German phrase of the day: Das Gelbe vom Ei

This culinary phrase can certainly give you food for thought.

German phrase of the day: Das Gelbe vom Ei
Photo: Depositphotos/comzeal.

A literal translation for this idiomatic phrase is ‘the yellow of the egg.’ Though at first this expression sounds nonsensical, with a little explanation this will become an excellent German saying to litter your speech with.

Das Eigelb’ is the German word for a yolk, but here ‘the yellow of the egg’ is also referring to an egg’s golden centre.

Essentially, this phrase encompasses the idea that the yolk is the best part of the egg. Where the egg white is considered tasteless and boring, the delicious yolk is what people really enjoy.

As such, this means that if someone tells you that you are ‘the yellow of the egg,’ then it is a massive compliment. Conversely, if someone says that you, or your efforts, are not ‘the yellow of the egg’ then it implies you need to improve yourself or your work somewhat.

Allegedly, this phrase originates from the mid-60’s.

This phrase equates relatively well to a similar English food idiom- ‘the best thing since sliced bread.’ Or if someone is ‘das Gelbe vom Ei,’ they could be referred to as ‘the bee’s knees.’ Another similar English phrase which reflects ‘nicht das Gelbe vom Ei,’ would be ‘it’s nothing to write home about.’


Das Buch, das ich gestern gelesen habe, war nicht gerade das Gelbe vom Ei.

The book which I yesterday was not the best.

Deine Hilfe beim Projekt war das Gelbe vom Ei, danke!

Your help with the project was amazing, thank you!

Deutschland ist die Schönste, die Nummer Eins, das Gelbe vom Ei!

Germany is the most beautiful, the number one, the best thing since sliced bread!

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German word of the day: Stinkfaul

Feeling low on energy and motivation? Struggling to get off the couch? If so, this German word should probably be in your vocabulary.

German word of the day: Stinkfaul

Why do I need to know stinkfaul?

Because this hilarious German insult is a great way to have a light-hearted dig at someone in your life who may be neglecting their responsibilities right now, or to describe phases we all go through where we just don’t want to get out of bed. 

What does it mean?

Stinkfaul (pronounced like this) is an adjective – or descriptive word – that describes someone, or something, that is unbelievably lazy. It quite literally translates as “stinking lazy”, which might be an apt description of a sulky teenager who hasn’t bothered to shower or wash their clothes in a while.

Of course, in this context, the word stink functions more as an amplifier, suggesting this person takes laziness to a whole new level. 

READ ALSO: German word of the day – Kek

If you’re looking for a good English equivalent, bone-idle or bone-lazy sum it up quite well. These are pejorative terms for ultra lazy individuals who lack the energy or motivation to do anything for themselves, and who tend to avoid work at all costs. 

While stinkfaul should be relatively easy to remember, be sure not to mix it up with Stinktier: the German word for skunk, or literally a stinky animal. 

Use it like this: 

Kommst du nicht mit, zum Supermarkt? Du bist manchmal so stinkfaul!

Aren’t you coming with me to the supermarket? You’re so lazy sometimes!

Seine Kollegin ist wirklich stinkfaul, also er musste den ganzen Projekt allein unternehmen.

His colleague is really lazy, so he had to do the whole project on his own.