Italian problems: Driving seven hours (in a heatwave) to sign a form

What do you do when you find yourself in the kind of infuriating situation that could only ever happen in Italy?

Italian problems: Driving seven hours (in a heatwave) to sign a form
Photo: DepositPhotos

It’s not news to anyone that Italian bureaucracy is tediously slow, and frequently malfunctions. But this week, a set of particularly Italian circumstances converged to leave me wondering, just briefly, why I ever thought moving to Italy was a good idea in the first place.

“No, we can’t send the form by courier. You have to come in person”.

On the phone, the Italian bank employee had sounded extremely bored.

I took a deep breath. “But we’re seven hours away and I’m working. Can we make an appointment to come next week?”

“No, we’ll be on holiday. Until September.”

“What, everyone? The whole bank?”

“It’s August,” he said, as if this was self-explanatory.

It was actually July 23rd but, like pretty much everyone else in Italy, this particular bank employee seemed to have already mentally checked out for the summer holidays. The extreme heat probably wasn’t helping.

“If you can’t come this week then we’ll just start the application process in September,” he said, sounding as if he was ready to nap.

I seethed inwardly, having already explained several times that we were in a rush to arrange the mortgage, as my husband’s work had just transferred him to the other side of Italy – from Tuscany back to his home city of Bari – at very short notice. Repeating this information again seemed unlikely to rouse this bank employee.

We considered switching banks, but we’d already spent weeks having meetings and getting our documents in order, and we needed to get the process rolling before our notary, too, went on a long summer holiday.

There was nothing else for it.

We were soon checking the traffic conditions for the long drive to visit this particular regional bank in Puglia. The motorways were busy with it being peak summer travel season. Checking the train schedules we remembered that today, of all days, there was a national rail strike.

He briefly considered trying the train anyway – a nine-hour journey at the best of times – until he remembered it was also 38 degrees outside.

We had found ourselves stuck with a perfect storm of bureaucracy, strikes, traffic, long summer holidays and insufferable heat, with some bad customer service thrown in.  I wondered: could this situation be any more Italian?

I made an ill-tempered comment about how “nothing works in this country”; and got a very characteristic response from my southern Italian husband. A broad smile and a shrug.

“No problem,” he told me repeatedly as he jumped into the car this morning, ready to set off on his seven-hour solo journey under the blazing sun.

“Things do function here, in their own way,” he told me brightly, not for the first time.

Italians may famously get worked up over certain important things (you know, like food) but when it comes to bureaucracy, the consensus seems to be “what’s the point in worrying?”.

After all, getting mad about bureaucracy in Italy would be about as useful as shaking your fist at the sky when it rains.

And maybe I’m slowly coming around to this way of thinking, or maybe I’m just too hot to care, but I know he’s right. This situation is annoying, it’s stressful, it’s ridiculous, it’s sweaty, and it’s oh so very Italian, but it’s not that big a deal in the grand scheme of things. And it’s definitely not worth getting upset over.

All of this was a reminder that the only way I’ll be able to cope with living permanently in Italy is to totally revise any expectations of how things “should” work, and adjust my mindset accordingly. And maybe go and open a bottle of wine.

Nessun problema?

I’m working on it.

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Five expensive mistakes to avoid when buying a house in Italy

Italy may be known for property bargains, but the purchase process itself isn't cheap - and certain mistakes can make it far more costly for buyers.

Five expensive mistakes to avoid when buying a house in Italy

There’s always a lot to keep in mind when buying property, but the Italian purchase process may be quite different to what you’re used to in your home country.

As well as involving high taxes and fees, it’s likely to be more complex and formal in some ways – and this can lead to potentially costly pitfalls.

The Local spoke to three Italian property law experts at legal firm Mazzeschi to find out what foreign buyers should be aware of before they sign anything. 

1) Check your estate agent’s contract

If you use a real estate agency in your Italian home search, normally you’ll need to sign a contract with them. That contract should stipulate their fees, their duties, and their tax information.

