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The 20 maps that will help you understand Spain

Despite its reputation for being the land of sun, siesta and sangría, Spain is a multifaceted country with much more to it than that. These 20 maps help to shed some light on what "España" is really all about.

The 20 maps that will help you understand Spain
Medieval map of Spain at Segovia's Alcazar palace. Photo Deposit Photos

It took 781 years for Spaniards to re-conquer Spain

These four maps show the slow progression of Christian military forces from north to south after the Umayyad conquest of Hispania in 711.

The Kingdom of Asturias (which back then included Galicia and Cantabria) was never under Muslim rule.


Spaniards are a mixed genetic bunch

The following heat map reveals the amount of North African DNA found in regional populations across mainland Spain.

The lighter the colour the bigger the amount of Berber genes, which is surprising considering that Galicians- known for their Celtic roots – are the regional group with the most North African blood.

The biogene map doesn’t show the Canary Islands however, where traces of the Guanche DNA (the original inhabitants of the archipelago) have been found in more than 50 percent of the local population.

Map: BioRxViv

Their empire was only second to the British one

The Spanish empire officially lasted from 1492 to 1898.

At its peak it included large swathes of current-day USA, Mexico, much of the Caribbean, most of Central and South America, the Philippines, the Netherlands and parts of Italy.


It has 17 distinctive autonomous communities

Spain’s 17 regions all hold some degree of self-governance, as do its two autonomous cities in north Africa Ceuta and Melilla.

The most populated region is Andalucia with 8.4 million and the least is La Rioja in the north with 321,000.

Map: Deposit Photos

Spanish isn’t the only language spoken

The following map illustrates how Castilian Spanish is the only language spoken in the vast majority of Spain’s interior and south, but in the north and east of the country distinctive languages such as Galician, Basque and Catalan are also widely spoken.

In the Basque Country for example, 34 percent of the population speaks Euskera (as the language is called in Basque), a linguistic enigma which has nothing to do with Romance languages.

Photo: Wikimedia

Spain is packed full of natural and man-made wonders

A total of 17 Spanish cities have been awarded the UNESCO World Heritage prize, with a total of 45 places across the country being handed the accolade as well.

That means Spain is only behind Italy (51) and China (50) on the global UNESCO rankings.


All roads lead to Santiago

The world-famous pilgrimage to the city of Santiago de Compostela doesn’t just start within the borders of the north-western region of Galicia.

As this map illustrates, there are routes starting all the way up in northern France and down southern Spain, many of them centuries old.

Map: Editorial Buen Camino 

Spain isn’t always sunny and hot

The following three maps illustrate how Spain has more than just one climate.

There’s the dry climate of the interior (scorching summers and bitter cold winters), the Mediterranean weather of the east (hot summers and wet but mild winters), the Atlantic climate of the north (always colder and rainier than the rest of Spain) and then there’s the Canary Islands (springtime all year round).


To get an even better idea of the weather in Spain, the two maps below show average summer and winter temperatures.

Map:Spain’s National Geographical Information Institute

Spain is full of mountains

Spain is Europe’s fourth most mountainous country after Switzerland, Austria and Greece. As this map shows, a large part of its interior is taken up by a huge plateau called “la Meseta Central”, which has an average altitude of 660 metres.

Even though Spain shares the Pyrenees mountain range with France, its highest peak is all the way down in the Canary Islands: Tenerife’s Mount Teide (3,718 metres high).

Map:Spain’s National Geographical Information Institute

Plenty of food for thought

This nifty map of Spanish food by region shows just how dominant cold meats are across much of the country when it comes to staple foods. On paper, Spain is certainly not a country for vegetarians!


A veritable ‘cheesathon’

As this map of cheeses depicts, Spain has no reason to envy Mediterranean neighbours France and Italy when it comes to its repertoire of “quesos”.

Map: Mercado de La Cebada/Taste Atlas

Crash course in Spanish wine

Next time you’re at a dinner party and somebody brings along a bottle of Spanish wine that’s not Rioja, use this ‘cheat sheet’ map to impress them with your Iberian ‘vino’ knowledge, from Abariños to Verdejos.


Spain has plenty of trains but not all of them are fast

Ever since the first train tracks were laid down between Barcelona and Mataróin 1829, Spain’s railway network has expanded enormously.

Unfortunately as this map reflects, not much of the 16,026 kilometres that make up the network are high-speed yet.


The regional trains in Spain are mainly not on the plain

Spain’s commuter rail systems operate in 12 of the country’s main metropolitan areas but large swathes of Spain’s interior don’t have this useful means of transport at their disposal.

Map: Maximilian Dörrbecker/Wikimedia

Make sure you don’t speed on Spanish motorways

As this map by Spain’s traffic authority the DGT shows, there are speed cameras scattered across much of the highway network, although the spread isn’t always even.

Map: DGT

Spaniards keep flocking to the cities

Rural depopulation is a big problem in Spain, with many places that were once lively trading posts turning into ghost towns and villages.

On the following map, the areas in green show Spanish municipalities that have fewer inhabitants than in 2001 (the darker the green the more severe the depopulation has been).

Map: Territorial Administrations Ministry of Spain 

Corruption is a coastal thing

This insightful map put together by citizen support group #Nolesvotes (#Don’tvoteforthem) illustrates where cases of political corruption have emerged in Spain.

