Which countries have quarantines for Swiss arrivals?

Despite borders opening across Europe and the world, there are still some countries restricting arrivals from Switzerland.

Which countries have quarantines for Swiss arrivals?
Which countries have restricted arrivals from Switzerland. Photo: FABRICE COFFRINI / AFP

The following countries have some form of a quarantine in place for arrivals from Switzerland: Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Ireland. 

Estonia has said it will put in place a quarantine on Swiss arrivals if rates continue to rise. 

In some of these countries tourists are banned while others will be required to quarantine, while in others tourists and all other arrivals will need to quarantine. 

Belgium, which recently had a quarantine recommendation for arrivals from the southern Swiss canton of Ticino, has removed the restriction and now allows entry from all Swiss cantons without a quarantine. 

READ: Who is allowed to travel to Switzerland from outside the EU?

Why must Swiss arrivals quarantine? The reason for the quarantines is the increasing infection rate in Switzerland, although the respective rates differ in each of the countries. 

Finland says no

In Finland, while Swiss tourist arrivals were allowed after a long ban, a fresh ban snapped into place on Monday, July 27th. 

There are some exceptions to the ban, with Finnish citizens, family members, business travellers and owners of holiday homes still allowed to enter, subject to a 14-day quarantine. 

Finland has a low threshold of eight new infections per 100,000 people. 

Switzerland currently has a nationwide rate of 17 infections per 100,000 people, however this is higher in cantons such as Geneva (58) and Graubünden (31). 

Latvia and Lithuania

The Baltic states of Latvia and Lithuania set a limit for quarantine measures at 16 infections per 100,000 people, just below Switzerland’s current amount of 17. 

READ: Will Switzerland introduce coronavirus testing at airports to cut quarantine? 


Like Finland, entry from Switzerland had been possible without a quarantine in previous weeks, rising infection rates in the Alpine nation has a led to the quarantine. 

This means that currently tourists are permitted to enter from Switzerland however they must complete a 14-day quarantine. 

If Switzerland’s infection rate continues to rise however, a complete ban is likely to be reinstated. Currently, arrivals from countries with an infection rate of 25 per 100,000 will be restricted. 

Estonia has a cut off of 17.5, just half a percentage point above Switzerland’s current rate. 


Despite relaxing entry requirements for 15 other European countries in late July, Ireland kept restrictions in place for Swiss arrivals. 

Anyone arriving from Switzerland in Ireland must undergo a 14-day quarantine. 

Ireland has advised any potential arrivals to call their embassy before their planned departure. 

Editor's note: Please keep in mind that this article, as with all of our guides, are to provide assistance only. They are not intended to take the place of official legal advice. 




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How difficult is it to change your doctor in Switzerland?

If you already have a GP doctor in Switzerland but, for some reason, need or want to switch, how easy is it to do so?

How difficult is it to change your doctor in Switzerland?

There are a number of reasons why you may want to leave your GP and find a new one.

Maybe you don’t like their bedside manner, are not happy with the medical care, or are simply moving away and need to find someone closer to your new home.

Whatever the reason, whether or not you can easily switch from one doctor to another depends on the kind of health insurance you have.

Different models, different rights

If you have the ‘standard’ — and typically the most expensive — type of the obligatory health insurance (KVG / LaMal), then you are free to switch your GPs at will, and you don’t have to inform the insurance carrier of the switch.

However, if you have opted for one of the cheaper insurance models, then your right to switch doctors may be limited:

Family doctor model’

It is the most popular in Switzerland (and 20 percent cheaper than standard insurance policy premiums).

Under this model, you have a family doctor who will manage your care — that is, treat you or send you to specialists if needed (with the exception of gynecologists and eye doctors, who don’t require a referral).

You can’t, however, change doctors at will, unless your insurance company approves the switch.

Telemedicine model

If you have opted for the Telemed formula, you must call a health hotline set up by your insurance company.

They will give you a referral to a doctor or hospital based on your symptoms.
Heath Maintainance Organisation (HMO)

Under this model, policyholders are required to consult a particular HMO practice. Two disadvantages of this alternative is a limited choice of doctors and you also need a referral to see a specialist.

So the only option that gives you the right to switch doctors with no hassle is the standard one, with the family doctor model also possibly allowing you to do so, under certain circumstances.

The way Telmed and HMO are set up, however, switching doctors is not possible. If that option is important to you, then you will have to switch to the (more expensive) standard insurance.

The only exception to the above restrictions are emergencies, when you need urgent medical treatment.

Assuming you have the standard model, how do you go about changing?

The process is pretty simple: you can find physicians in your area either through recommendations from people you know (which is the best way to ensure you will not be getting an ‘anonymous’ doctor) or, if no recommendations are available, then through the OneDoc platform, which lists which doctors are taking new patients and where.

You can then make an appointment directly online.

When you do so, ask your current physician’s office to transfer your file to the new doc.

You don’t need to explain the reasons for the switch.
READ ALSO: The essential Swiss websites you need to use for health matters