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Living in Switzerland: An expert’s guide on how to behave and what to expect

Switzerland is rich in customs and traditions. The Swiss pride themselves on being "punctual, reliable, diligent and modest" - as stated on Swiss National Day by president Ueli Maurer.

Navigating Swiss life can seem confusing.
Navigating Swiss life can seem confusing. File Photo: Seventyfour/

Swiss core values dictate the daily life and behaviour of Swiss locals. For foreigners living in Switzerland, this can make dealings with the locals challenging to navigate. Many newcomers to Switzerland often report feelings confused about why they’re shot looks of disapproval for being late or for being addressed bluntly about a problem.

Peter Nielsen, an experienced cross-cultural trainer, specializes in intercultural communication. He believes misunderstandings happen when foreigners are not aware of local customs and culturally acceptable behaviour.

READ ALSO: Ten things foreigners do that make Swiss people feel really uncomfortable

Based in Basel since 2002, Peter has been working to help foreigners settle into Swiss life. He shares his best tips for understanding Swiss local customs, some of which foreigners might find surprising.

Below is Peter’s practical advice on how to adjust to everyday life in Switzerland:

1. The Swiss are solution orientated, don’t take it personally

In Switzerland, people have little patience with long and complicated explanations. The Swiss generally like to keep information short and to the point. If they need more context, they will ask.

When addressing you with a problem, a local Swiss person who knows you will not lead into the topic slowly, but speak rather bluntly and expect you to do the same. The matter is perceived as an ‘issue,’ one to be fixed, so keep it solution-oriented and don’t take it personally. Once resolved, the Swiss move on and leave the past in the past.

Photo: Londondeposit/

However, if a Swiss person does not know you well, they will not be so direct. For example, a neighbour will not directly tell you what you are doing wrong. If there are issues regarding garbage disposal, noise and parking a Swiss person may call the police or appropriate authorities. They may even contact a landlord, or slip a note under your door. If your behaviour changes, or the problem is solved, then all is left in the past.

2. When receiving instructions, expect information overload   

When receiving insight and instruction, say from a landlord to tenant, then the information will be extremely detailed and explicit. Expect comprehensive written or oral information on most things, from how the washing machine works through to what you are allowed to do in the garden.

3. The Swiss will address issues directly and not sugar-coat anything

If we look at feedback, Anglo Saxon cultures will appreciate the sandwich method of feedback ( i.e. a pleasant statement, constructive criticism, followed by another pleasing statement). In Switzerland, this will often confuse the receiver. A correctional and only useful criticism approach will work better.

A scenario:

A parent and child are taking part in an activity together, and a local Swiss person sees a danger with/risk to the child. The Swiss will often immediately interfere. A Swiss person might approach the parent and state what is going on is not safe, or will move the child out of harm’s way.

For a Swiss person, this is meant to be a helping hand, a way of explaining that this particular situation is unsafe. It is NOT intended to be understood by the parent that he/she does not take care of a child well enough. It is NOT about the people involved; it is about the situation. The Swiss believe they have a responsibility towards one another when in the public sphere. Not addressing danger would be seen as neglecting or not adhering to a Swiss core value. 

4. Children are expected to be autonomous from an early age

Children are expected to take responsibility early on. A child in kindergarten will be expected to walk to and from kindergarten on their own after 2-3 weeks. In school one is expected to treat the others with respect and understanding, help one another, while having an academic focus at the same time.

READ ALSO: Parenting- should you raise independent children the ‘Swiss way’?

5. Greeting people in Switzerland

Photo: koldunova_anna/

When communicating with the Swiss, remember to use courtesy phrases. But the Swiss will have and use more than you – at least in their language which contradicts the “get to the point” Swiss way.

When initially meeting a Swiss person, you must shake hands (or kiss twice on the cheek if you know them socially). Then, say: “good to meet you.”

