Rome prosecutors ‘hid evidence’ in murder case against US students

Italian prosecutors hid evidence that a key figure in the murder of a Rome cop by two US students was a police informer, a defence lawyer told AFP Saturday.

Rome prosecutors 'hid evidence' in murder case against US students
Fabio Alonzi (L) and Francesco Petrelli (R), lawyers of US citizen Gabriel Christian Natale-Hjorth. Photo: AFP

Finnegan Lee Elder and Gabriel Natale-Hjorth are on trial in Rome over the killing of Mario Cerciello Rega, who was in plain clothes when he was slain in a night drug bust on July 26 last year.

The two face life sentences if found guilty of knowingly killing a police officer.

“This is the latest worrying development to give us the impression they are trying to hide something in this trial,” Elder's lawyer Renato Borzone said.

The prosecutors' office was not immediately available for comment.

Elder, 20, has admitted to stabbing Cerciello with an 8-inch combat knife.

But he insists Cerciello and his partner Andrea Varriale did not identify themselves, and he thought he was fighting for his life against drug dealers.


The San Francisco native, who was 19 at the time of the incident, says Cerciello attacked him from behind, while Varriale wrestled with Natale-Hjorth, then 18.

Varriale says when he and Cerciello stopped the youngsters, they were attacked. Cerciello was left with 11 wounds.


Natale-Hjorth initially told investigators he had not been involved, but his fingerprints were found on a ceiling panel in the hotel room where the students had hidden the knife.

Under Italian law, anyone who participates even indirectly in a murder can face homicide charges.

The defence says lies told by Varriale in the immediate aftermath of the stabbing — such as whether or not the policemen were armed, as they should have been while on duty — seriously undermine his credibility as a witness.

In the latest twist, Elder's lawyers discovered a statement taken during the police investigation was illegally withheld by the prosecution ahead of the trial.

“It's extremely serious, it cannot be considered a mere error,” Borzone said.


In the statement, policeman Fabrizio Pacella admitted drug dealer Italo Pompei was an informant of his.

Pompei was introduced to the Americans by an intermediary, whose bag they stole when they were sold fake drugs.

Borzone said the fact Pompei was a police source could answer many questions surrounding the case, including why Cerciello and Varriale left their designated patrol area, without informing central command, to track down the two young Americans.

Italy's best-selling Corriere della Sera daily suggested the policemen may have been determined to recover the stolen bag because it had a mobile phone inside which could have unmasked Pompei.

“If they've lied about what happened before (the attack), they've lied about what happened during,” Borzone said.

The case continues with three hearings next week, when Pompei and the intermediary will take the stand.

The hearings at the Rome court are being held behind closed doors due to the coronavirus pandemic, despite a nationwide lockdown imposed in March having been nearly entirely lifted.

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Italian court cuts sentences of Americans convicted of killing police officer

An Italian appeal court on Wednesday reduced the decades-long sentences of two American men convicted of killing a police officer in Rome while on a teenage summer holiday in 2019.

Italian court cuts sentences of Americans convicted of killing police officer

Following a retrial ordered by Italy’s highest court that began in March, the Rome appeal court resentenced Finnegan Elder and Gabriel Natale-Hjorth to 15 years and 11 years in prison respectively.

Elder and Natale-Hjorth, from San Francisco, aged 19 and 18 at the time of the killing, were sentenced to life in prison in May 2021 for stabbing policeman Mario Cerciello to death during a late-night encounter.

An appeal court the following year reduced the sentence to 24 years for Elder, who wielded the knife, and 22 years for Natale-Hjorth, who did not handle the weapon but helped hide it.

But Italy’s highest court in March 2023 ordered a retrial to examine potentially mitigating factors, notably that the teenagers said they were unaware that Cerciello and his partner, who were in plain clothes at the time of the attack, were police.

Elder’s lawyers, Renato Borzone and Roberto Capra, said in a statement Wednesday that the court’s decision was “certainly more in line with Finnegan’s actual responsibilities”.

“It is regrettable that we have had to wait through five levels of jurisdiction to see recognised what the young American man has stated since his first interrogation,” they said.

The case horrified Italy and led to an outpouring of public grief for the newlywed Cerciello, who was hailed as a national hero.

But the trial, which revealed multiple examples of police error, offered two very different versions about what happened in the moments just before Elder stabbed Cerciello with an 11-inch (28-centimetre) camping knife on a dark Rome street.

READ ALSO: Italy orders retrial for Americans convicted of killing police officer

While the prosecution’s star witness, Cerciello’s partner Andrea Varriale, testified that the officers were suddenly attacked, the teens said the two men jumped them from behind and did not identify themselves nor show their badges.

The Americans claimed self-defence, saying they thought the men were drug dealers, following their botched attempt to buy drugs earlier in the evening.

Defence lawyers had denounced the life sentences originally given to their clients – Italy’s toughest criminal sentence – saying they were harsher than many given for premeditated killings by the mafia.

The high-profile case also threw a spotlight on police conduct in Italy after Natale-Hjorth was blindfolded while in custody.

The officer who blindfolded him was later handed a two-month suspended sentence.