German Advent word of the day: Der Weihnachtsbaum

Everyone loves their Christmas tree. Find out how Germans celebrate this tradition.

German Advent word of the day: Der Weihnachtsbaum
Photo: DPA

What does it mean?

“Der Weihnachtsbaum” is the German word for Christmas tree.

But it is equally often referred to as “Der Tannenbaum” which simply means fir tree but in December always refers to the Christmas tree.

Sometimes it is also called “Der Christbaum” (Christ tree) in regions such as Lichtenstein.

A young boy unpacking presents under the Christmas tree in Bavaria, Photo: DPA

What is the history behind it?

Christmas trees date back to the ancient Romans, and this use has been practiced worldwide, because people believe evergreen trees symbolize life, fertility and health.

Due to this belief, fir trees were often placed in homes during the winter time in order to strengthen one’s health.

This custom is commonly attributed to the Germanic Pagan culture.

In northerly regions people would often place fir branches in front of their homes to prevent evil spirits from entering them, and preserve hope for the early arrival of spring.

Here and there, certain people would decorate their trees, such as people from the Guild chronicle of the municipal handicraft in Bremen (1597), and for example the Duchess Dorothea Sibylle of Silesia (1611).

Later in the 18th century, it was common for wealthy people to purchase a tree, as only they could afford one.

And only since the 19th century did this usage become popular among all citizens.

People began to desire decorating a tree for their Christmas.

Nowadays, most people cannot imagine the holidays without a Christmas tree.

What role does “der Weihnachtsbaum” play in Germany?

In Germany the Christmas tree is the symbol of Christmas due to its almost angelic decorations and lovely smell called “Tannenduft” (fir scent).

This year around 25 million trees will be put up for Christmas ( this means around ninety percent of Germany is accustomed to the Christmas tree tradition).

A typical German Christmas tree has four components:

The first is the star (to Bethlehem) which is placed on the top of the tree.

Secondly, “die Christbaumkugeln” (baubles), or simply “Kugeln” (balls/spheres), are hung from top to bottom and all around the tree. Usually, they are shiny, and sometimes matte.

The colours vary depending on the decorator. Red, gold and silver still remain the classic colors but often you will find purple, green and blue ones as well.

The next component is “die Christbaumkerzen” (Christmas tree lights/candles).

Many families decorate their trees with actual candles, but many also use “Lichterketten” (light chains).

The last component is the “Lametta” (tinsel), which covers the tree from top to bottom. It comes in many colors such as red and gold, but the classic color is silver.

But of course, every family has their own traditions. Some not only hang “Christbaumkugel” but also other ornaments such as Santa Claus figurines or glass doves.

In Germany, like many other places, the presents are set under the tree and the “Bescherung”, when everyone exchanges gifts, takes place there.

Most families only put up their tree and decorate it shortly before Christmas Day.

And usually, the trees get tossed out (on the streets) approximately two weeks after the 24th, so that it will still be standing on Silvester.


“Du hast mal wieder den Weihnachtsbaum wunderschön geschmückt.”

Once again you decorated the Christmas tree beautifully.

“Hast du nicht Angst, dass der Baum mal Feuer fängt wegen den Kerzen?” “Nö. Das ist uns wirklich zum Glück noch nie passiert.”

Aren’t you worried that the tree will catch fire due to the candles? Nope. Luckily, that has never happened to us before.


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German word of the day: Toi, toi, toi

If a friend or family member is doing something brave like performing on stage you will need this German expression.

German word of the day: Toi, toi, toi

Why do I need to know toi, toi, toi?

Because this expression is fun to say and it’s perfect for showing how much you support someone. 

What does it mean?

Toi, toi, toi! , which sounds like this, is a colloquial expression used by Germans to wish someone good luck. Similar to the English phrase “break a leg”, toi, toi toi is often used in the context of stage performances. It can sometimes be used to mean “touch wood” or “knock on wood”. 

However, nowadays you can also use it in another scenarios such as when your friend is about to do a test or a job interview – so basically whenever you want to encourage someone to perform well. You can also of course wish someone good luck or viel Glück (but don’t say to this to performers – more on that below).

The background to toi, toi, toi is an interesting one because it stems from superstition. 

Traditionally, many cultures believed spitting three times warded off evil and bad influences. 

But as this can be quite rude, people began making the spitting noise instead, which sounds a bit like repeating the letter: t, which in turn has turned into toi, toi, toi in German. So it is an onomatopoeic expression which essentially means: no bad luck. 

This was especially important during performances such as at the opera or theatre. Since it was taboo in superstition to wish each other luck directly, the way to do it was to hug each other, spit over the other person’s shoulder and say “toi, toi, toi”.

Meanwhile, some linguists interpret toi toi toi as “teu, teu, teu” which would be a nod to the devil – Teufel in German. By saying this, it’s argued that the devil will feel appreciated and nothing will stand in the way of a person’s desired happiness.

And by the way, after someone has wished you toi, toi, toi in the theatre context, you’re not to meant to say anything. Instead, keep silent and go ahead and smash your performance. 

We’ve no idea if actors in Germany do the spitting today or if they stick to just saying: toi, toi, toi!

Use it like this:

Ich mache morgen meinen Einbürgerungstest.

I’m doing my citizenship test tomorrow.

Na, dann toi, toi, toi!

Well then, good luck!

Bisher hat alles gut geklappt – toi, toi, toi.

So far it has all worked out well – touch wood!