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Ten Spanish slang phrases you never learn at school

There is so much more to learning Spanish than simply mastering the grammar and pronunciation. To really sound like a local you have to pepper your everyday speak with bizarre, hilarious and often down right insulting turns of phrase. Here's 10 of the best.

Ten Spanish slang phrases you never learn at school
Photo: nito103/Depositphotos

Me cago en la leche

Photo: stetsik/Depositphotos

Translation: I crap in the milk

Spaniards metaphorically crap on all kinds of things when they want to express anger or frustration; from God Almighty (Dios), to 'your' mother (tu madre) and the salty sea (la mar salada). Perhaps the most bizarre thing they choose to mentally defecate on is 'the milk'. All these expressions sound very vulgar in English but in Spanish they're so common most recipients would barely bat an eyelid.

READ MORE: Five ways that 'leche' means more than just 'milk' in Spain

Manda huevos!

Photo: wavebreakmedia/Depositphotos

Translation: Send eggs

Unless you’re actually in the business of delivering groceries then this is bound to sound a little peculiar. But 'Manda huevos!', which means something like 'Give me a break!', is the perfect expression for when you're fed up or frustrated by something. 

Llevar los huevos de corbata

Photo: ikostudio/Depositphotos

Translation: Wear ones balls as a tie

Another use of huevos but this time not talking about the shell variety but rather male genitalia. To wear your balls as a tie translates as being tense or nervous. In fact, Spaniards will often hold their throat and say 'this is where I have my balls'- con los huevos aquí– when they want to express nervousness or fear.

Que te la pique un pollo

Translation: “I hope a chicken pecks at your dick”

Pretty self explanatory this one. Best reserved for someone who has really wronged you. 

Vete a freir espárragos

Photo: sukr13/Depositphotos

Translation: Go and fry asparagus

This is a polite way of telling someone to fuck off in Spanish. 'Vete a freir espárragos' is a step down from ¡vete por ahí! (get lost) and three down from ¡que te folle un pez! ('May a fish make love to you').

Mojar el churro

Photo: joannawnuk/Depositphotos

Translation: to wet the churro

Yes, churros: those long, thick doughnut sticks we all love to dunk in chocolate and put in our mouths. Like most stick-shaped food, churros are euphemistically used to described a man's privates. 'Mojar el churro' means to have sex.

De puta madre

Translation: Of the whore's mother.

Best translated in English as It’s the shi*/ the best thing ever!

There are somethings so great that you can only describe them as de puta madre.  “I can’t believe how good that tastes! De puta madre!”

Matar el gusanillo

Translation: To kill the worm

Photo: sdenness/Depositphotos

To kill the worm is to take the edge off your hunger. “A ver si con esta tapa matas el gusanillo.” – Let's see if you take the edge off your hunger with this tapa.

Pollas en vinagre


Translation:“Dicks in vinegar”

Use this phrase to call out those who are telling porkies.  It's the Spanish equivalent of saying “bullshit.” 

No seas tan pendejo 

Translation: Don’t be such a pube

Use this when telling someone not to be such an asshole.

READ MORE: Getting explicit: Your guide to how to swear like a Spaniard 

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Spanish Expression of the Day: En el quinto pino

What on earth do Spaniards mean when they say they're 'in the fifth pine tree'?

Spanish Expression of the Day: En el quinto pino

Spanish is a language full of rich and historical idioms. Often they can seem (to non-native speakers at least) completely random or unrelated to the point or conversation at hand, but learning a few is a good way to deepen your understanding and even show off to some Spaniards.

Showing that you’ve taken the time to learn a few colloquial phrases, of which The Local has explained loads and you can find them all here, will really endear you to locals and also help your comprehension skills. As is often the case in language learning, once you’ve learned a new word or phrase you’ll suddenly start hearing it everywhere you go.

On this occasion we’re looking at the expression en el quinto pino.

First, some translations. Literally speaking ‘en el quinto pino‘ means in/at the fifth pine or pine tree, but it’s actually colloquial phrase Spaniards use to mean that something is ‘far away’ or ‘miles away’. 

It could also be translated as ‘in the middle of nowhere’ or ‘out in the sticks’ and is generally used to mean somewhere physically far away from where you are and difficult to get to.

The Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) defines quinto pino as ‘a very distant place’ or a place ‘very far away’.

There are other colloquial ways of saying this, including en el quinto coño (in the fifth c*nt, it sounds terrible but the Spanish C-word isn’t as bad as in English) and a tomar por culo (to be taken up the bum), but these as you can imagine are pretty rude, even though they are used a lot. We obviously recommend that you either say muy lejos (very far) or en el quinto pino.

So, what’s the history and etymology behind the expression en el quinto pino? Is it something to do with being lost in the woods, or having to travel through a forest to get somewhere far away?

Not quite. The origin comes from Madrid during the reign of Felipe V in the 18th century. He decided to plant five large pine trees in the city, the last of which was located on the outskirts of the capital.

This point soon became known as a meeting place for lovers, and this is how the expression ‘irse al quinto pino’ first became popular, referring to the specific location in Madrid.

With time it slowly changed in usage and eventually ended up meaning ‘far away’ in a more general way that could be in Spain or beyond.

Pedro, no podemos volver andando esta noche. La casa está en el quinto pino.
Pedro, we can’t walk back tonight. The house is in the middle of nowhere.

Tengo que ir a una reunión esta tarde y está en el quinto pino.

I’ve got to go to a meeting this afternoon and it’s miles away.