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Update: What you need to know about the German property tax reform that affects us all

The Bundestag on Friday paved the way for the reform of Germany's property tax, which most of us have to pay in some form. Here’s what you need to know.

Update: What you need to know about the German property tax reform that affects us all
An aerial view of the city centre in Munich. Photo: DPA

What’s happening?

Last year the Constitutional Court ruled the Grundsteuer (property/land tax) obsolete and gave the government until the end of 2019 to come up with a new way of calculating the tax for Germany's 36 million properties.

On Friday the Bundestag paved the way for reform with an amendment to the Basic Law.

As put forward by Finance Minister Olaf Scholz, of the centre-left Social Democrats, the tax will now be calculated according to land value and rent, which means 36 million properties and houses have to be revalued.

However, due to pressure from the state of Bavaria, there will be a clause that means states can introduce their own regulations.

Here's the background and who has to pay it:

What exactly is the Grundsteuer and do I have to pay it?

It’s the tax on the ownership of land and buildings. And almost all of us pay it, either directly or indirectly. The tax is levied on everyone who owns a property. But even if you are a tenant, you still probably pay, as landlords almost always pass the cost onto tenants in the form of Nebenkosten (supplementary costs) in their contract.

One tax expert told mortgage specialists Hypofriend that property tax for an 80 square meter apartment in Berlin (Altbau, located in a 1,500 square meter property and in good condition) amounts to €260 per year.

Research by the Institute for the German Economy shows that the Grundsteuer on a typical apartment is €299 each year.

Owners of whole apartment buildings often have to pay four-digit amounts.

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Why is it important?

For local governments, property tax is one of the biggest sources of income. It makes up 15 percent of their tax revenue, contributing to the building of community facilities such as roads and swimming pools.  According to the Federal Statistical Office, revenue from property tax last year totalled €14.2 billion – all going to local governments.

How is the tax currently calculated?

How much you pay depends on the assessed value of the property, the property tax rate and the assessment rate set by the local government where you live. Germany has 11,000 local municipalities, so there are lots of variations on the typical amounts that people have to pay.

For houses with the same basic tax rating for example, the final tax due could end up being €100 in one municipality and €1000 in another.

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Why does it have to be changed anyway?

There's been debate for years about the fairness of the tax. Why? Well, the tax is based on an estimate of the value of a property which is seriously out of date.

Properties were last valued for the tax in west Germany in 1964 and in east Germany in 1935. So when your local Finanzamt calculates the tax, they are doing so based on the value of your property over half a century ago.

It's fair to say the value of homes has changed somewhat since then. For instance an apartment that was stuck next to the Berlin Wall in 1964 could now be in one of the trendiest neighbourhoods in Germany.

It's been on the agenda with the government for a while. A majority of states even suggested a new way of assessing the tax back in 2016.

Homes in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg. Photo: DPA

The proposal back then prescribed that property value would be replaced by a calculation based upon size of property, location, transport connections and cost of build.

But both Bavaria and Hamburg blocked the change, fearing that it would lead to a rise in taxes for their residents.

How will the tax be calculated in the future?

This will depend on the state where you live. Finance Minister Scholz wants a general rule that will see the value of the land and the average rent play a role in the calculation. 

At the same time, however, there is to be an opening clause in the bill which will allow individual states to introduce their own regulations. Bavaria, for example, wants to use only the size of the property for the calculation. No matter which model a federal state chooses, the local governments still have the last word on assessment rates.

Will anyone have to pay more – or less – tax?

This is hard to predict. Scholz has said that the “good news” for taxpayers is that overall there won't be higher rates.

But it is likely that, in individual cases, some people will have to pay more than before, and others less. The details are hard to predict because of the varying collection rates by local governments and how they will be adjusted after the change.

Which model is best for residents in Germany?

This is controversial. With the Scholz model, all houses and undeveloped land would have to be regularly revalued. This is not only costly and time-consuming for local authorities, but as property values and rents continue to rise, the property tax would automatically increase. 

But the model proposed by Bavaria also has disadvantages: a farm in the north-east of Bavaria would have to pay just as much tax as a property of the same size but much more valuable in the centre of Munich. Many consider this unfair.

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What happens next?

Despite criticism, especially from the Free-Democrats, the Bundestag has voted for the reform.

Once the new law has passed through the Bundesrat too, which is considered certain as the details of the reform have been agreed with the federal states, the government will have a transition period to carry out the assessments necessary to start levying the tax accordingly, with plans to launch the new tax in 2025.

Those five years are needed because it will take some time to reassess all of the country's some 36 million properties.

