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The eight rules you need to follow when exploring Swedish nature

With its vast forests, countless lakes and beautiful shoreline, Swedish nature is a dream for hikers and adventurers of all kinds. The right to roam in nature is enshrined in law, but with this freedom come some strict rules which residents and visitors should be aware of before they venture out.

The eight rules you need to follow when exploring Swedish nature
Make sure you know the rules before you set out. Photo: Lindsten and Nilsson

In 2017, Sweden’s official tourism board placed the entire country on Airbnb, promoting its lakes as “infinity pools” and rocks as “a terrace with a view”. Travellers were invited to view all of Sweden as a potential holiday home, with laws guaranteeing the right to set up your tent almost anywhere and spend the night.

But before you do, make sure you’ve understood the rules that exist to prevent disturbances and keep the wilderness clean.

1. Right of public access

The Right of Public Access or ‘Allemansrätten’ is part of Sweden’s constitution and states “everyone shall have access to nature”.

This forms the basis for many outdoor activities, recreation and tourism in Swedish nature, and has become a cornerstone of Swedish cultural identity. Essentially it means you can walk, hike, camp and swim in nature, without needing to pay or apply for permission.

Exceptions apply for private gardens and in the 30 Swedish national parks. Camping in these areas is not allowed, in order to protect the nature and the animals that live there. It may also be prohibited to start a fire, bring a boat or even a dog into the area. You can find the specific rules that apply to protected areas on signs at the entrance.

Elsewhere, the key thing to keep in mind is the motto “Don’t disturb — don’t destroy”. That means avoid damaging nature, leaving behind waste or causing nuisance. 

Photo: Jonas Forsberg/Folio/

2. Foraging and picking flowers and berries

Many of the plants found in Swedish nature are edible and therefore popular to pick.

Berries and mushrooms are owned by whoever owns the land on which they grow. But at the same time, they can be picked by everyone under Allemansrätt. Even large-scale commercial picking of berries and mushrooms is permitted as long as it does not directly disturb the landowner.

But some plants, flowers, berries and mushrooms are protected and so extra rules apply to them. All orchids are protected by Swedish law, for example, and the protected status means that you cannot pick or damage them.

Young trees must also not be impeded in their growth, and existing trees may not be felled. Carving your name, or anything else, on rocks is also not allowed.

And when foraging for mushrooms, you should be extremely careful for your own safety. A (non-exhaustive) list of poisonous mushrooms can be found here.

3. Motor traffic in nature

The right to roam freely in nature does not apply to your car. In most areas, driving off marked paths is not allowed, but in agricultural areas, and for forest management, some exceptions are made.

Because off-road driving causes all kinds of problems for nature and different animal species, it is forbidden to drive off-road throughout Sweden. This means that all unpaved roads are prohibited for motorized traffic.

When the land is covered in snow, you may use a snow mobile outside paved roads. During winter time there are special snowmobile trails in place, and it’s best to follow these. But snowmobile driving isn’t covered under the allemansrätt, so you’re not allowed to drive on private property.

Photo: Johan Willner/

4. Hunting and fishing

There are around 300,000 hunters in Sweden, and Sweden is also a popular destination for many hunters from other countries.

Whether you live in Sweden or a visiting, every hunter must have a permit and renew it every year. This costs 300 kronor annually and must be shown during hunting at the request of the authorities.

You will have to prove your knowledge about hunting with a theory and practical exam to obtain a permit. Hunting legislation, ethics and methods are covered in this, while the practical exam consists of safety, distance estimation and a shooting test.

In addition, as a hunter you must have permission to hunt in the area. Part of the country is managed by the government, large companies or individuals. They can lend their hunting rights to individuals.

The rules for fishing are less strict. 

Everyone can fish in public waters and Sweden’s five largest lakes, as long as this is done with a standard hand gear rod and not within 100 metres of fish farms or stationary fishing gear.

Fishing in private waters is only allowed with a licence, but in some areas along the coast you don’t need it. 

5. Dog-walking

Want to take your dog on a walk through nature? Then you are bound by a number of rules. Between March 1st and August 20th, dogs must be kept on a leash, in order to protect wildlife during the mating season.

But also in the other months of the year, it is mandatory to keep dogs under close control.

Special rules apply in national parks and nature reserves. In some parks dogs must be kept on a lead or dogs may not be allowed at all. The owner of the dog is responsible and liable for any injury or damage caused by the dog.

Photo: Tomas Utsi/

6. Camping

Anyone who wants to spend a longer time in nature can spend the night in a tent.

According to Allemansrätt, you can pitch your tent for one or two nights in Swedish nature. The only rules that you should take into account are to make sure you are not camping in a garden adjacent to a house or pitching your tent in an area where cattle are grazing or crops are grown.

If you want to go camping with a large group, it is good to ask permission from the landowner for this. Local rules may also apply, which could mean that camping is not permitted. In many national parks, for example, camping is only allowed at specially designated places. These special rules can be found via the municipality or local police.

7. Sports

Cycling, hiking, skiing, horse riding, boating and swimming are all popular activities in Swedish nature.

Cycling is allowed on roads and lanes, including private ones. But on cultivated ground, gardens, or ground used for growing crops it is not allowed. As a cyclist you may not get too close to houses in a way that disturbs their residents.

Some soft surfaces are easily damaged if you ride over them with a bicycle; especially in spring and autumn, the wet grounds are easily damaged by bicycle tires. 

The rules that apply to hiking in the summer and skiing in the winter are similar because many of the routes that are skied and hiked are the same. The most important rules are that you may not walk or ski over cultivated land, you must not cross the grounds of a house, and that you cannot damage or disturb nature. In winter the general rule is that skiing is allowed on all snowy surfaces, including crop fields.

