‘Day of fate’: Why November 9th is a crucial day in German history

So many momentous events happened in Germany on November 9th during the 20th century that it has become known as the country's "day of fate".

'Day of fate': Why November 9th is a crucial day in German history
East and West Germans gather at the Wall on November 9th 1989. Photo: DPA

Here’s a look at four times history was made on November 9th – not always by coincidence.

1918: The last emperor

A staged photograph of Philipp Scheidemann leaning out of a window of the Reichstag. Photo: DPA

With Germany on the brink of defeat in World War I and a revolutionary mood sweeping the country, the unpopular emperor Kaiser Wilhelm II was forced to abdicate, ending Germany’s monarchy.

Word spread that the Communists, led by Karl Liebknecht, would soon pronounce a communist republic. To prevent this, on November 9th, 1918, the deputy chairman of the Social Democrats, Philipp Scheidemann rushed to the balcony of Berlin’s Reichstag parliament to announce the birth of what would become the Weimar Republic.

“Long live the German republic!” he shouted.

But a few hours later, Liebknecht also declared the birth of the ‘free socialist German republic’. Germany was in a state of instability and strife.

Two days later, Germany agreed to sign an armistice that ended the Great War against the Allied forces.

Eventually, the government relocated to Weimar in January 1919, where it was able to establish a parliamentary democracy. But serious problems and unrest still plagued the country.

The terms of Germany’s surrender were deemed so humiliating that historians believe they helped sow the seeds for World War II.

It became the basis of the Dolchstoßegende, or the “stab-in-the-back-myth”. Right-wing circles asserted the belief that the German forces had not actually lost the war, but that the country had been betrayed, or stabbed in the back, by civilians at home.

They wanted to blame the so-called “November Criminals”, the politicians involved in the armistice and the November Revolution.

In the following decades, the Dolchstoßlegende and the myth of the November Criminals became a core component of right-wing rhetoric.

1923: Hitler’s ‘beer hall’ putsch

SA paramilitary troops prepare for the Putsch in Munich on November 9th 1923. Photo: DPA

Adolf Hitler, the then relatively unknown Nazi Party leader, and his cronies tried to seize power with a coup that started in a crowded Munich beer hall on November 9th, 1923.

After climbing onto a chair and firing into the ceiling, Hitler proclaimed the end of “the government of the November criminals”, a term used by critics of the 1918 surrender.

But police and soldiers quickly crushed the attempted putsch, and Hitler was arrested.

He used his trial to gain notoriety and spread anti-Jewish hatred. He often went off track during questioning to rant about issues of race and economics. Sympathetic conservative judges at his trial did not try to prevent his polemic, and Hitler capitalized on this. Ultimately he spent barely nine months in prison.

It was in his cell that Hitler began writing “Mein Kampf”.

His experience of this episode also altered his view about affecting change in Germany: before he had relied on violence as his primary means of getting things done, but now looked to strictly legal means to win over the sympathies of the German people and gain power.

Within a decade of the Beer Hall Putsch, Hitler was Chancellor of Germany.

1938: Night of Broken Glass

A Jewish shop in Magdeburg on the morning after the progrom. Photo: Bundesarchiv / Wikimedia Commons

Nazi thugs torched synagogues, smashed Jewish-owned shops and rounded up Jewish men across Germany on November 9th, 1938, in what became known as “Kristallnacht” or the “Night of Broken Glass”.

The timing was no coincidence – that evening senior Nazi figures like Joseph Goebbels had riled up crowds at events honouring Hitler’s 1923 coup bid.

At least 90 Jews were killed and 30,000 deported to concentration camps in the outbreak of violence, which historians say ushered in the start of the Nazis’ drive to wipe out Jews.

Today, Germans remember the Kristallnacht pogrom by polishing or placing flowers on “Stolpersteine”, small brass plaques on cobblestones commemorating Nazi victims.

READ ALSO: What I’ve learned from living in the country my family once fled

1989: Berlin Wall comes down

After the Berlin Wall fell in 1989. Photo: DPA

The fall of the Berlin Wall in a bloodless revolution on November 9th, 1989 is a joyous milestone in German history, ending 28 years of Cold War separation.

But because of the dark chapters associated with the date in the past, it was considered an ill choice for a public holiday. Germans instead celebrate October 3rd, 1990, the official reunification of East and West Germany.

READ MORE: Talkin’ bout my generation – What unity means to eastern Germans

The wall came down almost by accident, after communist East German bureaucrat Guenter Schabowski was caught off guard during a live press conference on the question of when exactly new, more relaxed travel rights
would take effect.

