From bugs to bears: Top ten Swiss German nicknames to woo your sweetheart

In the loving country of Switzerland, every day is Valentines Day. Time to roll out some animal-inspired Swiss German romantic nicknames for that special someone in your life.

A bear cub in Sweden. Image: Janko Ferlic on Unsplash
A bear cub in Sweden. Image: Janko Ferlic on Unsplash

Are you a hare, a little mouse or just a beetle? Swiss-German is decidedly zoological when it comes to pet names for one’s better half. If you’re at a loss for how to address your special Swiss someone check out our list of ten romantic nicknames. 


In cutesy German, the lovely Schatz, or treasure, becomes Schätzchen (meaning “little treasure”). In Swiss German, you can smother that treasure with a separate layer of cuteness by tacking on the ubiquitous -li suffix.

A little boy, for example, might ask a girl: “Vötsch mis Schaetzli si?” (Do you want to be my girlfriend?). But be warned: that line doesn’t work for anyone over about the age of 12. At least we hope not.


“Happy Valentine’s Day, little heart of mine”. Awww. Too much? Yeah, maybe slight overkill.

But the opposite of this – the charming German word “Lebensabschnittspartner” (literally ‘life stage partner) – might be taking this just a little too far in the other direction.


Not to be confused with Switzerland’s enduring contribution to global breakfast culture, this term of endearment turns your lover into a little mouse. You could try saying for example: ‘I ha di gern mis Müsli’ (I love you my little mouse).

Read also: Looking for love? Here’s how to date the Swiss


What can you say about a culture that uses “little beetle” as a romantic nickname? Oh that’s right: we have sweet cheeks. And stud muffin.


The Swiss may give their bears names that resemble motorways (e.g. the recently-sighted M29) but call your other half a little bear and you might even get yourself some sweet honey.


This darling name derives from the French chéri(e). It’s yet another example of the Swiss Germans using French words like the ubiquitous ‘merci’ for thank you, ‘trottoir’ for footpath or ‘cordon bleu’…for cordon bleu.


C’mere my little snuggle buddy. A lovely word that stems from the verb knuddeln, to cuddle. Deploy judiciously.


This also has ‘Partnerlook’ (the disconcerting habit some couples have of wearing the same clothes) written all over it, but is more Swiss than the even the a bowl of müesli eaten in the Alps during a blizzard.

A superb diminutive to whip out when you fancy a snuggle. Or something a bit more serious.

A classic case of ‘Partnerlook’. Photo: Depositphotos


You can also choose to show your partner that you really care… by calling them a little hare.

Plain old -li

Run out of romantic words? Just add -li to your loved one’s name. So George becomes Tschötschli and Hans is Hansli and Esther is Estherli. Do this repeated-li.

And last but not least: if your relationship is running into trouble, or just getting a bit stale, men might want to substitute the words above for the less-than-delightful and decidedly politically incorrect ‘chefin’ (the boss) or “mini alti” (my old lady).

Warning: don’t try these at home.

A version of this article originally appeared in The Local in 2016.

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19 official speeches: How the Swiss mark national day

Plenty of traditions are associated with Switzerland's national holiday on August 1st, from fireworks and bonfires to parades. But speeches – a whopping 19 of them – are also a huge part of the celebrations. Why are there so many?

19 official speeches: How the Swiss mark national day

Of the 19 speeches that Switzerland’s federal council will hold for the national holiday — including by the Swiss president Viola Amherd —  Albert Rösti is giving the most.

The federal councillor and member of Switzerland’s largest party the right-wing Swiss People’s Party (SVP) is speaking at seven separate events across the country on Wednesday 31st and August 1st, Federal Department of Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications spokesperson Ralph Kreuzer told The Local.

So why are there so many speeches?

“Swiss federal councillors take part in local celebrations and meet the people directly at August 1st events,” Kreuzer said.

READ ALSO: Why does Switzerland celebrate its national day on August 1st?

“It’s not just about giving a speech, above all, it’s an opportunity for councillors to come into direct contact with the public,” he said, explaining that August 1st speeches have a long tradition in Switzerland and usually contain topics that link the past with the present.

Patriotism, not surprisingly, is the backbone of many speeches; the most frequent topics include democracy, Swiss values, and national identity.

“But this isn’t just a Swiss peculiarity, it’s no different in France on July 14th, Germany on October 3rd or the US on July 4th,” he said.

Another contributory factor is that August 1st is the only officially regulated national holiday where the whole of Switzerland has the day off, so there are events across every canton.

And the way Switzerland is governed is also key: it has seven councillors who make up the Federal Council, the government executive that implements the laws decided by parliament.

The Council is elected by parliament for a term of four years with seats shared out among the four main parties according to a so-called magic formula – a 2-2-2-1 tacit agreement introduced in 1959.

READ ALSO: Explained: How does the Swiss political system work?

According to Swiss law, the Federal Council must respect the regional and linguistic diversity of Switzerland, although there are no specific rules about how that’s done.

Currently, there are two federal councillors from the French Swiss-speaking part of the country (Guy Parmelin, SVP; Viola Ahmed, Centre), one from the Italian Swiss-speaking area (Ignazio Cassi, Liberals) and four from the Swiss-German area (Karin Keller-Sutter, Liberals; Albert Roesti, SVP; and Elisabeth Baume-Schneider, SDP; and Beat Jans, Social Democrats).

The August 1st speeches are also an opportunity for the councillors to announce their political programmes and promote themselves and their parties.

“I don’t listen to the speeches – I might read excerpts in the press, if anything – but maybe it’s not a bad thing that the federal council has to think about its major policy areas once a year AND explain them to people in a way they can understand,” Basel resident Louis told The Local.

So flags out, drinks in, and get ready for the speech marathon.