Horse-riding is also allowed under allemansrätt, but is controversial. Because horses damage the surface quickly, many landowners are not happy with these rules. Just as with bicycles, it is wise to avoid soft and easily damaged surfaces. Although it is not mandatory, it is respectful to first inform the owner of the lands where you want to go horse-riding.

In shipping, “good seamanship” is the most important rule, and that also applies to Swedish inland and coastal waters. Whether you take a refreshing dip or anchor your boat somewhere, always take the nature and residents in the area into account.

8. Lighting fires

Open fire in nature can be a major danger.

Especially in dry summers, the risk of forest fires is high and a small campfire can quickly get out of hand. The best option is to place a campfire on a gravel or sandy surface, so the chance of the fire spreading is the smallest.

During dry and hot summers it can happen that a complete ban on open fire is set in place to prevent forest fires. These bans may prohibit any form of open fire, even in specially equipped campfire places. It is best to check the website of the region in question during the summer or to check with a local tourist office.

For more information, visit the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s website or the local region.

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The most common mistakes you are likely to make when camping in Sweden

The right to roam, known as allemansrätten in Swedish, allows everyone to freely explore and camp in Swedish nature. However, there are unwritten rules that should still be followed.

The most common mistakes you are likely to make when camping in Sweden

Summer is the perfect season to enjoy camping trips in Sweden, a country filled with countless lakes and deep, enchanting forests.

The fact that Sweden has the concept of the right to roam, or allemansrätten, enshrined in law, guarantees everyone access to nature – albeit with some restrictions, especially when it comes to the country’s national parks or privately owned areas.


While you exercise this extraordinary freedom, you should be aware of the unwritten rules that ensure that you stay safe and comfortable, and don’t disturb or damage the environment you’re visiting.

Don’t leave waste behind

Sweden’s right to camp comes with a sort of social contract to keep the natural landscape that you visit and use clean.

Leaving waste behind, whether trash or human waste, is one of the most inconsiderate things a camper can do.

As you won’t have access to a proper toilet, you should use a portable shovel to bury your waste at least 50 meters away from water sources to prevent contamination.

It’s also a good idea to carry a trash bag to take your litter home in, ensuring you leave the area as clean as you found it.

Proper food storage

Proper food storage is crucial not only for preserving the beauty of the landscape but also for ensuring your safety and that of the local wildlife.

When camping, always store your food in airtight containers.

This practice prevents attracting wildlife, such as foxes, rodents, and in some areas, even bears (mainly found north of Dalarna and in Gävleborg, with the highest population of bears found in Jämtland, near the border with Norway), which can become a safety hazard if they associate humans with food.


That’s why keeping your campsite clean and free from food scraps should always be high on your list of considerations for any camping trip.

Venturing too deep into unmarked areas for wild camping

When camping, it is best to choose established spots to minimise your (inevitable) environmental impact.

Although finding a more secluded spot might be tempting, sticking to known camping areas helps protect the landscape and local wildlife.


Established sites have been designated for a reason, often because they can handle the wear and tear of frequent use without significant damage.

Venturing into unmarked areas can lead to soil erosion, vegetation damage, and disturbance to animal habitats, which can negatively affect the local ecosystem.

Understanding Swedish fire regulations

Creating a cosy atmosphere at your campsite often involves lighting a fire, which can be useful for cooking or providing warmth.

However, doing so without knowing the rules for lighting fires can lead to severe consequences.

Open fires in nature pose a risk, particularly during dry summer months when the potential for forest fires is high. In such circumstances, even a small campfire can rapidly escalate into an uncontrollable blaze.

During periods of extreme dryness, Swedish authorities may impose a complete ban on open fires, which includes designated campfire sites.

The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has guidelines for what is permitted in the wilderness, so it’s a good place to visit if you need to familiarise yourself with the rules.

The Local also has a guide on the key rules you need to follow when exploring Swedish nature.

Mosquito management

Mosquitoes can be a significant nuisance for campers, even though they are not as dangerous in Sweden as in other parts of the world.

Their bites can cause itching and discomfort, potentially ruining an otherwise pleasant camping trip.

There are several effective ways you can mitigate this issue.


Firstly, wearing long sleeves and pants made from lightweight, breathable fabrics can help protect your skin from bites. Additionally, apply mosquito repellent to any exposed skin.

Another important precaution is to ensure your tent or hammock is insect-free. Before settling in for the night, thoroughly check your sleeping area for any mosquitoes that may have slipped in.

Using mosquito nets or setting up your tent in breezy areas can also reduce the likelihood of encountering mosquitoes.

Coping with extended daylight in the summer

The extended daylight hours during Swedish summers – especially in northern parts of the country – can affect your sleep, especially if you’re not used to such conditions.

In some parts of the country, prolonged daylight can make it challenging for light sleepers to get a good night’s sleep.

One effective solution is to wear sleeping masks, which can block out light and create a sense of darkness.

Additionally, consider using a tent with the capability to block light.

Forgetting to protect yourself against ticks

When it comes to ticks, forgetting to protect yourself can have serious consequences. While Lyme disease has no vaccine but can be treated, Tick-borne Encephalitis (TBE) cannot be cured, although vaccines and treatments are available.

Due to the risk of Lyme disease, it is important to take preventive measures against ticks even if you are up to date on your TBE vaccinations.

If you plan to spend time in wooded areas with long grass, wear long-sleeved clothing and tuck your trousers into your socks. Walk in the centre of paths to avoid brushing against long grasses.

After returning home, carefully check for ticks and shower soon after coming inside. This helps you spot and remove ticks before they bite.

Additionally, placing your clothes in a tumble dryer for an hour can kill all the ticks you potentially brought home from your camping trip without your knowledge.

The Local has an in-depth guide on how to avoid and protect yourself from ticks, where we cover the topic in more detail.