Q&A: Italy’s new rules on going outside in lockdown phase two

As Italy began to slowly relax its quarantine restrictions on Monday, there was still plenty of confusion about what exactly had changed. Here's what we know.

Q&A: Italy's new rules on going outside in lockdown phase two
It's now possible to buy ice-cream from Italy's gelaterias again. Photo: AFP

As Italy moves into fase due, or “phase two” of its lockdown, there's a new set of rules now valid from May 4-17th.

The new measures, set out in a government decree signed on April 26th, offer a lot less freedom of movement than many had hoped for: travel remains strictly limited, group gatherings are off the cards, and you'll still have to justify your reasons for being outside.

PHASE TWO EXPLAINED: What changes in Italy from May 4th?

The details were unclear last week, and there was widespread confusion following the prime minister's initial announcement.

At The Local we received a large number of questions from readers about what would and wouldn't be allowed. Here we've attempted to answer the most common queries, based on the decree text itself, subsequent government statements, and a newly-updated official online FAQ (here in Italian).

Keep in mind however that some rules can vary from one region to another. Check your local comune's website if in doubt. Here's what we know so far:

Do I still need a form to leave the house?

Yes: the autocertificazione ('self-certification') form will remain a requirement until at least May 18th, when the rules are set to be revised.

“So long as you need a reason to go out, self-certification will be necessary,” Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said in his televised address announcing the changes.

The government has released an updated version of the form that you'll need to carry from May 4th, reflecting changes to the list of accepted reasons for going outside. You can download a copy of the new form here.

The form is only availble in Italian and must be completed in Italian. Find our complete guide to the new form and how to fill it in here.

Photo: AFP

When am I allowed to go outside?

You're allowed to leave the house for all the same reasons as before – buying groceries and other essentials, doing a key job, visiting a doctor or pharmacy, walking the dog, exercising – plus one new one: visiting relatives.

“Travel to see relatives is considered necessary so long as the ban on gatherings is respected, interpersonal distance of at least a metre is maintained and respiratory protection [a mask or other face covering] is used,” the new decree states.

Who am I allowed to visit?

The rules allow us to visit 'congiunti', a confusing term which was later offically defined as meaning spouses, partners, parents, children, in-laws, siblings, aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews, cousins and cousins' children – but not friends.

You can only expect to see family members living in the same region as you, no further away. And big family gatherings are forbidden.

Meeting up with anyone except relatives will not be considered a valid reason to travel.

Do I need to wear a face mask?

Italian authorities have made the use of face masks mandatory on public transport and in stores as they gradually loosen lockdown measures.

Face masks should be worn on the street in cases when it is hard to maintain a safe distance from others, ISS public health institute director Silvio Brusaferro said.

But masks “must not give a false sense of security,” Brusaferro told reporters. “It is an additional element, but personal hygiene and distancing are more important.”

Italy and other countries are now debating whether people should wear masks outdoors at all times – even while not in a confined space.

The rules on face masks also vary by region. We have more details about when and where face masks should be worn here.

Can I go for a walk or exercise outside?

The limit on outdoor exercise has been dropped: so you're allowed to run or cycle (within your own region) as long as you stay at least a metre from anyone else. Team sports are still banned. 

The rules on going for a walk are less clear. According to the government's latest advice, leisurely walks are not allowed despite the loosening of restrictions
“You may leave your home only to go to work, for health reasons, out of necessity […], or to do sport or physical activity outdoors. Therefore, walks are allowed only if strictly necessary for a trip justified by one of the reasons just indicated,” states the government's official FAQ.
Can I travel to another region?

The current ban on travelling between regions of Italy will remain mostly unchanged, with one important difference: from May 4th, if you are currently staying outside your region of permanent residence you will be allowed to travel home, something that hasn't been permitted for several weeks.

Like now, you'll also be allowed to travel between regions for urgent work demands, health reasons or other emergencies.


Can I go to my second home?

The national government has not signed off on visiting second homes: the only property to which you're allowed to travel must be your main place of residence

Some Italian regions have different rules, however.

In Puglia,  for example, people are allowed to visit and maintain agricultural land and smallholdings.

In Veneto, from April 28th residents will be permitted to travel to a second home (or boat) within the region in order to carry out “maintenance and repair”. 

Can I travel within my region?

Not freely. So long as the authorities require a reason to be outside, you could potentially be stopped and asked to justify yourself, then told to return home or even fined.

READ ALSO: Why the coronavirus quarantine rules aren't always the same around Italy

But as more and more things reopen over the coming weeks, it seems likely that the restrictions will be loosened in practice, at least to allow people to visit shops and other businesses within their own town.

