Danish government scraps plans to reform sex workers’ rights

A parliamentary focus group appointed by the previous government to assess possible reform of rights for sex workers has been disbanded.

Danish government scraps plans to reform sex workers' rights
File photo: Linda Kastrup/Ritzau Scanpix

The approach by the previous administration to the issue was wrong, according to new Minister of Social Affairs Astrid Krag.

Krag said that sex workers should not be seen as part of an industry on an equal footing with professions such as, for example, carpentry or teaching, but part of a social problem that must be tackled, Politiken reports.

The minister has therefore chosen to shut down a cross-ministry focus group which has since January this year been considering ways to improve conditions for sex workers in Denmark.

“It makes no sense to me to go down the route of looking at prostitution in the wrong way. We don’t want conclusions telling us how we can make prostitution a recognized trade,” the minister told Politiken.

The now-shelved focus group had been tasked with assessing ways in which sex workers could become entitled to social security such as unemployment insurance and sick pay (Danish: dagpenge).

Additionally, the group was to set out ways to help sex workers leave the industry.

Those conclusions will not be made use of by the Social Democratic government, which will now focus solely on a so-called 'exit pack' for sex workers, detailed in the 2020 budget proposal.

Conservative MP Mai Mercado, the minister for social affairs and children under the previous government, expressed her disappointment at the decision.

“It is so hypocritical that we want their [sex workers, ed.] income tax but don’t want to give them the rights that correspond to such taxes. I almost can’t stand it,” Mercado said to Politiken.

The former minister also said that she agreed exit strategies for sex workers is an important area for improvement.

But not giving sex workers more employment rights is a denial of reality by the new government, Mercado argued.

NGO The Street Lawyers (Gadejuristen), which assisted the now-dissolved focus group, called the decision a “step backwards for sex workers”, and said that exit programmes alone were insufficient support.

“This was a new way in which to view sex workers whereby experts, NGOs and sex workers were brought together to see how conditions could be improved. We welcomed the project. So it is very regrettable and disappointing that the government is now ending that work,”  Maja Løvbjerg Hansen of Gadejuristen said to Politiken.

READ ALSO: ‘Record number' of human trafficking victims in Denmark

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French prostitutes demand their clients be free to pay for sex

French sex workers have lodged a constitutional challenge to a 2016 law making it illegal to pay for sex, reopening a debate on whether people should be free to sell their bodies.

French prostitutes demand their clients be free to pay for sex
Sex workers hold placards reading "Stop the decrees. Not our customers" during a 2018 demonstration in Paris. Photo: AFP
On Tuesday, around 30 sex workers backed by nine associations, including a medical NGO, went to the Constitutional Council to argue the law infringed their sexual and commercial freedom and made them more vulnerable to attack.
The law, which punishes people caught paying for sex with fines of up to 1,500 euros ($1,800) for first-time offenders and 3,750 euros for repeat offenders, took years to make its way through parliament after fierce debate. 
Inspired by Sweden, it makes it a crime to buy sex but not to sell it, shifting the criminal responsibility to clients.
Hailed by many feminist groups at the time as an advance for women's rights, the law was assailed by sex workers as an infringement of “constitutional rights to personal autonomy and sexual freedom, respect of privacy, freedom of contract and freedom to do business.”
The sex workers also argued that by criminalising their clients the law has eroded their earnings, forcing them to take ever greater risks to earn a living.
These include agreeing to engage in unprotected sex or to have sex in isolated environments where they are more vulnerable to attack.
In August a Peruvian transgender sex worker, Vanesa Campos, was killed in the forested Bois de Boulogne park west of Paris. She was shot dead while trying to stop a group of men robbing a client.
“It's the client who dictates his conditions and we have no choice because we have fewer clients than before but still as many bills at the end of the month,” one sex worker, who gave her name as Anais, told AFP after Tuesday's hearing. 
'Schizophrenic situation'
Many rights groups argue women do not engage in prostitution freely but are forced to do so by hardship or other circumstances.
They accuse clients of exploiting their vulnerability.
Issuing a robust defence Wednesday of the law, France's High Council for Equality Between Men and Women argued prostitution was “the opposite of sexual liberation” and “oppresses all women” by enshrining the notion of male domination.
The council pointed to a poll showing that 78 percent of French supported the ban as proof of widespread support.
“We don't want a society where it is possible to buy someone else's dignity,” a lawyer for the abolitionist camp, Cedric Uzan-Sarano, argued before the Constitutional Council.
But a lawyer for the sex workers' camp, Patrice Spinosi, countered that by making it a crime to buy sex but not to sell it the state had created a “schizophrenic” situation and “infantilised prostitutes.”
“Who are you to forbid me from doing what I want with my body?” he asked.
The Constitutional Council will publish its decision on whether the law is compatible with France's basic charter on February 1.