The capital isn’t spared but the most eye-opening finding is the sheer number of corruption cases involving Spain’s two main parties PP and PSOE that have emerged along the country’ eastern and southern coast in Valencia, Murcia and Andalucia.

Map: Google Maps/#Nolesvotes

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The ‘strange’ things Spanish parents do raising their children

Spain is a fantastic country to bring up kids thanks to the weather, the safety and Spaniards' overall love of children, but that doesn't mean there aren't aspects of Spanish child-rearing that surprise foreigners.

The 'strange' things Spanish parents do raising their children

One of the most obvious cultural clashes experienced when you move to a new country is just how differently parents go about bringing up their children.

We become so used to the traditions we ourselves were brought up in that other people’s parenting techniques can appear exotic, baffling and sometimes just downright bizarre.

So despite the fact that Spain is a very family-oriented country where babies and children are adored by relatives and even strangers, there are still culture shocks relating to Spanish parenting that foreigners who move here don’t quite understand.

READ ALSO: Young Spaniards most emotionally attached to parents in EU

Spanish baby girls all have their ears pierced

When I was a girl I had the tortuous wait until I reached the grand old age of twelve before my parents allowed me to pierce my ears. In Spain baby girls are adorned with ear studs before they even leave the hospital.

Those parents who choose not to violate the velvety soft lobes of their new-born daughters will be forever having to correct people on the true gender of their baby. Dressing head to toe pink just won’t be enough.

READ MORE: Why do Spanish parents pierce their babies’ ears?

There is no set bedtime for a lot of Spanish children

While northern European parents may be preoccupied with establishing a routine of bath, book and bed by 7pm so that they can enjoy some adult time or even call in a babysitter and enjoy a rare night now, such habits are not prevalent in Spanish society.

Children stay awake late into the night, joining their parents in restaurants long past 10pm and tearing round terrazas with other youngsters on warm summer nights while their parents enjoy a drink or dinner with their friends. It is not unusual to find young children curled up in a chair fast asleep in a noisy bar or restaurant.

READ ALSO: Why I’ll never adopt Spanish bedtimes for my children 

Spanish kids often don’t get enough sleep. Photo: Vidal Balielo Jr./Pexels

Many Spanish children know how to swear like a trooper

Don’t be shocked to hear a Spanish child reel off a string of expletives or casually intersperse dialogue with “joder, mamá!”

While the equivalent might have earned an English child the threat of “washing your mouth out with soap and water” in Spain it is just a reflection of how prevalent swearing is in everyday language and is not a sign of being badly brought up. And the upside is adults don’t have to modify the way the speak in front of the kids.

READ ALSO: Oysters, not hostias! How to ‘swear’ politely in Spanish

Spanish children can get away with some swearing, but their parents may allow some cussing without a telling off. Photo: Mohamed Abdelghaffar/Pexels

Children actually wear ‘Sunday best’ and not just on Sundays

The Spanish take ‘Sunday Best’ to a whole new level, decking their children out for lunch in a restaurant or a walk in the park in corduroy knickerbockers, sailor suits and pinafores in outfits that wouldn’t have looked out of place in Edwardian times. Siblings are often decked out in matching ensembles.

The tendency to overdress means that in winter, children will be wrapped up as if for a day on the ski-slopes even if it is 10C outside and even in the height of summer it’s a rare sight to see a Spanish child running around barefoot in the sand or on the grass.

It doesn’t have to be a special occasion for some parents to dress their children in posh and pricy clothing. Photo: Cristina Quicler/AFP

Spanish children are allowed to play with fireworks

It seems to me that one of the greatest thrills of being a kid in Spain is setting off firecrackers in a town square to make unsuspecting guiris like me jump out of my skin. While in the UK, the dangerous job of setting up the fireworks for the annual Guy Fawkes night firework display fell to a man in protective clothing located far away behind a fence.

In Spain the laissez faire attitude to pyrotechnics means it’s not unusual to see a rocket whizzing through the crowds at a summer festival.

It’s not uncommon to see children let off firecrackers and play with pyrotechnics despite the dangers. (Photo by Guillermo Arias / AFP)

Long summer holidays and extended stays with the grandparents

With the school summer holidays stretching well beyond two months and the predominant situation of two working parents, Spanish children are frequently farmed off to the ‘pueblo’ to be looked after by the grandparents for at least a fortnight over the summer. Many spend several weeks at a summer camp at the start of the holidays before heading out of the cities and if they are lucky, to the seaside, to be spoilt by their grandparents. With great summer weather and free childcare and a chance for the older generation to spend quality time with the youngest it’s a win-win situation for the whole family.

READ ALSO: Why Spain’s ‘super-grandparents’ want to be paid to babysit

Many Spanish grandparents are ‘expected’ to take care of their grandkids on a regular basis. (Photo by DESIREE MARTIN / AFP)

Babies wear perfume

For some baffling reason Spain is obsessed with baby perfume. An American friend living in Madrid who had a baby shower ahead of the birth of her first baby was quite startled to receive not one, not two, but three different brands of bottled baby perfume with which to douse her new-born.  

Because what mother wouldn’t want to disguise that sweet freshly bathed new-born baby smell, right? 

Nenuco is the number one baby cologne brand in Spain; it’s been a tradition to use it on babies for years. Photo: Nenuco

This article was originally written by Fiona Govan in 2019.