Flat sharing in France: A very weird and wonderful world

Flat sharing is a popular living option in France, but as many people will say - it's not always smooth sailing, writes Hattie Ditton.

Flat sharing in France: A very weird and wonderful world
Photos: Andrew Dyer, Wesley Underwood, slgckgc/ Flickr

If you're in France and looking to make new friends and save a bit of money on rent, then flat sharing, or colocation as the French say, could be a good option for you. 

However, it doesn’t always go strictly to plan.

Of course there are the usual scenarios that you could imagine, complaints of people being too noisy, too messy, too smelly… But that certainly isn’t the worst of it.

What follows are all true stories, from Anglophones in who have at one time of anther lived in France. 

Joe, who has lived in Paris for the past three years, said his first coloc (or flatmate) loved to collect and hoard “anything he could get his hands on” only to store it all in the living room.

(Having to battle your way to the door each morning is far from ideal. Photo: Grap/ WikiCommons)

“You could literally find anything in there, from fridge freezers (three in total) to car registration plates, to a wide selection of unused sex toys”. 

Living with a landlord isn’t uncommon in France either and this can become problematic if the landlord decides to take on something of a parental role.

Ellie, who lived in Lyon, described how her ‘helpful’ landlord became all too comfortable a little too quickly.

“He used to go to the trouble of sorting my dirty laundry and returning it in neat little piles to my bedroom when I wasn’t there,” she said.

“When I asked him not to he told me not to worry as he didn’t mind doing it. That hadn't really been my concern.”

Another woman in Paris described how she was late to spot the warning signs that her lonely flat mate (who was 22 years her senior) and landlord was a little on the unusual side.

When he told her that all food was included in the rent, she thought she had really got lucky.

“Oysters, champagne and fine cheeses were regular features on the evening menu,” she told The Local. 

(Fine cheeses and wine included in rent seem too good to be true? It probably is. Photo: Skeeze, Pixabay)

However, the novelty of being cooked elaborate meals every night soon wore off.

“He would buy far too much food every week and then get angry if I was going out and he had to throw it away,” she said. 

“I'm 24. I felt like I'd moved in with a third parent but I couldn't get annoyed because in his eyes he was being generous,” she added.

Anyone who has lived in France will know that some of the eating habits of the French are a little unexpected, but the next story makes coffee-dipped soggy croissants sound perfectly normal.

Georgia, a young woman who spent a year living in France, said: “Every morning without fail my housemate used to wake up at 5am, open the curtains and tuck into her daily breakfast of an onion, which she would eat like an apple.”

Perhaps she could have tolerated this, were it not for the fact that once she had finished her own delicious breakfast, she would try to very kindly involve Georgia in the morning meal.

“She used to wake me up with a bowl of hot water and hot dogs floating in it,” she said. 

And then there's student life. The Erasmus year is a prime time to live with fellow foreigners and it can be interesting to note how different people adapt in different ways to life in France.

One lucky lady reflected on her year living in a colocation with five Spaniards during her sejour in Toulouse, southern France. 

“They were so low on cash that they would regularly trek to a local wholesalers and bring back entire animal carcasses on the bus,” she said. 

(Imagine this but in your kitchen. Photo: AFP)

“Saturdays were then spent portioning up pigs and lambs in the miniature kitchen, following a regimented system of packaging and labeling each cut to go in the freezer.”

Another Erasmus student, British woman Rachel, said her time in northern France's Lille was spent living with a woman who had rather different nighttime habits to her own. 

“She liked men. And she particularly liked making pasta dishes with those men post-coitus and eating them in bed.

“There was a lull in her active sex life for around two months which left me slightly unnerved as the only sounds I heard from her room were loud, aggressive bangs on the floor and wailing,” she said.

But fear not, there was a perfectly reasonable explanation. 

“She was entering a historical flamenco singing and dancing competition in Spain, and had taken some time off from her social life to focus on training,” the Brit said. 