What does reform mean for tenants?

People who live in locations where rent has gone up significantly in recent years, such as large cities, may have to pay more because the average rents in locations is to play a role in how to calculate property tax.

However, the German Tenants' Association wants the property tax removed from costs that tenants have to pay so that they no longer have to pay it.

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How a German ‘Mieterverein’ can help you reduce your rent

If you're renting in Germany, you may have heard about a tenants' association - or Mieterverein. But you may not be aware that joining one could help save you money in the long run.

How a German 'Mieterverein' can help you reduce your rent

There’s a truism that applies to many areas of life in Germany: there are plenty of rules and legal protections, but the vast majority of people don’t know them.

This feels particularly real when it comes to the world of renters’ rights. As a nation that generally prefers to rent than to buy, Germany has a huge range of in-built protections for tenants – but that doesn’t always stop landlords from bending the rules. 

The best way to make sure you’re getting a fair deal is to try and get familiar with your rights, or enlist the help of somebody who knows them inside-out.

That’s where the concept of the Mieterverein, or tenants’ association, comes in. These member-only organisations are there to advocate for the rights of tenants, keeping illegally high rents and other dodgy practices in check for renters in Germany. 

These types of associations can be a life-saver for foreigners who may struggle with the German language and German law, and could even help you save money in the long run. 

What is a Mieterverein?

A Mieterverein, or tenants’ association, is exactly what it sounds like: an organisation that stands up for the rights of tenants. It works by offering affordable memberships for renters – usually costing somewhere between €50 and €100 per year – which is then used to provide legal advice and representation, as well as advocacy and lobbying work. 

Ultimately, the idea is about strength in numbers. Instead of a single tenant taking on a big landlord like Vonovia or Deutsche Wohnen, a collective approach gives renters both more bargaining power and more resources.

Following this principle, many of the regional Mietervereine have clubbed together to create tenants’ associations in their state, which ultimately belong to the Germany-wide umbrella association, the Deutscher Mieterbund (DMB).

There are 320 associations currently active in the DMB, with the largest being the Berliner Mieterverein with more than 190,000 members. This is followed by Hamburg, with 78,000 members, and Munich, with 63,000. 

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Members rely on tenants’ associations to assist with anything to do with Germany’s tenancy law. That means poring over rental contracts, ironing out difficulties with landlords, challenging rent increases or overly high rents, and fighting unfair or illegal evictions.

Of course, one of the most compelling reasons to join is to keep high rents in check – and find out if you could be eligible for a reduction. 

How can a Mieterverein help lower my rent?

Though it may not always feel like it, the vast majority of areas with a tight housing situation in Germany are subject to fairly stringent rental controls, known as the Mietpreisbremse.

These controls were mandated in a 2015 law that has recently been extended to 2029. Though there are some loopholes, the rules generally dictate that cold rents should be no more than 10 percent above the average rent for comparable properties in the same neighbourhood.

READ ALSO: German rent brake to be extended until 2029: What you need to know

The ways for calculating this are complicated but all you really need to know is that they are based on something called the Mietspiegel: a huge table charting the average rent prices based on factors like a property’s size, location, age and facilities. 

Berlin prenzlauer Berg

Flats in the Berlin district of Prenzlauer Berg. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Monika Skolimowska

One service tenants’ associations can offer is to compare your rent against the Mietspiegel to see if you’re being charged too much. 

To do this, they’ll look at your contract and ask you a series of questions about your rental property. If it turns out the rent is illegally high, Mieterverein lawyers can help you draft a letter to officially challenge your rent and ask for it to be reduced.

Some tenants’ associations also offer legal protection insurance (Rechtsschutzversicherung) as part of their memberships, which can help you deal with any issues that may arise with the landlord later on. 

What about annual rent increases?

In most cases, these can be disputed as well. Under the Mietpreisbremse rules, rents can be raised by a maximum of 20 percent in the space of three years. This can be good grounds to challenge a big annual increase in rent – but it isn’t the only way. 

The legal representatives at your local Mieterverein will be able to help you dispute increases in rent, as long as you don’t agree to these increases straight away.

Once again, the increases may be based on a shaky foundation of illegally high rents to start with, so it’s always worth getting everything checked over in full by a qualified lawyer.

It’s also worth keeping an eye on any issues with your apartment, such as broken fixtures and fittings, because these can be grounds for a rent reduction until the problem is fixed.

READ ALSO: How to get a rent reduction for problems in your German flat

Advisors at the Mietervereine will not only be able to tell you what are grounds for a Mietminderung (temporary rent reduction), but also how much you could be entitled to.