How an Italian man’s lack of zoo animal knowledge cost him Swiss citizenship

An Italian man was denied Swiss citizenship because he failed the bear necessities - answering questions about local zoo animals. However a federal court in Switzerland has ruled that decision was unfair in a judgement which will impact future applicants.

How an Italian man's lack of zoo animal knowledge cost him Swiss citizenship
Oh and one more thing, we've got a question for you about bears. Photo: JEAN-FRANCOIS MONIER / AFP
The man, who lived in Switzerland for more than 30 years and ran an ice cream business, had applied for Swiss citizenship along with his wife and two children. 

Initially all applications apart from that of his youngest child were refused in 2015 by the Naturalisation Commission in Arth, in the canton of Schwyz.

Then after an appeal in 2018 an administrative court in Schwyz approved the applications of his eldest son and his wife, but again denied the man's application.

He was judged to be not socially and culturally integrated enough to be granted citizenship, pointing out his failure to answer a question about bears and wolves at the local zoo, among other things. 

The man had also been criticised by a member of the Commission for not knowing that bears and wolves shared an enclosure at the local zoo. 

His application also showed “minor deficiencies” in understanding local geography, it emerged. 

As reported by Swiss news site Watson on Wednesday, he also failed to remember the name of the newly built retirement home in the region, while he also got a word wrong in the Swiss national anthem. Instead of singing 'Alphorn', the man said 'Schwyzerhorn'. 

But after appealing once again a federal court announced on Monday that it had ruled against the Commission's decision and ordered it to grant the right of citizenship to the Italian man.

All applications must show a ‘balance’

The court held that it was incorrect for the Commission to deny the man’s application on the basis of these small failings, saying that the goal of the process was to consider a variety of criteria and balance them fairly.

Therefore, where an applicant may fail some areas of the test, their strong performance in other areas should also be considered.

The court said the decision to deny the application had been arbitrary – and that his failure in some areas had been more than compensated by his results in the rest of the exam. 

The man had passed the test of social and civic knowledge, while his economic integration was also not in question. The applicant operated an ice cream business successfully for decades. 

In other words the court rejected the idea that his lack of knowledge of local geography and the animals in the zoo meant ha hadn't culturally integrated sufficiently.

The court also held that a failure to properly pay property tax – which was also noted by the Commission – was a simple error and therefore did not void his application. 

Securing citizenship in Switzerland requires foreigners wait a minimum of ten years before completing a naturalisation process which includes passing an exam.

Applicants for Swiss citizenship must not only show familiarity with Swiss culture but will also be asked several questions relating to the area in which they are applying. 

READ: Would you pass Switzerland's citizenship exam? 

Born and raised in Switzerland – but still not Swiss enough 

Unlike countries such as the United States, being born in Switzerland will not necessarily be enough to grant you citizenship.

As reported previously by The Local, the story of a young woman – born and raised in Switzerland – failing to satisfy the citizenship test made headlines worldwide.

The woman – born to parents from Turkey, who worked locally in a technical profession, speaks fluent Swiss German and is engaged to a Swiss – was denied citizenship.

READ MORE: ‘I pay taxes but have no say in Swiss life': Your views on whether Switzerland should allow all foreigners to vote 

Despite passing the written exam, after an interview with local councillors – an important step in the naturalization process in Switzerland, where the cantons and communes have more say than the federal government – Yilmaz was rejected in her canton of Aargau, because she wasn't “sufficiently integrated,”.

Apparently, Yilmaz had not given satisfactory answers to a set of over 70 questions that the panel asked her, covering everything from her personal life to her job and her knowledge of Swiss mountains.

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There have been a number of similar cases over the years which have included odd outcomes or bizarre questions. 

Member comments

  1. The naturalization process is very strict compared with Australia. There are two types of people in the world. The good and the bad. I think that a country should try to select the good people. I mean more energy should be put in that direction.

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The most useful website resources to help you get Swiss citizenship

If you are ready to become a citizen of Switzerland, or just have questions about the process and requirements, these websites will provide valuable information.

The most useful website resources to help you get Swiss citizenship

Even if you have been a resident of Switzerland for a long time, you may still not know every little detail about what is involved in the naturalisation process.

True, there are plenty of websites on this subject, but be very careful about believing everything you read on this topic online.

Not only do some websites spread information that is dated and no longer current, but — worse yet —they also promise to get you Swiss citizenship if you only part with your money.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that each and every site is out to scam you, though some undoubtedly are.

If someone guarantees that you will get your Swiss passport if you contract with them, that should sound alarm bells in your head. It goes without saying that this is not legitimate — not only in Switzerland but likely in most other countries as well.

So if someone makes this promise to you, run the other way, and don’t look back.

On the other hand, there are those that offer services of attorneys to get the naturalisation process going for you.

Generally speaking, they could be totally legit, but unless you are too busy to handle the process yourself or have other compelling reasons why you can’t, you don’t need an intermediary to apply for citizenship.

READ ALSO: Do you need a lawyer to help get a Swiss work permit or citizenship? 

Websites you can trust

The Local Switzerland as gathered a horde of essential information on becoming Swiss that will cover everything from the costs, the tests involved, the reasons you might get rejected and also the different paths you can take to becoming Swiss. All the information is available at our special web page on Swiss citizenship. We also feature the experiences of those who have become Swiss and their essential advice.

There are also official government resources that can help with the basics.

State Secretariat for Migration (SEM)

Without a doubt, this is the most comprehensive ‘go-to’ source for anyone wishing not only to apply for citizenship, but also for foreigners who want to obtain a Swiss work /residency permit, a visa, or learn about entry requirements for various nationalities. 

All the conditions for naturalisation, including the length of residency, language requirements, and integration criteria, are listed on this website.

This particular website is operated jointly by federal and cantonal authorities, so information provided therein is also credible and accurate.

Unlike SEM, which offers extensive and detailed information on every aspect of naturalisation, this site provides the abridged, but nevertheless pretty complete, version on naturalisation requirements and steps to be taken.

Swiss Embassy in your country

Switzerland’s representations abroad are also good sources of information on this subject — especially if they are provide details relating to obtaining Swiss citizenship pertaining specifically to your nationality.

You can find Switzerland’s Embassy in your country of residence on the website of the Foreign Affairs Ministry

Individual cantons

While federal naturalisation criteria are the same throughout the country, each canton has the right to implement its own eligibility requirements — as long as they are not contrary to, or less strict than, national rules.

A number of cantons have done so, either by imposing longer residency or stricter language requirements, as explained here:

If you want to check out what your canton’s naturalisation rules are, you can do so directly on their iindividual websites.