So, the next time you feel yourself complaining about your housemate, remember it could be a lot worse. 

By Hattie Ditton

Member comments

  1. Thought you’d like to correct this, unless it’s too late: ‘from Anglophones in who have at one time of anther lived in France’

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How to avoid French property rental scams

Finding a place to live - or even to stay - in France can be difficult, and to make it more complicated scammers often prey on unsuspecting property seekers.

How to avoid French property rental scams

More and more people head online to begin their search for a new rental property in France – whether they’re seeking a long-term rental to live or somewhere just for a few months.

But this can be risky with scammers active in the market – such as the 40-year-old Paris man accused of swindling 64 victims by illegally sub-letting properties that he did not own.

So how can you avoid falling victim to online criminals?

The golden rule

There’s one golden rule: don’t hand over any of your hard-earned cash before you sign a lease. This may seem obvious, but if you have found an ideal property it could be more difficult to say no if the person you think is the landlord, or their representative demands money – perhaps to ‘secure the property’. That’s a red flag, right there.

As is paying for the privilege of viewing a property. A genuine landlord would not charge you just to look round.

It is, however, completely normal to be asked to send documents such as proof of income/legal residency in France before a viewing. While in some countries you view the property and then undergo financial checks, in France landlords often want to see your dossier before they spend their time showing you around.

READ ALSO A beginner’s guide to renting property in France

Low rental

Rental prices can be high, especially in Paris which regularly tops international comparisons of the world’s most expensive cities. It’s therefore tempting to look for a bargain, but that too-good-to-be-true rental price probably is.

If an property ad has a monthly rental price that is lower than you would reasonably expect for a place in a certain area, beware.

Some legitimate reasons for a lower price might be that the property is shared (colocation), is a sub-let (sous-location) or is the short-term rental known as bail mobilité. However, these types of contract all have their own rules and limitations and – in the case of bail mobilitéare not available to everyone.

First contact

Beware of long emails from the ‘landlord’ of a property you’re interested in, especially if they seek to demand certain conditions on property visits.

It has been reported that some criminals try to scam victims into sending deposit money on the strength of a viewing video. If you can’t physically visit a property, wonder why.

READ ALSO What you should know about paying rental deposits in France

Watch where you’re sending your money

If you’re asked to pay any money by cash transfer, Western Union, or to a bank not based in France, watch out. This could be evidence of a scam.

Note also that deposits are dictated by law. The deposit for an unfurnished rental property can only be equal to one month’s rent, while a furnished property deposit is two months’ rent. 

READ ALSO 9 things landlords in France can never ask of tenants

Remember too: sign the lease before you pay even the deposit. 

Contractual obligations

There are rules about French property rental contracts. They must include the landlord’s contact details (or those of the property manager), and include information on the size of the property, co-ownership regulations, asbestos, lead and energy performance diagnostics, and the effective date and duration of the lease. 

Model contracts are simple to find on the internet. Search for contrat location modele

READ ALSO The vital French vocab for renting property

Google Lens

Online reverse search tools such as Google Lens are your friends. You can check to see if photos purporting to show the property you’re interested in are also being used to ‘advertise’ different properties in other towns or cities. 

Online liability

Platforms on which landlords can post properties for rent may also be used by scammers. The platforms themselves have repeatedly said that they are not responsible for content published on their sites.

But some short-term rental platforms – notably Airbnb and Abritel – have in the past been found liable for content on their site.

READ ALSO Renting property in France: Should I go for furnished or unfurnished?

But protect your data

The government’s Dossier Facile website allows prospective renters to prepare and build their rental file, and gather all their supporting documents in one online storage place – and, crucially, watermarks them to protect you “against fraud from unscrupulous owners”.

And if you are a victim

If you are the victim of a fake online ad, you may be able to file a complaint online on the Thesee platform. Alternatively, get in touch with the police.