ANALYSIS: Here’s why Italy’s Matteo Salvini is down, but not out

Matteo Salvini's bid for power saw him lose his place in government, but the head of the populist League thrives in opposition. Italian politics specialist Daniele Albertazzi explains why it's too soon to write Salvini off.

ANALYSIS: Here's why Italy's Matteo Salvini is down, but not out
Matteo Salvini in the Senate this week. Photo: Filippo Monteforte/AFP

Matteo Salvini, leader of Italy’s League party and former interior minister, has bad news piling up on him. Things have gone from bad to worse since he brought down his own government in an attempt to force new elections.

It became immediately clear that the president of the republic, Sergio Mattarella, was not willing to facilitate Salvini’s election plan. Instead, he encouraged coalition talks between unlikely allies – the Five Star Movement, which had been in government with the League, the Democratic Party and the tiny Free and Equal party. All went unexpectedly smoothly and this new government is up and running, having secured the confidence of parliament.

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The Democratic Party has allowed Giuseppe Conte, who led the previous government, to stay on as prime minister. This is a huge victory for him and for Five Star, but it came with concessions too. The Democrats took control of many and important ministries, including the economy portfolio. That means an unapologetically pro-EU party is now in charge.

Five Star and the Democratic Party have shown an unexpected propensity for compromise so far. No doubt there will be plenty of clashes ahead, but there is also a realistic chance that the new governing majority will find agreement in areas their electorate very much cares about, including investing in the green economy and the welfare state, legislating on precarious working conditions and increasing investment in the south and education, to cite just a few.

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Headlines now declare Salvini’s era has “come to an end”. Deprived of his job as interior minister, he will no longer be able to use a position of power to conduct a constant election campaign based on immigration and law and order issues.

To those who have followed Italian politics for a while, however, these claims look very premature.

There is no doubt that Salvini has miscalculated – he is wounded and struggling to repackage his loss of power as a victory. His image as the successful “Captain” (as his social media team has renamed him to differentiate him from the previous League leader, who was known as “the Boss”) may take some time to recover. This may be a problem for a leader who has turned his party into a personalised organisation that very much relies on his image and communicative ability for its success.

But Salvini has many cards up his sleeve, both in terms of the strength of the organisation backing him (well rooted in the north and running a very efficient social media operation) and the issues he can campaign on in the near future.

Matteo Salvini protesting in front of parliament during a confidence vote in the new government. Photo: Filippo Monteforte/AFP

Strength in opposition

For instance, Five Star is very successful in the south of Italy, so the new government is unlikely to deliver the kind of greater regional autonomy that wins votes in the north of the country.

In the regions of the north, where the League has always been strong, the desire to see more tax receipts being used to improve public services locally is very widespread. But introducing a reform that deprives the public purse of considerable resources would make it impossible to run decent services in the poorest regions of the south.

In this sense, not being in government is convenient for the League, as there was no way they themselves would have managed to deliver what their northern constituencies wanted while sharing power with Five Star. The circle simply could not be squared on this issue, and any compromise would have looked like failure.

The same can be said of the fact that the 2019 budget is obviously going to be drafted by someone other than Salvini. Reconciling the League’s promise to cut taxes with the Five Star’s largesse on welfare would have meant either cutting tax by too little or to too few people.

Now the League won’t need to compromise anymore, and neither will it be seen amending the budget to meet the objections of the EU Commission – as it had to do last year.


Then there is, of course, migration (which the League has managed to reduce to the much narrower, but symbolically charged, issue of people trying to cross the Mediterranean sea from Africa).

Salvini’s approach (“let’s close the ports!”) has large support among the Italian electorate (including, interestingly, Five Star’s voters). No doubt the League will relentlessly focus on the supposed failures of the new administration on this issue.

Salvini has a clear message and “owns” several key themes such as low taxation, regionalism, immigration and law and order. He can also rely on a rooted party and a very efficient media operation.

Much like anyone else, he is, of course, beatable – and his aura as a winner has taken a heavy blow. But those now rushing to write his political obituary should take a good look at the reasons for the League’s success throughout the years, as well as the party’s presence on the ground and its ability to run effective campaigns. They won’t see this party or its leader disappear any time soon.

Daniele Albertazzi, Reader in Politics, University of Birmingham

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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Italy’s Meloni breaks silence on youth wing’s fascist comments

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on Friday condemned offensive comments made by members of her far-right party's youth wing to an undercover journalist, breaking weeks of silence over the scandal.

Italy's Meloni breaks silence on youth wing's fascist comments

The investigation published this month by Italian news website Fanpage included video of members of the National Youth, the junior wing of Brothers of Italy, which has post-fascist roots, showing support for Nazism and fascism.

In images secretly filmed by an undercover journalist in Rome, the members are seen performing fascist salutes, chanting the Nazi “Sieg Heil” greeting and shouting “Duce” in support of the late Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini.

Opposition parties have been calling on Meloni to denounce the behaviour since the first part of the investigation aired on June 13.

Those calls intensified after a second part was published this week with fresh highly offensive comments directed at Jewish people and people of colour.

READ ALSO: Italy’s ruling party shrugs off youth wing’s Fascist salutes

Party youths in particular mocked Ester Mieli, a Brothers of Italy senator and a former spokeswoman for Rome’s Jewish community.

“Whoever expresses racist, anti-Semitic or nostalgic ideas are in the wrong place, because these ideas are incompatible with Brothers of Italy,” Meloni told reporters in Brussels.

“There is no ambiguity from my end on the issue,” she said.

Two officials from the movement have stepped down over the investigation, which also caught one youth party member calling for the leader of the centre-left Democratic Party (PD), Elly Schlein, to be “impaled”.

But Meloni also told off journalists for filming young people making offensive comments directed at Jewish people and people of colour, saying they were “methods… of an (authoritarian) regime”.

Fanpage responded that it was “undercover journalism”.

Meloni was a teenage activist with the youth wing of the Italian Social Movement (MSI), formed by Mussolini supporters after World War II.

Brothers of Italy traces its roots to the MSI.

The most right-wing leader to take office since 1945, Meloni has sought to distance herself from her party’s legacy without entirely renouncing it. She kept the party’s tricolour flame logo – which was also used by MSI and inspired France’s Jean-Marie Le Pen when he created the far-right National Front party in 1972.

The logo’s base, some analysts say, represents Mussolini’s tomb, which tens of thousands of people visit every year.

Several high-ranking officials in the party do not shy away from their admiration of the fascist regime, which imposed anti-Semitic laws in 1938.

Brothers of Italy co-founder and Senate president Ignazio La Russa collects Mussolini statues.