Former Nazi camp guard, 93, faces German court reckoning

The prosecution's closing arguments will be heard on Monday in the trial of a 93-year-old former Nazi concentration camp guard for complicity in the murder of more than 5,000 people during World War II.

Former Nazi camp guard, 93, faces German court reckoning
The 93-year-old former SS guard Bruno Dey at a Hamburg court on June 19th. Photo: DPA

In what could be one of the last such cases of surviving Nazi guards, Bruno Dey stands accused of complicity in the murder of 5,230 people when he worked at the Stutthof camp near what was then Danzig, now Gdansk in Poland.

Dey, who has appeared in court in a wheelchair, denies bearing any guilt for what happened at the camp.

His defence has insisted that he did not join the SS voluntarily before serving at the camp from August 1944 to April 1945, ending up assigned there because a heart condition excluded him from frontline service.

But prosecutors argue that his involvement was crucial to the killings, as his time in the SS coincided with the “Final Solution” order to systematically exterminate Jews through gassing, starvation or denial of medical care.

Dey is standing trial at a juvenile court because he was aged between 17 and 18 at the time.

READ ALSO: Former Nazi concentration camp guard, 93, 'sorry for what he did', German court hears

'Emaciated figures'

During his testimony in May, Dey told the court that he wanted to forget his time at the camp.

“I don't want to keep going over the past,” he told the Hamburg tribunal.

Judge Anna Meier-Goering had asked whether Dey had spoken to his children and grandchildren about the time he stood guard at Stutthof.

“I don't bear any guilt for what happened back then,” Dey said. “I didn't contribute anything to it, other than standing guard. But I was forced to do it, it was an order.”

Dey acknowledged last year that he had been aware of the camp's gas chambers and admitted seeing “emaciated figures, people who had suffered”, but insisted he was not guilty.

The Nazis set up the Stutthof camp in 1939, initially using it to detain Polish political prisoners.

But it ended up holding 110,000 detainees, including many Jews. Some 65,000 people perished in the camp.

Race against time

Dey, who now lives in Hamburg, became a baker after the war.

Married with two daughters, he supplemented his income by working as a truck driver, before later taking on a job in building maintenance.

He came into prosecutors' sights after a landmark 2011 ruling against former Sobibor camp guard John Demjanjuk on the basis that he was part of the Nazi killing machine.

Since then, Germany has been racing to put on trial surviving SS personnel on those grounds rather than for murders or atrocities directly linked to the individual accused.


Ukrainian-American Demjanjuk was convicted of being an accessory to the murder of nearly 30,000 Jews at the Sobibor death camp. He died while his appeal was pending.

The court ruled that as a guard at the camp, he was automatically implicated in killings carried out there at the time.

The case set a new legal precedent and prompted several further convictions of Nazi officers, including that of the “bookkeeper of Auschwitz” Oscar Gröning.

He died aged 96 before he could be jailed.

By Femke Colborne

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Denmark to introduce law against war crimes

The Danish government will table a bill this autumn which is set to introduce specific laws against war crimes for the first time in the Nordic country.

Denmark to introduce law against war crimes

A new Danish law will specifically legislate against war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The law is set to be proposed in a government bill this autumn after Justice Minister Peter Hummelgaard in 2023 asked a committee to prepare anti-war crime paragraphs to be entered into Danish criminal law.

The committee has now completed that work and made recommendations, the Ministry of Justice said on Friday.

Hummelgaard said that the introduction of war crimes laws in Denmark sends an important signal in relation to the war in Ukraine.

“It’s important that we send a clear signal to the world around us and not least to victims that we won’t accept war crimes and similar international crimes,” he said in the statement.

The move is set to end Denmark’s position as one of the last European countries not to have specific laws on war crimes.

It was initiated last year in a motion by the opposition Socialist People’s Party (SF), which the government said it supported.

“I think it’s important to say first and foremost that war crimes are already illegal in Danish criminal law,” Hummelgaard said at the time.

“It is not written in as specific clauses in the criminal law, but all offences that are war crimes are criminal,” he said.

“But with all that said, I think that SF has an important point in saying that the time has now come for us to introduce an independent criminalisation of war crimes. I think that would send out an important message to the world, and especially to victims,” he said.