The reason children at this Swedish preschool say ‘Konnichiwa’

In an increasingly globalized world, teaching children to appreciate different perspectives and to be culturally sensitive to others is key to a modern education.

The reason children at this Swedish preschool say ‘Konnichiwa’
Photo: Futuraskolan International

Raising children who value and respect diversity is often a priority for international parents. But finding a school that can appropriately foster this particular brand of empathy isn’t always so simple.

Promoting international mindedness is an everyday focus at Futuraskolan International Preschool Brunbärsvägen. Part of a network of seven preschools and seven schools in and around Stockholm, the preschool – which opened its doors in 2008 – has 40 nationalities and 35 languages represented across 22 staff members and 120 children. 

Find out more about Futuraskolan International Preschool Brunbärsvägen

The mission at all Futuraskolan International schools is to shape children into future world citizens. But how to do this when your students are aged between one and six years old? By celebrating both individuality and diversity, explains Ivett Tamayo, Principal at both Preschool Brunbärsvägen and Preschool Warfvinges Väg.

Photo: Futuraskolan International

“At Futuraskolan, we believe that to be internationally-minded we must know ourselves and our values to be able to be respectful and curious about each other and other cultures. Here at Brunbärsvägen, we encourage this by helping the children to get to know who they are as well as by celebrating differences using many pedagogical tools,” Ivett tells The Local.

A uniquely diverse environment, the international preschool works rigorously to break down intercultural barriers and encourage openness and inclusiveness. The teachers skillfully engineer this through a combination of innovative teaching methods and activities that promote cross-cultural sensitivity.

“We have many different projects to advance our main goal of being a stepping stone for future global citizens,” says Sascha Slavnic, preschool coordinator at Brunbärsvägen. “One of our longstanding efforts involves the families of the children as much as possible by, for example, celebrating many different holidays and festivals such as Diwali, Chinese New Year, and Swedish Midsummer. We have found this to be a very effective way to make the children comfortable with who they are as well as with their cultural differences.”

Photo: Futuraskolan International

At an organizational level, Brunbärsvägen’s work to reach the goals of the Swedish LPFÖ curriculum is inspired by two international curricula: the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) and the International Early Years Curriculum (IEYC). In addition to being modelled on the latest neuroscience of learning, these curricula tie neatly in with the Swedish curriculum.

“If you look at the Swedish curriculum, it talks about the need to reflect cultural diversity and to have cultural awareness as well as ensuring that children’s mother tongues are featuring in preschool life,” says Naomi Hudson, who is responsible for Brunbärsvägen’s Scorpions Group. “And I feel that for us at Brunbärsvägen, this is not an abstract concept or something we need to find and bring in; I think we live it, it’s what our preschool is at its heart.”

Always encouraging the children to be proactive and reflect on their role in the world, each year, Preschool Brunbärsvägen focuses on a particular theme to guide everyday activities. This year the focus is language and, in this spirit, parents have been invited to come in and speak to the children in their native languages.

Find out more about Futuraskolan International’s schools in Stockholm

“This fall we’ve had mother tongue storytime, for example, so we’ve been inviting parents to come in and tell their personal stories. This has been a fantastic experience for the children and you can tell how this has benefited their self-esteem and made them more open to each other and new experiences as well as inclined to share,” says Naomi. “Every day in the groups, we see everything from children teaching their friends how to count in their mother tongue to children saying Konnichiwa to each other.”

Futuraskolan doesn’t exclusively rely on its diverse student body to promote international mindedness. Since its inception, Futuraskolan International Preschool Brunbärsvägen has actively worked to involve the children in the wider world through community outreach at elderly homes and sustainable development initiatives such as school-wide cleanups and recycling. 

For the past four years, the Global Citizenship project (now up and running at all Futuraskolan schools) has made the children active participants in an ongoing outreach program in the Philippines.

Photo: Futuraskolan International

“Throughout the year, we have a lot of fundraising activities where the children sell their handicrafts and donate the money to the schools we are supporting and working within the Philippines,” says Shezana Syed, Administrator and Admissions Coordinator at Preschool Brunbärsvägen. “In this way, the children get a chance to help other children in a way they can relate to and at the same time see for themselves – from an early age – that it’s possible to help others and make an impact in the world.”