There is one other thing in the contract which potential buyers must look out for: an exclusivity clause, meaning the potential buyer may use only that estate agent in their property search for a set period of time.

“Usually in Italy estate agents like using this exclusivity clause. It is normally the same for sellers as it is for buyers. It means you cannot have another estate agent and usually contracts say this, “says Caterina De Carolis, Lawyer at Mazzeschi.

READ ALSO: How to avoid hidden traps when buying old property in Italy

“If the time frame is not yet up, and the potential buyer uses another agency, they may still be liable to pay the agency fee for the initial estate agent they entered their contract with,” she adds.

Some contracts might not have an exclusivity clause. It’s always worth double-checking.

“If you use another agency to find a house, you’ll be liable to pay the agency with the exclusivity clause in the contract around 2-5 percent of the house’s sale price,” says De Carolis.

“The exact percentage is always in the contract.”

2) Make sure to agree on a price beforehand

This rule is universal, and may sound obvious. But there are costly consequences in Italy if the price is not formally agreed and written down.

Lawyers at consultancy firm Mazzeschi urge their clients to make sure the full price of the property is declared in the transfer deed (l’atto di trasferimento).

This is because if you resell at a market price higher than your purchase price, you are subject to pay a capital gains tax called plusvalenza. Plusvalenza is the difference between purchase and sale price.

Checking the price of the property beforehand will save you in the long run. Photo by Kirill KUDRYAVTSEV / AFP.

3) Don’t change your mind – it will cost you

If the potential buyer has signed a binding proposal (proposta vincolante) – the process before a preliminary contract is drawn up – it becomes less straightforward to withdraw from the purchase.

“This is because the binding proposal in Italy is a lot more formal,” says Mario Mazzeschi, Head of and Attorney at Law of Mazzeschi Consultancy. 

The binding proposal works similarly to an offer. When the potential buyer puts forth their offer, the potential seller decides whether or not to accept. The period of time for this part depends on the proposal drawn up.

READ MORE: Five things non-residents need to know about buying property in Italy

If, before the time is up, the potential buyer decides to withdraw their offer for any reason, they will likely lose their deposit.

“This deposit is usually around 5-10 percent in most cases, so the buyer will have to pay that,” says De Carolis.

“If the buyer decides to withdraw, they are usually liable to pay the seller twice the amount of the deposit.”

If the proposal is not accepted by the potential seller, the potential buyer pays nothing.

4) Don’t pay anything before the preliminary contract is signed

With the exception of the above, buyers are advised not to pay anything until the preliminary contract is signed. The preliminary contract allows both parties to set out clear guidelines.

“The buyer should check with a lawyer before signing the preliminary contract as it will save them in the long run,” says Mazzeschi.

A notary should be present at this signing, adds Giuditta De Ricco, Lawyer at Mazzeschi Consultancy.

“Notaries are public functionaries. They are never on the side of the buyer or the seller, but for sure a notary is needed.”

“They are completely neutral and often it is wiser and safer for the potential buyer to put their deposit into the notary’s escrow account so the notary can transfer the money to the potential buyer.” 

5) Have the property checked beforehand

While the notary will normally check the paperwork before the sale goes through, you’ll need a different professional to check the property itself.

It may then be in the buyer’s best interest to hire a contractor themselves (this will normally be a qualified geometra, or surveyor) to get the structure of the building checked out and detail any faults or repair work needed.

This should be done before the negotiation stage, as unless there is something specific in the preliminary contract you may lose anything you have paid by pulling out of the purchase at this stage.

“The only way out of this after signing a contract is if you can prove the seller acted maliciously,” says Mazzeschi.

Key vocabulary

Transfer deed – l’atto di trasferimento

Binding proposal – proposta vincolante

Notary – notaio

Preliminary contract – contratto preliminare di vendita

Final contract – atto di vendita or rogito notarile

Deposit – caparra

Surveyor – geometra

Estate agent – agente immobiliare 

Please note that The Local cannot advise on individual cases. For more information about how you can buy property in Italy, contact a qualified professional.