Foreigners in Norway uneasy at ‘too early’ reopening

Many foreigners living in Norway seem uncomfortable at the government's decision to open kindergartens from April 20 and schools the week afterwards.

Foreigners in Norway uneasy at 'too early' reopening
Children at a kindergarten in Norway. Photo: Norwegian Ministry of Education
We contacted foreigners on the Expats in Oslo and Norway Expats Facebook pages, and also through a form posted on The Local — you can scroll to the bottom to respond yourself — to ask how they felt about Denmark's decision to start lifting some of its restrictions. 
Worried responses far outnumbered those from foreigners who supported the decision. 
Many feared the the decision had come too soon, and risked causing the virus to start spreading rapidly again, infecting both their children, and others in society.
“Way too soon!! And dangerous!!” exclaimed Karen Frelinghuysen. “Could very well create a second wave!! Unheard of compared to what other countries are doing!! Social distancing works. They are putting their citizens in danger!!!” 
“Personally, I think it's too damn soon!” agreed Bethany Johannessen. “I think the government is more concerned about them losing money and bitchy parents who want their kids back in sports.
“A lot of people here don't even understand the term social distancing. I have seen plenty of kids out playing with friends and not caring about the rules in place..and government expects these kids to just behave in school when they can't even do it in public?! It will backfire and then we will all have do this for even longer.” 
“It makes no sense to me,” said Amy Anselmi Casey. “It's working and we have it under control, so let's stop doing what works and change things', yet they expect it to continue to improve. Not smart in my opinion, and I will not send my kids back.” 


“Can they confirm the risk has been eliminated? Is the threat eradicated? Has the virus been contained or do have plausible statistics which indicate so? If not, then it is questionable and precipitate decision,” said Arfo Rafaa, from Syria. 
“It was then who told us to hide. Now they are saying 'get out' without saying ‘it is clear outside’.” 
Teachers particularly worried
Teachers and kindergarten teachers with a foreign background were worried that they might end up being infected. 

“I am worried about my safety as a teacher,” said Matt Goodheart. “I am 62 years old and a high school teacher and worried I will get CV19 when I return to school.” 
“I am a single mother of a kindergarten age child. I also am a class 4 teacher, so I have to go back to work surrounded by other kids and adults, put my kid in kindergarten surrounded by other kids and adults and just hope nothing happens?” protested one teacher, who preferred not to be named.
“What happens if I get ill? It just takes one person not following the rules properly to either come in contact with my son or me and 'bang', we can get sick. Where is my choice? They said they listened to the teachers but I don’t think they listened hard enough!” 
Daisy, a kindergarten teacher in Trondheim, said she was looking forward to getting back to work, but feared it would be difficult to avoid spreading the virus. 
“I am insecure about the safety of children and the staff in the workplace,” she said. “There will surely be no social distancing among children and adults in kindergartens. It is a known fact that young children, no matter how much we remind them, will cough and sneeze right on your face!” 
Santa, a piercing artist, said that although she supported schools reopening, she felt it was wrong to allow businesses like her own to resume. 
“For younger age kids from three to six years' old, it is important to socialise no less than it is to have a close relationship to their parents,” she said. “However, since they can get sick or have no symptoms, kids can bring virus back at home. It is very delicate topic especially for single parents.” 
“All types of eateries can provide decent 1-1,5m distance between costumers, but this is not possible for  physiotherapists, hairdressers, tattoo and piercing artists, and nail care — they should be still closed down,” she said. 
Calls for more testing

Many felt that the government should first have expanded coronavirus testing to get a better idea of who widely the virus had spread within the population. 
“I would have preferred if massive systematic testing, tracking and isolation were already in place before loosening any of the current restrictions,” said Camila Esguerra. 
“If you only test people going to the hospital with it, it’s unclear to what extent it has infected people throughout the community,” said Amy Schumacher Rutherford. “South Korea flattened its curve through extensive testing, and even Johnson county in Kansas (close to where I lived before Stavanger) is going to start randomised testing to help map the spread.” 
Does it send the wrong signal? 
Others worried that the reopening would send the wrong signal to the population, causing them to stop social distancing and washing their hands. 
“Relaxing strictness now may inadvertently also signal to the public of a relaxation overall,” said Ruby Norge Jaeger. ” People will not keep up with social distancing and other measures, thus creating a new spike on the curve… more infections, more deaths.” 
But some foreigners support the decision 
A minority of respondents supported Norway's decision, pointing to research indicating that school closures were anyway not that effective in slowing the spread of the disease. 
“I have a son in kindergarten and another in school. I feel that Norwegian government is taking decisions based on data and risk analysis,” said Talha Gökmen. “I will feel OK if they decide to open them soon.” 
“I think they are managing it well enough at the moment and they seem to believe they have things under control,” 
said Hans Eksteen. “There needs to be some sort of balance between capacity in hospitals and how much freedom one can enjoy and how many people you want infected to prevent bigger problems later.” 
“I'm fine with it,” agreed Deanna Marie Spitzer.  A new study [from University College London] suggests that closing the schools really has a limited effect on reducing the spread of Covid-19.” 
While it is hard to see how Norway or any other country could keep schools closed month after month, the disquiet among foreigners in the country shows how public opinion is likely to react should the opening be followed by a significant rise in hospitalisations or deaths. 