This article was produced by The Local Creative Studio and sponsored by Find out more about Futuraskolan International’s schools in Stockholm.

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Should you buy a home in Sweden this summer?

Considering the fickle trends in the Swedish housing market, prospective homebuyers might find themselves at a crossroads this summer.

Should you buy a home in Sweden this summer?

After a period of falling prices driven by increased interest rates, the Swedish housing market is seeing a rebound, particularly in the biggest cities.

However, it’s also taking longer to finalise home sales.


Recent data from Swedish property listings site Hemnet indicates that while home sales – and housing prices – are on the rise, the time to complete transactions has notably increased.

For instance, the average sale time for an apartment in Sweden increased to 27 days in the first half of the year, up from 22 days during the same period last year. Similarly, houses now take an average of 31 days to sell, compared to 30 days previously.

The slowest market is in the Gävleborg region, where it takes an average of 44 days to sell a home. The fastest transactions occur in Stockholm, with apartments selling in just 16 days and detached homes in 23 days.

This variation in market activity across the country calls for a deeper look into where the best opportunities might lie for homebuyers this summer.

Renewed market confidence in Sweden’s biggest cities

The confidence in the Swedish property market is on its way up in Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Malmö, Erik Holmberg, a market analyst at Hemnet, told The Local.

“I would say that we have seen a weaker market in the last couple of years, almost everywhere in the country, since the Swedish central bank started to increase the interest policy rate, which affected the market a lot,” he said.

“But in the last half of the year or rather in the last year, the confidence has come back in bigger cities – in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö… When we look at price developments last year, in three of Sweden’s biggest cities, we see prices increasing again.”

However, the analyst warned that the opposite is currently true in other areas of the country, which have seen a continued decrease in market activity and flatter developments in the same time interval.

A new trend emerging in Stockholm?

As Hemnet’s analyst explained, in Sweden, housing market trends usually start in Stockholm, when the market begins to change, causing a ripple effect.

“And that’s what we have seen. Now, market activity and prices are increasing again in the bigger cities. Usually, when the market changes, other areas in the country follow, and that could be the case now,” said Holmberg.

“When the rates and inflation situation become clearer, other parts of the country might follow the market in the big cities. Our main scenario is that we will see this spread,” he said, adding that prices in Stockholm have picked up quite fast in the last year but that the demand is still affected by the high interest rates.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw swift price developments in some areas with the highest demand, such as city centres.”

The effect on the rental market

Another aspect to consider is the rental market, which could see significant changes in the short to mid-term.

Holmberg pointed out that properties which fail to sell might enter the rental market.

“What we’ve seen is that it’s harder to sell properties today, so, probably, more people who own homes and can’t sell them will put these unsold homes on the market for a while. This could affect the supply of apartments for rent and, in turn, prices,” the analyst said.


What different types of homebuyers should know

For buyers, the current market presents a mixed bag.

“In Sweden, we often talk of having a seller’s or buyer’s market. Today, it’s good for buyers that they have a lot to choose from; there’s a record-high supply almost everywhere in the country. That means it’s easy to find something,” said Holmberg.

However, he also cautioned that the slow market makes agreeing on terms with sellers challenging, with sales times at record highs.

“Sales take some time in today’s market, and that’s important to understand for both sellers and buyers, especially for homeowners who are changing homes, meaning they’re both buying and selling something; it’s a tough market for them.

“Today, this group often chooses to sell their home before they buy something new. That makes up a big part of record high sales times; we have people waiting for the right bid before moving from the selling to the buying side…” Holmberg said, noting that the market is different compared to two to three years ago when it was “very hot”.

“So, remember that even if prices grow, it’s still a tough or slow market.”


On the other hand, first-time buyers might find a silver lining in the form of lower prices compared to a couple of years ago, making it a potentially favourable time to enter the Swedish housing market.

“First-time buyers are in another situation, which may be better because the prices are lower than two years ago, of course, and if you’re just buying something, you don’t need to worry about the selling part,” Holmberg told The Local.

“That’s why this could be a good situation to enter the housing market this summer, but even so, despite supply being really high, it could still be tough because many sellers have put down a listed price but don’t necessarily plan to sell at this price.”