent of those women said they had contacted sexual assault victims’ services and just 10 percent said they had gone to the police.

The survey also found high rates of sexual harassment in Switzerland, with 59 percent of women saying they had experienced unwelcome touching, hugging and kissing.

23 percent: Women hold just 23.6 percent of all decision-making roles in the country’s firms, a recent study into 900,000 Swiss firms from 2008 to 2018 revealed.

The gender imbalance is ever more marked on company boards. Only 16.68 percent of seats on the boards of Swiss limited companies are filled by women and that drops to less than one in ten (8.9 percent) for board presidents.

By comparison, 21.1 percent of board positions were held by women in Germany in 2015. That figure was 34 percent in France and 22.8 percent in the UK, according to a 2016 Credit Suisse report.

1981: In 1981 gender equality and equal pay for equal work was written into the Swiss constitution.

Four years later in 1985, women were granted equal rights with men within family life after 54.7 percent of Swiss voters approved legal changes in a referendum.

Read also: 13 milestones in the history of women’s rights in Switzerland

Until this date men technically had legal authority over their wives, meaning a husband could prevent his wife from working, choose where she should live and manage her money, including preventing her from opening a bank account without his approval. 

30.7 years: This was the mean age of women when they had their first child in Switzerland in 2016 compared to an EU mean of 29 that year.

The Swiss 2016 mean was also slightly up from the country’s 2008 figure of 29.7.

But to get a better idea of long-term changes here, in 1970, 33.1 percent of all children born in Switzerland were born to mothers aged under 25. By 2016, that figure had fallen to just 6.4 percent.

And in 1970, just 31.1 percent of babies were born to mothers aged 30 and over. In 2016, the percentage was 60.5 percent.

65.1 percent: The latest Swiss figures on housework come from 2013. They show that women are chiefly responsible for housework in nearly two thirds of all Swiss households containing couples.

For couples with children, however, the split is even less equal with women chiefly responsible for doing the household chores in more than 70 percent of these households.

Men were more likely to do their share when the children were younger, but their level of engagement dropped off as children got older.

42.3 percent:This is the number of women aged 25 to 34 in Switzerland who held tertiary qualifications in 2018. This figure was just 9.8 percent in 1999.

In fact, women have overtaken men on this front. In 2018, 34.7 percent of men in Switzerland had a tertiary qualification. Women are also increasingly studying what were once considered male subjects such as maths, statistics and natural sciences.

Read also: Swiss women to strike for equal rights in historic protest

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Why German-speaking Swiss cantons will pay money to French-speaking ones

Nearly every one of Switzerland’s French-speaking cantons will be receiving financial support from German-speaking cantons in 2025. How does this happen, and why is there such a wealth disparity between certain parts of Switzerland?

Why German-speaking Swiss cantons will pay money to French-speaking ones

As outlined in annual data published by the Federal Finance Administration this week, six of the seven cantons where French is recognized as an official language will be receiving support from German-speaking cantons in 2025.

Geneva will be the sole exception – in fact, it’s contributing. 

Overall, 18 out of Switzerland’s 26 cantons will receive money – including many German speaking cantons (see map below) – and 8 will pay out to other cantons. In all the total transfer between cantons next year will add up to 6.2 billion Swiss francs.

Valais will be receiving the most financial support per number of residents – 2,469 francs per capita, followed by Jura at 2,229 francs and Neuchâtel at 1,818 francs per capita. 

The three cantons contributing the most – Zug (CHF 3,321 per capita), Schwyz (CHF 1,520) and Nidwalden (CHF 1,081) all recognise German as an official language. The other contributing cantons are Zurich, Geneva, Basel-CIty, Obwalden and Shaffhausen. 

Image: Federal Finance Administration

Why are cantons redistributing funds?

For decades each of Switzerland’s 26 cantons was able to hold onto the entirety of the taxes levied at the cantonal level, under the country’s devolved administration. 

This changed in 2008 when the Federal Council introduced the national financial equalisation mechanism, which had two purposes – reducing inequality in wealth between the country’s cantons, and ensuring that each could fulfil their responsibilities at the same level. 

Essentially some cantons (see below) take in far more in tax receipts than others and the mechanism is aimed at reducing the inequality that creates.

The redistribution also allows cantons to pay for public services which are harder to provide in certain parts of Switzerland than others, due to geographical challenges such as the Alps.

Using a complicated formula that has undergone several revisions, the cantons giving and taking funds are identified, before funds are distributed each year. 

READ MORE: EXPLAINED: Why Switzerland’s cantons are so powerful

So why are German-speaking cantons subsidising French-speaking ones? 

The distribution of specific industries and businesses within Switzerland’s cantons plays a significant role in the disparity. 

The German-speaking cantons of Zug, Nidwalden and Schwyz, who will contribute the most, are each significant centres of economic activity across multiple sectors.

Approximately eight percent of the country’s GDP is generated between these three cantons and it has seen dramatic growth over the past decade.

These three cantons also feature the highest overall concentration of startups in Switzerland, with Zug (13.7 per 1000 residents) in the lead, followed by Schwyz (6.07) and Nidwalden (4.42). 

Additionally, it’s also worth noting that ‘Crypto Valley’ – the concentration of cryptocurrency and blockchain businesses focused on the canton of Zug – is worth approximately $611.81 billion (CHF 548 billion). 

In comparison, many of the cantons receiving funds, in Switzerland’s French-speaking west feature a more specialized economy. 

For example, the cantons of Vaud and Valais, Jura and Neuchâtel are home to a significant proportion of Switzerland’s farms. 

Neuchâtel and Jura also have economies that are focused towards watchmaking and precision engineering. 

READ MORE: EXPLAINED: Why is Switzerland so famous for watches?

There have been efforts to diversify the economies of these cantons and embrace developing industries, such as the life sciences-focused ‘Health Valley’ and autonomous vehicle ‘Drone Valley’ initiatives, centered on the country’s west but these are still in their early years. 

Cantons set own tax rates

This leads to the role played by tax policy. 

Under Swiss law, cantons can set their rates of taxation – and they’re able to use it to continuously draw an influx of business and new arrivals. 

Zug (22.2%), Nidwalden (24.2%)  and Schwyz (25.3%) can afford to set some of the country’s most competitive individual tax rates, as opposed to Valais (36.5%), Jura (39.0%) and Neuachtel (38.1%). 

While not as wide a gulf, the company tax rates for Zug (11.85%), Nidwalden (11.97%) and Schwyz (14.6%) make them a far more attractive investment proposition than Valais (17.12%) and Jura (16.0%). 

Such competitive rates are possible because these ‘richer’ cantons have a wider economic base, diversified across several sectors.

This ensures greater resilience and a continual draw of new arrivals and enterprises, more so than cantons where one particular industry dominates and is subject to fluctuations from outside factors.

So does it run smoothly?

There is a fine balance to strike in the redistribution formula.

“The greater the support given to resource-poor cantons, the lower their incentive to seek to increase their tax base, and the more the resource-rich cantons have to hand over, the less the incentive to enlarge theirs,” Andreas Stöckli of the University of Fribourg told Swiss Info.

In other words the transfer from cantons that tax-attractive to those that are less tax-attractive needs to be well-balanced.