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The international school options for parents in Oslo 

Many families who relocate to Norway put their children into international schools to help with the bedding process. So, what are the options in Oslo? 

The international school options for parents in Oslo 

Finding a school where your child will be happy and able to thrive is a huge consideration for parents relocating to another country. 

Oslo, luckily, has plenty of options when it comes to international schools. The benefits of these schools are a consistent curriculum across countries, children of similar backgrounds, and lessons being taught in a language your child is comfortable with. 

Oslo International School 

Perhaps the most well-known out of the international school options in Oslo, Oslo International School was established in 1963 and offers education to students ages 3 to 18. 

The school’s curriculum follows The International Baccalaureate (IB) programme, and classes are taught in English. 

At the time of writing, the fees for kids enrolled in the school full-time are 264,200 kroner per year, and preschool costs 22,000 kroner per year. 

The school is located in the town of Bekkestua in the neighbouring municipality of Bærum. 

Pupils at the school can also choose Norwegian and other languages as subjects. 

Asker International School 

Located not too far from Oslo by train or car is Asker International School, which also follows the IB programme. 

The school is partially supported by the Norwegian state, which means school fees are capped. Parents must pay 35,550 kroner per year to enrol their child in the school. 

Classes at the school are taught in English, and education is offered to children aged from 6 to 18.

More than 60 staff members are employed at the school, and approximately 560 students attend the educational institution. 

Norwegian and other languages are also taught at school. 

Norlights International School 

Established in 2015, Norlights is a partially state-funded international school with more than 40 different nationalities represented. 

The IB programme is taught at the school, and as the school is partially state-funded, fees are capped. 

Fees range based on the child’s stage of education but range between 27,195 kroner per year to 39,385 kroner a year. 

The school is located near Holmenkollen in Oslo and offers education from the 1st through the 13th grade. 

Deutsch Norwegische Schule Oslo

With its campus located fairly centrally in Oslo, the The German-Norwegian School Oslo, and its kindergarten, is part of a network of more than 140 German international schools. 

The German and Norwegian governments fund the school, however there are still fees to be paid. 

The curriculum taught at the school is both recognised in Germany and Norway, and upon leaving students receive both a German and Norwegian diploma. 

At the time of writing, it costs between 3,466 and 2,472 kroner per month to attend, depending on the child’s age. 

The French School in Oslo

The Lycée Français d’Oslo is home to nearly 700 students representing almost 40 different nationalities.

The school accepts  French-speaking and non-French-speaking students and follows the official French curricula, which strongly emphasises language learning. 

Norwegian, English, German, and Spanish are the other languages taught at the school. 

Located fairly centrally, the school admits students aged between 3 and 18. It is one of nearly 500 French schools in countries other than France. 

Fees at the school range from 33,550 kroner per year up to 145,000 kroner. 

Blindern Videregående Skole

This Norwegian state school teaches the IB programme. It offers the last two years of the Middle Years Programme and the Diploma Programme. 

As it’s a Norwegian state school, no fees are to be paid. Furthermore, the primary language of instruction is English. 

Being a Norwegian state school, admissions are handled by the Oslo Municipality Education Agency Admissions Office, and the deadline to apply to the school is March 1st each year. 

The IB programme is taught in English. 

Manglerud School

Manglerud School is a state education institute that also offers the IB. This is taught in English. However, Norwegian classes at Manglerud School are also offered.

As it is a state school, there are no fees. Students and parents also go through the state school admissions system. According to the school’s website, the international classes were a trial which was extended to 2024. Therefore, parents who are thinking about their child’s future attendance should contact the school.