German police bust ‘Cyber Bunker’ hosting Darknet sites

German police said Friday they had busted a network hosting so-called Darknet platforms illegally trading drugs, stolen data and child pornography online on servers hidden in a former NATO bunker.

German police bust 'Cyber Bunker' hosting Darknet sites
Photo: DPA

Seven suspects were arrested in a series of raids Thursday targeting the operators of the “Bulletproof Hoster” service located in what was dubbed the
“Cyber Bunker”, police and prosecutors said.

The servers hosted, or provided the internet architecture for, illegal websites that also peddled stolen data and forged documents, and from which large-scale cyber attacks have been carried out.

Thirteen suspected members — 12 men and one woman, aged from 20 to 59 —
allegedly set up and ran the powerful servers inside a former NATO bunker in
the town of Traben-Trarbach in the western state of Rhineland-Palatinate.

Those kept in custody were four Dutch citizens, two Germans and one Bulgarian.

Several hundred police were involved in raids in Germany and other European
countries that netted some 200 servers, numerous data carriers and mobile
phones and a large sum of cash.

The websites included what was once the world's second largest Darknet marketplace for drugs, the e-commerce platform 'Wall Street Market', which was
brought down by investigators earlier this year.

An online attack that affected 1.25 million routers of German provider Deutsche Telekom in November 2016 was also controlled via a server located in
the cyber bunker, the regional public prosecutor's office said.

Other illicit websites hosted on the servers included “Fraudsters”, “lifestylepharma” and “Cannabis Road.”

READ ALSO: Five years' jail for German darknet weapons' dealer

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‘Wake-up call’: Merkel’s CDU party in crisis after defeat in regional polls

German Chancellor Angela Merkel's centre-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) was in crisis mode Monday after suffering heavy losses in two regional polls, seen as a rebuke of its pandemic management six months before a general election.

'Wake-up call': Merkel's CDU party in crisis after defeat in regional polls
Merkel taking part in a video conference on March 9th. Photo: DPA

Merkel’s centre-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) scored its worst-ever results in elections in the southwestern states of Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate, according to estimates from public broadcasters.

Sunday’s rout raised questions about the conservatives’ chances in the September 26th general election, when Germans will choose a successor to outgoing leader Merkel.

“It can’t go on like this,” said Der Spiegel weekly, saying Merkel’s house was “on fire”.

READ ALSO: These are the dates you need to know for Germany’s ‘super election year’

The rout was blamed on growing public anger over a sluggish vaccine rollout, a delayed start to mass rapid testing and higher infection numbers despite months of shutdowns.

In the days leading up to the regional votes, Merkel’s CDU and its CSU Bavarian sister party were also rocked by revelations of lawmakers apparently profiting from deals to procure face masks in the early days of the pandemic.

Three conservative MPs have since resigned, and the CDU/CSU alliance has forced all its lawmakers to declare any financial gain from the coronavirus crisis, vowing “zero tolerance”.

READ ALSO: Merkel’s conservatives suffer heavy losses in two German state elections

‘Wake-up call’

CSU leader and Bavarian premier Markus Söder on Monday called the result a “wake-up call” for the conservative alliance, blaming mistakes made in the government’s pandemic management.

The party must prove it can “govern well and reliably” in the run-up to the general election and offer a vision for the future, he said.

The CDU-CSU alliance “must give answers to these questions, and it must give them decisively,” he added.

If the conservatives want to stay in power when Merkel bows out after 16 years, they urgently need to “win back trust”, CSU secretary general Markus Blume said.

The first order of business should be to decide the alliance’s candidate for chancellor, media outlet Spiegel said.

New CDU chief Armin Laschet is the obvious choice but he lacks broad support.

Laschet needs to “free himself from Merkel’s shadow” and “say what the party stands for”, Andreas Rödder, a historian at Mainz university and a CDU member, told the Bild daily.

Opinion polls suggest Germans would prefer to see Söder in the top job, but he has yet to declare a willingness to run.

If Söder genuinely has chancellor ambitions, “he must strike now”, said Handelsblatt financial daily.

CSU secretary general Markus Blume called Sunday’s drubbing a “wake-up call” for the CDU/CSU.

If Germany’s largest bloc wants to stay in power when Merkel bows out after 16 years, it urgently needs to “win back trust”, he said.

“We need clear decisions and a clear course in the fight against the coronavirus,” he added.

The first order of business should be to decide the bloc’s candidate for chancellor, media outlet Spiegel said.

A voter casts her ballot in Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg on Sunday. Photo: DPA

New CDU chief Armin Laschet is the obvious choice but he lacks broad support.

Critics say he has failed to carve out a political profile beyond representing continuity in the post-Merkel era.

Laschet needs to “free himself from Merkel’s shadow” and “say what the party stands for”, Andreas Rödder, a historian at Mainz university and a CDU member, told the Bild daily.

‘Traffic light’

Merkel’s CDU garnered just 24 percent of the vote in the wealthy state of Baden-Württemberg, down from 27 percent five years ago, estimates showed.

The state is an outlier in Germany because it has been run by a premier from the Green party for over a decade, Winfried Kretschmann. Kretschmann led the left-leaning ecologists to a record result of more than 32 percent.

The 72-year-old could now opt to continue the current coalition with the CDU, or build an alliance with the centre-left SPD and the pro-business FDP.

His choice will be closely watched as it could serve as a blueprint for the next national government.

Support for the Greens has risen in recent years on growing concern about climate change, and they could emerge as kingmakers in September’s election.

In neighbouring Rhineland-Palatinate, popular state premier Malu Dreyer powered the SPD to another victory with a score of around 36 percent.

The CDU slumped to around 26 percent, down from almost 32 percent in 2016. Dreyer is expected to maintain her “traffic light” coalition with the Greens and the FDP, named after the parties’ colours.

Third wave

The conservatives’ woes come as Germany braces for a third Covid-19 wave, even while proceeding with a gradual reopening of schools and non-essential shops.

Latest forecasts by the country’s Robert Koch Institute for infectious diseases predict that by mid-April, new infections could surpass the peak seen in December, when some 30,000 cases were reported a day.

Merkel and the premiers of Germany’s 16 federal states will discuss the next steps in the pandemic fight on March 22nd.