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200 migration reporters sign up for The Local’s solutions journalism training

More than 50 editors, reporters and freelancers from almost 25 countries have been selected to take part in The Local's first training sessions for journalists interested in covering migration from a solutions journalism perspective.

200 migration reporters sign up for The Local's solutions journalism training
Around 200 journalists and students applied to take part in the training. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

Almost 200 journalists and students applied to take part in The Local's workshops, which are based on solutions journalism methodology and how this can be adapted to the migration beat. 

The participants were selected to create a cohort with as diverse a range of experience as possible.

The first round of training will take place online between May 5th and 27th, with four sessions in total. Trainees will learn about and discuss best practices for reporting on migration, a step-by-step guide for finding and reporting a solutions-focused story (as well as guidance on publications, funding and awards that support this kind of journalism), and how to make your reporting as inclusive as possible.

The curriculum has been developed independently by The Local. As a news organisation founded by immigrants for immigrants, we know that migration can be good, bad and everything in between. We want to tell the whole story – and we want to use our experience to help other journalists tell the whole story.

In a nutshell, solutions-focused stories are those that look into a response to a problem in a clear and critical way. That means investigating exactly how the response was carried out, examining any limitations or problems by reviewing the evidence, and looking into what we can learn from the idea.

We believe that coverage of how people are responding constructively to challenges is an essential part of journalism. By including this kind of reporting, journalists can help combat limited perspectives and damaging stereotypes, give their audience a fuller picture of what's happening in the world without telling them what to think, and make their reporting more inclusive.

Solutions-focused stories on The Local:

The next round of training is set to take place in autumn 2020, either in face-to-face sessions or online, depending on health and safety and travel restrictions. Exact locations and times will be determined based on successful applicants' availability and location, and each training session is free for participants.

The training is made possible thanks to the EU-wide project MAX (Maximising Migrants' Contributions to Society). Funded by the EU's Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, MAX aims to expand the public narrative around immigration in Europe and highlight stories of real people who have migrated and the communities they have joined.

Applications are currently closed, but if you have any questions, please email

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