Coronavirus death toll in France nears 9,000 after 833 more fatalities recorded

France reported 833 new coronavirus fatalities on Monday, including a record 605 more deaths in hospitals in the last 24 hours. The total death toll since the beginning of the epidemic now stands at 8,911.

Coronavirus death toll in France nears 9,000 after 833 more fatalities recorded
Photo: AFP


Of the 833 new fatalities, 605 were hospital deaths since Sunday and 228 were deaths reported from the country's elderly care homes (known as Ehpads) since March 1st.

However the hospital number in itself was a new record of daily reported fatalities, surpassing Friday's 588.

It was France's Health Minister Olivier Véran who himself brought the sinister news after the country on Sunday saw its lowest daily death toll in a week (357), sparking hopes that the country had reached the peak of the epidemic curve.

“We have not reached the end of the ascent of this epidemic,” Véran said.

“It is not over. Far from that. The path is long. The figures that I have announced show this,” he said. “Stay at home and continue this confinement effort,” he added.

The overall death toll includes 6,494 patients who died in hospital (up from 5,889 on Sunday) and 2,417 in old age homes and other medical facilities (up from 2,189), Véran said.

“The protection of the country's most fragile is our absolute priority,” the health minister said, reminding the public that that not all Ehpads had reported their coronavirus death tolls yet so the true number of victims was likely higher.

Véran said the government would launch a “large scale operation” to test health workers and residents in the country’s Ehpads for the virus.

The total number of intensive care patients increased to 7,072 on Monday, up by 94 compared to the previous day.

That reflected the smallest jump in intensive care admissions since the lockdown began on March 17th and followed a trend in recent days of a slowing in the growth of patients in intensive care.

On Sunday the rise in the number of intensive care patients was 140, compared to 176 on Saturday, 263 on Friday and 382 on Thursday.

France's Health Minister Olivier Véran. Photo: AFP

 “We see that the confinement has a palpable impact. In France we are beginning to feel it,” said health minister Veran.

In total, 29,722 people in France were on Monday hospitalised for the coronavirus, including 831 new admissions in one day. 

Since the beginning of the epidemic, 17,250 people have successfully recovered and been discharged.

'The lockdown is saving lives'

France has been on national lockdown since March 17th in an effort to stem the spread of the coronavirus in the population. 

Véran said on Monday that the confinement (lockdown) was proving successful in the contamination rate. 

Before the lockdown, every person carrying the virus was expected to contaminate 2,5 other people. Now, the number had decreased to 1, Véran said.

If the number is under 1.0 it means the average victim infects less than one person, giving hope that the epidemic will end.

“The impact of the lockdown is visible in the areas where the virus is circulating actively,” Véran said.

“We are convinced that the lockdown is saving lives.”

He asked everyone to continue to respect lockdown rules and stay home.




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How to prove to French authorities that you are alive

If you live in France you'll be used to official requests for all sorts of documents, but one that may come as a surprise is being asked to prove that you're still alive. Here's how to do that.

How to prove to French authorities that you are alive

Official processes in France usually involve collecting together a big dossier of documents, and requests for certain type of certificate are common (the one for ‘a birth certificate issued within the last three months’ regularly baffles foreigners).

A request that is less common – but still vital – is the request for a Certificat de Vie – a certificate of life, which is basically a piece of paper asserting that you remain within the mortal realm.

Here’s how to get it and why you might need one.

Who needs it?

You only need to provide this certificate if it is requested from you.

The people most likely to get a request for a Certificat de Vie are pensioners. Pensioner providers regularly ask for proof that you are still alive, and if you don’t provide it it’s highly likely that they will stop paying out your pension.

The people most commonly asked to provide this are people living in a different country to the one paying out the pension (so for example people who have worked in France but then moved to another country, or pensioners who have moved to France) but they are fairly widespread for all types of pension.

The other people most likely to ask for it is the benefits office, especially if you are receiving a French Assurance invalidité (disability benefit) or Allocation de solidarité (top-up benefits) – as with pensions, failing to send the certificate can result in your payments being stopped.

Some people may instead be asked for an Attestation sur l’honneur de non-décès (sworn declaration of non-death). This is simpler to provide because it’s not a specific form it’s just something that you write out in formal French declaring that you remain alive, and then sign and date.

You can find templates for creating an attestation in the correct format and legal French here.

How to get it

There are two ways to obtain the Certificat de Vie – in person or online.

If you live in France, you go along in person to your local mairie and ask them to complete the form for you – it’s form Cerfa n° 11753*02, but the mairie staff will know that. Be sure to take with you official ID (ie passport or French ID card), and depending on your circumstances mairie staff may ask for extra paperwork such as proof of address.

Once you have the form, you can send it to whoever has requested it, either by registered mail or a scanned copy uploaded to an online portal.

You can find a sample copy here to show you what the form looks like.

If you live outside France, you can request the certificate at the French consulate, while some police stations will also provide it (depending on the country).

But for those living outside France there is also an online option, which now includes the option to verify your continuing life via your biometric details, meaning that you don’t even need to leave the house.

This would be useful to people who have worked in France for part of their career, meaning they get a partial French pension, but have then either returned to their home country or moved to another country.

In order to use this, you need to download the app ‘Mon Certificat de Vie’ – find full instructions on using it here.