Each region of Italy has a certain amount of authority to make its own rules, so check the website of your regione or comune to find out the rules where you are. 

So where can I go?

The national government gave the OK for parks to reopen – although the final decision rests with each local mayor. Some cities, such as Bari, have opted to keep parks shut as a precaution against overcrowding.

If you're lucky enough to live by the beach, a lake or the mountains, you are free to visit – not in a group, maintaining social distancing and so long as local authorities haven't blocked the area off.

Photo: Vincenzo Pinto/AFP

Construction, manufacturing, wholesale and real estate companies will also be allowed to reopen from May 4th, which means more people will be returning to work. 

Restaurants, cafes, bars, pasticcerie and gelaterie can allow customers to come and pick up takeaway from the same date.

Shops, libraries and museums will reopen on May 18th, giving us several new reasons to leave the house.

The government has tentatively said that restaurants, cafes, hairdressers and beauty salons could resume service from June 1st, though it is waiting to see how the first wave of reopening goes before it lays out the next stage of Phase Two.

TIMELINE: What will reopen first under Italy's lockdown phase two?

Member comments

  1. Are kids under 18 still required to be in the company of an adult when going out (to exercise, etc)?

  2. Will it be possible to go to a garden center which is not in my own community as long as it’s in the same region. I live in a small comune and the garden center here doesn’t offer much in the way of trees and other perennials.

  3. Rita, we have been told in our small comune that we can’t go elsewhere for food shopping, because we have a shop here which sells essentials. I think it all depends on the application in your own comune. I was hoping I’d be able to go to my usual supermarket from tomorrow, but it appears not.

  4. Thank you, SP, for your response. We’ve been allowed to go to the supermarket in the next commune which has been helpful. I’m still not sure about the garden center so I’ll be waiting until May 18.

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How will Italy’s national public transport strike affect travel on Friday?

Passengers in cities around Italy, including Rome, Milan and Florence, may face delays or cancellations on Friday, September 20th, as local public transport staff plan a 24-hour nationwide walkout.

How will Italy's national public transport strike affect travel on Friday?

The walkout is expected to affect all types of local public transport, from surface services (buses, trams, commuter trains and ferries) to underground metro lines, but shouldn’t affect long-distance rail services and taxis.

As it’s often the case with public transport strikes in Italy, the level of disruption faced by passengers is expected to vary from city to city depending on the number of transport workers participating in the protest.

According to the latest media reports, commuters in major cities, including Rome, Milan, Florence and Venice, are all likely to experience at least some level of disruption on Friday, though the strike may also have an impact in smaller cities and towns.

READ ALSO: The transport strikes to expect in Italy in autumn 2024

The protest was called in late June by some of Italy’s largest transport unions to protest against employers’ “unwillingness to open a dialogue on the issues raised by workers” including “a monthly salary increase of 300 euros [and] a reduction of working hours from 39 to 35 per week”.

Guaranteed services

Under national strike laws, public transport companies are required to guarantee the operation of a number of essential services (servizi minimi) during walkouts.

The exact times vary by operator, but usually coincide with peak travel hours.

Milan’s public transport operator ATM said that the strike may affect its trams, buses and metro lines from 8.45am to 3pm, and then from 6pm until end of service.

Services scheduled outside of the above windows should operate as normal.

Rome’s major public transport operator ATAC said in a statement that services scheduled before 8.30am and from 5pm to 8pm will go ahead as normal. 

Venice’s public transport operator ACTV published a list of all the water network services that are guaranteed to go ahead on Friday. The list is available here (in Italian).  

Florence’s bus operator Autolinee Toscane said it will guarantee services scheduled from 4.15am to 8.14am, and then from 12.30pm to 14.29pm.

Gest, which operates a number of tram lines in Florence, said that services will be guaranteed in the following time slots: from 6.30am to 9.30 am, and from 5pm to 8pm.

In Naples, public transport operator EAV published a list of guaranteed services for each of their lines. See their website for further information. 

Tper, which operates buses in the northeastern Emilia Romagna region, said it will guarantee the operation of services scheduled before 8.30am and from 4.30pm to 7.30pm.

Palermo’s public transport operator Amat warned of “potential cancellations and disruption” affecting its bus and tram lines from 8.30am to 5.30pm, and from 8.30pm to midnight.

For details on guaranteed services in other cities around the country, passengers are advised to check the relevant transport company’s website or social media accounts.

Anyone planning to travel by public transport in Italy on Friday is advised to leave extra time for their journey and check the status of local services with the relevant operator before setting off.

Keep up with the latest updates in The Local’s strike news section.