‘A tough blow’: How Sweden is losing its best friend in the EU

Swedish politicians, journalists and decision-makers hailed a "historic day" as the UK left the EU on January 31st. There were calls for continued close collaboration, as well as warnings that the difficult part was only just beginning.

'A tough blow': How Sweden is losing its best friend in the EU
Flags are waved and buildings lit up in Union Jack colours in Brussels after the EU parliament voted through the Brexit deal. Photo: AP Photo/Francisco Seco

“The countdown is over,” declared the headline of Swedish daily Dagens Nyheter, while Svenska Dagbladet hailed a “historic day”.

In an editorial in liberal Dagens Nyheter, the newspaper called for “the strongest possible links” between the UK and EU, and described Brexit as a “tough blow” for both sides.

“Negotiations between the EU and the UK on the future relationship will be difficult and require tough compromises – on both sides,” the editorial concluded.

“But the stronger the resulting bond, the greater the chance that Brexit will remain a 'unique example of de-globalization' – a temporary setback, rather than an unfortunate turning point.”

An editorial in Aftonbladet, which takes an independent but centre-left stance, voiced similar views.

“Last year, over 4,000 British citizens became Swedish citizens, many so-called 'Brexit refugees',” it noted.

“And despite all the harsh words, all the mistakes, all the populism and distortion of facts that led to Brexit, the way forward must be about collaboration.”

British Ambassador to Sweden Judith Gough shared a photo from a breakfast with Swedish MPs, which she said demonstrated the “enduring friendship” between the two countries.

Indeed, Sweden and the UK have traditionally enjoyed an extremely close relationship before and within the EU, with the two countries overwhelmingly voting the same way in EU votes.

As well as political ties, the countries are culturally close; many Swedes live or have spent time in the UK, and the high level of English language skills is one reason that the country is home to many anglophiles.

Meanwhile, the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise warned that the risks associated with a hard Brexit had not gone away, as the UK left the bloc with a Withdrawal Agreement in place, but no agreements regarding the future of the UK-EU relationship.

“It's now that the negotiations really begin, negotiations that could get truly complicated,” said Anna Stellinger, head of international and EU issues at the organization, speaking to the TT newswire.

“Putting together a new trade deal usually takes many years. And in practice the negotiators have no more than six months if the EU member countries' and British parliaments are going to have time to vote on the deal before the Brits leave the one-year transition period at the end of the year,” she said.

She said a hard Brexit was the “greatest risk”, but that it was most likely the EU and UK would extend the negotiation period. 

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Commission official: ‘Up to Sweden how strict it is on Brexit applications’

An official from the European Commission has defended its decision not to take action on Sweden's strict treatment of late applications for post-Brexit residency, arguing that it is up to member states how to apply the Withdrawal Agreement.

Commission official: 'Up to Sweden how strict it is on Brexit applications'

In an email sent to The Local, the official confirmed the latest data, published at the end of last year, which showed that 22 percent of residence applications from UK nationals under the Withdrawal Agreement had not been successful in Sweden. The official said this was similar to the rejection rate for Swedish citizens’ applications in the UK. 

“Through its regular monitoring in Annual reports under Article 159(2) of the Withdrawal Agreement, the European Commission is aware of the fact that Sweden has a high rate of refusal of residence applications under Article 18(1) of the Withdrawal Agreement,” the official said. 

But they said that this in itself did not indicate that Sweden was failing to apply the UK Withdrawal Agreement correctly. 

“As long as there is no indication that a Member State in question is incorrectly applying the Withdrawal Agreement rules, it is not for the Commission to tell Member States how strict or lenient they should be when processing late applications,” the Commission official said.

READ ALSO: Brits in Sweden still in limbo years after Brexit deadline

Two EU lawyers The Local spoke to earlier this summer said that they believed that the Swedish Migration Agency had not been correctly applying the proportionality test to late applications, and had been too narrow in its interpretation of what constitutes “reasonable grounds” for a late application.

They also said that they believed the Migration Agency had been overly strict on what level of employment or savings UK citizens were required to have to qualify as resident in Sweden under EU law, and to therefore be qualified for post-Brexit residency.

SEE MORE: Why did Sweden reject Brits for post-Brexit residency

But the Commission official said that when it came to the late applications at least, Sweden was entitled to take the position it had done. 

“If the host State authorities reach the conclusion that a late applicant did not have reasonable grounds for missing the application deadline, they do not have to deal with the application on substance,” the official said.

“This means that someone who would have qualified for the residence rights under the Withdrawal Agreement might not be granted those rights if they missed the application deadline and did not have a valid reason for doing so.” 

READ ALSO: Is Sweden getting EU law wrong on Brexit cases? 

An unusual high rejection rate, the official continued, did not mean that Sweden was breaking the terms of the EU Withdrawal agreement. 

“The fact that there are negative decisions being taken by Member States under Article 18 of the Withdrawal Agreement (WA) does not, in itself, indicate that those Member States apply the Withdrawal Agreement incorrectly,” they said.

The Migration Agency had carried out a review of refusals, they said, checking a selection for “legal quality”, something The Local has previously reported on.

The Commission had received the Migration Agency’s review, they said, but had yet to complete its analysis of the findings.