Six essential articles to help you navigate life in Sweden

Here we've gathered together some of The Local's most popular and useful articles, which we think will help explain aspects of day-to-day life in Sweden.

Six essential articles to help you navigate life in Sweden
We hope you enjoy this collection of articles. Photo: Lieselotte van der Meijs/

We've put together a little extra reading featuring popular articles focused on living in Sweden.


Whether you've moved to Sweden to study or are about to get kicked out of your third short sublet in a year, The Local's ultimate guide to tackling one of the trickiest rental markets in Europe will help you out.

How to navigate Sweden's crazy rental market

Raising a family in Sweden

Raising a child in more than one language also raises a lot of questions, from which languages to use when, to what to do if the child refuses to respond. Luckily, Sweden is a great place for bringing up bilingual children. The Local spoke to experts to get advice on exactly how to do it.

How to raise bilingual children in Sweden and the pitfalls to avoid

Careers in Sweden

Personal networks account for a lot of career opportunities in Sweden, which makes the job-hunt a daunting task for foreigners. But with the right CV and cover letter, you can impress hiring managers and secure your dream job in Sweden – here's how.

How to write the perfect Swedish CV and cover letter

Sweden is known for its work-life balance, but there are also hurdles to overcome. Photo:  Lieselotte van der Meijs/

What do your fellow readers say about Sweden?

Sweden has been relying on foreign workers to plug its skills shortage for years, and the country is known both for an enviable work-life balance and for bureaucracy that can complicate work permit applications. The Local asked our readers about their experiences as international workers in Sweden: the good, the bad, and what the country can do to improve.

What working in Sweden is REALLY like?

Learning Swedish

Work these words into your conversations in Swedish and you'll sound fluent in no time.

Faking fluency: Ten Swedish words that will help you sound like a local

Sweden Explained

People in Sweden are more likely to live alone than in any other country, with four out of ten households home to just one person. But what does this actually tell us about the Swedes? Perhaps not the things you'd expect.

Why do so many Swedes live alone?

Our mission at The Local Sweden is to bring you the relevant news but also to give you all the information and advice you need to navigate daily life here.

If you have queries or problems regarding any aspect of life in Sweden, please feel to get in touch with our team at the email address below.

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