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Italian expression of the day: ‘Secondo me’

We're sure you'll have an opinion on today's Italian phrase.

Italian expression of the day: 'Secondo me'
Photo: Annie Spratt/Unsplash/Nicolas Raymond

I don’t know about you, but I find Italians generally have no qualms about letting rip with their opinions, whether asked-for or not. And there’s no sugar coating.

Having an opinion is paramount to conversation here. Italian friends and family insist I must have one, on every topic; whether or not there’s much conviction behind it seems less important. You just need to take a stance.

In fact, a tendency to dodge controversial topics at dinner or attempt fence-sitting out of politeness can, as Italian friends warn me, come across as false or aloof.

So perhaps it’s no surprise that today’s phrase is one I picked up very quickly after moving to Italy.

When introducing your latest opinion, you’d say secondo me, which literally means “according to me” and is used much like “I think…” or “It seems to me…”

– Secondo me, pioverà stasera
– I think it will rain tonight.

– Secondo me, il prezzo è troppo alto
– In my opinion, the price is too high

– Secondo me è una persona rispettabile

– He seems like a good person to me.

Hear the pronunciation here.

You also use secondo to ask other people for their opinions simply by changing the pronoun.

– Secondo te, questa maglietta è brutta?

– Do you think this shirt is ugly?

– Dove cade l’accento secondo te?

– Where do you think the accent falls?

If you’re sharing information from someone or somewhere else, you can use secondo like this:

– Secondo le previsioni, pioverà stasera.

– According to the forecast, it will rain tonight.

As you can see, when you’re asking a question like this you have to structure your sentence very differently than you would in English.

Once you get used to this, watch out – it’s a construction that might have a strange effect on your English. Once or twice I’ve accidentally started a sentence with “According to me…” when I meant to say “I think…” in English, which earned me some funny looks.

If you’re wondering where this comes from, the word secondo is a descendent of the Latin secundum, meaning ‘following’. As is the English word ‘second’ (as in second place.)

Secondo is also used to mean ‘following’ or ‘in compliance with’ in Italian – much like the other sense of ‘according to’ in English.

– Dovremmo guidare secondo il codice della strada.

– We have to drive according to the traffic laws.

It might take some time to get used to Italians’ insistence on sharing their opinions on everything from politics to how you should dress, cook, or decorate your house. But, secondo me, being able to confidently express your own opinions in Italian is absolutely vital.

Do you have an Italian word you’d like us to feature? If so, please email us with your suggestion.

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Italian word of the day: ‘Bega’

The meaning of this Italian word is rarely disputed.

Italian word of the day: ‘Bega’

If you’ve spent some time in Italy, especially in the north of the country, you may have heard Italian speakers saying something similar to the English word ‘beggar’. 

The Italian word bega (hear it pronounced here) means a squabble, a quarrel or an argument. It’s a synonym of litigio or lite.

Abbiamo avuto una bega e non siamo più amici.

We had an argument and we’re no longer friends.

Lei e suo marito sono nel mezzo di una bega.

She and her husband are in the middle of an argument.

In its plural form, the noun transforms into beghe (hear it pronounced here).

Non voglio beghe.

I don’t want any arguments.

Vecchie beghe familiari rendono il rapporto difficile.

Old family disputes make the relationship very difficult.

As a secondary meaning, you can also use bega to say ‘hassle’ or ‘bother’ .

Questo scioglilingua è una bega da dire.

This tongue twister is a hassle to say.

È una bega lavorare con persone stupide.

It’s a bother to work with stupid people.

As with a lot of Italian nouns, bega has a corresponding verb: begare, meaning ‘to argue’ or ‘to have an argument’. 

Stiamo begando.

We are arguing.

However, this is rarely used, with most native speaker preferring to add the verb avere in front of the noun bega.

Hanno avuto una bega sulla politica.

They had an argument about politics.

Next time you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of arguing with someone, or something is really bothering you, you may take comfort in the fact that you have a new Italian word to describe what’s going on. 

Do you have an Italian word you’d like us to feature? If so, please email us with your suggestion.

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