“As far as I know… as of now,” he improvised, sending thousands of East Berliners streaming towards checkpoints where baffled guards eventually opened the barriers.

READ MORE: How and why was the Berlin wall built?

With additional reporting by Lucy Proudman

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Rise of Germany’s far-right AfD stokes fears at concentration camp site

A historian running the memorial at Germany's former Nazi concentration camp Buchenwald is no stranger to hate crime and threats, but he fears more trouble ahead after the far-right AfD's election triumph.

Rise of Germany's far-right AfD stokes fears at concentration camp site

Jens-Christian Wagner says the rise of the anti-immigration party, which won Thuringia state elections with 33 percent of the vote Sunday, reflects a hardening of attitudes that could spell new dangers.

“My colleagues and I have been upset and depressed since Sunday evening,” said the director of the foundation that administers the site.

Wagner said he worries about worse to come after a spate of attacks in recent years, both on social media networks that have been “flooded with revisionist content” and on site, including swastika graffities.

The Nazi symbol has also been scrawled into the Buchenwald memorial centre’s visitors’ book, and vandals have cut down trees planted at the site in memory of survivors of the camp.

“The opinions directed against our memorial will grow stronger and it will be more and more difficult to change people’s minds,” predicted Wagner, a grim expression on his face.

The state leader of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) in Thuringia, the former high school history teacher Björn Höcke, is one of the party’s best known and most radical figures.

He has urged a break with Germany’s post-World War II culture of repentance for Nazi crimes and sparked public outrage in 2017 when he labelled Berlin’s Holocaust Memorial a “monument of shame”.

Police protection

The Buchenwald site commemorates the deaths of more than 56,000 people between 1937 and 1945 out of around 280,000 prisoners there, among them Jews, eastern Europeans, political dissidents and disabled people.

Next April marks the 80th anniversary of the camp’s liberation by US troops.

“Maybe nothing will go as planned,” worried Wagner.

“Maybe we will have to re-install a police station,” as was the case in the 1990s, when right-wing extremism flared in post-reunification eastern Germany, the historian added.

Wagner said he recently received four death threats, after sending a letter to 350,000 Thuringians to convince them not to vote for the AfD.

The AfD has little chance of entering government in Thuringia or elsewhere for now as all other political parties have refused to ally with it to form a government.

But Wagner fears the party, with its representation in the state parliament, could still work to reduce funding of the Buchenwald memorial, half of which is provided by the regional government.

In the event of a major budget cut, he said, it might have to limit the guided tours it offers.

Wagner also said that in future the memorial may use social media sites including TikTok to help spread its educational message.

‘Downplaying the Holocaust’

Some local people may support the AfD, a decade-old party which opposes multiculturalism, Islam and environmentalism, while condemning historical revisionism and extremism.

READ ALSO: ‘Political earthquake’  – What the far-right AfD state election win means for Germany

Those who have defaced and vandalised the Buchenwald site “are idiots with no political motivation and do not represent the AfD,” said pensioner Uwe Baumann, 63.

He had come to visit the former camp with Hungarian friends and was crossing a vast open area surrounded by barbed wire, near the camp’s former crematorium.

“The AfD is seen as the black sheep, but it has no problem relating to the Nazi past,” Baumann said.

Wagner, however, argued that “the AfD not only downplays Nazi crimes but also spreads positive references to Nazism”.

The historian pointed out that Höcke had included a song by poet Franz Langheinrich, one of the architects of Nazi cultural policy in the 1930s, in his election programme.

This year, courts have twice fined Höcke for knowingly referencing a slogan once used by a Nazi paramilitary group at rallies.

German politicians and anti-fascist groups have voiced similar concerns.

“By downplaying the Holocaust, Björn Höcke also denies the foundations of German democracy,” said Lorenz Blumenthaler of the Amadeu Antonio Foundation, an advocacy group committed to fighting the extreme right.

Germany’s culture of remembrance, he said, was not “imposed by the government” but “comes from civil society”.

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier also voiced concerns about the shifting mood, speaking on Monday which marked the 10th anniversary of the creation of a memorial dedicated to disabled victims of Nazism.

“There are political forces that today are once again contesting (Nazi crimes), relativising or minimising them,” he said.

“We are deeply ashamed of this.”

READ ALSO: TELL US – Are you anxious about the future in Germany with the rise of the far right?

Reported by Clement KASSER.