6. The Swiss goodbye

When the Swiss say goodbye, a mere farewell will not do. Translated into English it will be something like:

Swiss person: “Goodbye” – followed by your response
Swiss person: “Thank you” – followed by your response
Swiss person: “Have a good week” – followed by your response
Swiss person: “See you next Monday” – followed by your response
Swiss person: “Thank you (again)” and “Goodbye” (again)

A general rule is if the first goodbye was in German, the second might be in French (adieu – pronounced “Ade” or in Italian “ciao”) – followed by your response.

READ ALSO: Readers reveal: How Switzerland could improve its public transport system 

7. Eye-contact is good but the Swiss value personal space

Eye contact is essential when dealing with Swiss people; it relays trust. Gestures are not excessive. A wave with the hand, a nod of the head, a raised eyebrow is all that is needed. No, or little touching – never touch colleagues or anyone in a business setting. Silence is okay, used, and appreciated. Personal space is generally an arm’s length in a 90-degree angle from your nose.

Photo: VitalikRadko/

8. No need to queue in everyday situations

There is also no queuing culture; it is every man or woman for themselves. There is an exception to this rule when getting on/off the lift. Men generally will let women in first, and then enter. When exiting, there will be a bit of shuffling to get everyone moved around so that the ladies can get out first.

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Swiss National Day: What’s open and closed in Switzerland on August 1st?

Switzerland’s National Day on Thursday August 1st is a public holiday, which means most shops and other businesses will be closed.

Swiss National Day: What's open and closed in Switzerland on August 1st?

August 1st has been an official holiday in Switzerland since 1994, after majority of Swiss voters approved this a referendum the previous year.

This means that for the past 30 years, all businesses in the country have shut down for the day, with only a handful remaining open.

Think of a public holiday as another Sunday: everything that is closed / open on a typical Sunday in Switzerland, is also closed / open on August 1st (except that there are far more outdoor activities taking place on National Day).

Supermarkets and other retailers

These stores will be closed.

The only exceptions are ‘convenience’ shops at petrol stations (including Coop Pronto and Migrolino), as well as most of the ones located at airports and major train stations.


Again, the ones that are typically open on Sundays, may stay open on August 1st as well, though some may choose to close.

However, you will likely find at least some restaurants, bars, and coffee shops open, at least in major cities.

Medical / dental services

Your doctor’s office will be closed, with a recording (or a note on the door) indicating what you should do in case of emergency (read more about this below).

However, some doctors will be on duty for cases that are not deemed vital emergencies — that is, serious, life-threatening conditions that require urgent care in an emergency room — but still require medical attentions.

And yes, hospitals and emergency rooms will remain open, as they function 24/7.

What should you do if you have a health problem on August 1st?

If it is serious or severe — heart attack, difficulty breathing, heavy bleeding, or serious injuries, for instance — you should have someone drive you to the ER, or call an ambulance (144) if you are stranded.

Remember though, that, as on any other day of the year, you should only resort to an ambulance service if your condition really warrants it:

READ ALSO: What are Switzerland’s guidelines for health emergencies? 

If you need to see the duty doctor or a dentist, call your canton’s medical referral service to find out who the duty physician is. This service will also tell you (if you are not sure) whether you should be consulting a ‘regular’ doctor or go straight to the emergency room

Their numbers vary by cantons; it is 0800 33 66 55 in Zurich, 022 748 49 50 in Geneva, 061 261 15 15 in Basel, and 0848 133 133 in Vaud.


Just like with doctors, only ‘duty’ pharmacies remain open on August 1st.

To find out which one is open in your community (or nearby), you should call the same number as for the duty doctor.

Public transport

All types of public transport — trains, buses, trams, and ferries — run on a Sunday / public holiday schedule.

So check out the timetable online or on your SBB app to see when that is.

Emergency services

Just as hospitals, all rescue / emergency services work 24/7.

These are the numbers to call:

Ambulance 144

Police 117

Fire squad 118

SBB transport police 0800 117 117

Poison centre 145

Is Friday August 2nd a holiday too?

No, it is a ‘regular’ weekday, with all the businesses open as usual.

However, some people are taking this day off, so that they can have a four-day weekend.