Ask the experts: The pitfalls to avoid when moving to France

Moving countries is always challenging and France has its own very specific systems in place, so we asked the experts for their top tips for people planning a move.

Ask the experts: The pitfalls to avoid when moving to France
The property hunt in France is likely to be different to what you are used to. Photo: AFP

From dossiers to cartes de séjour, garants to elevators there are always a few surprises in store when people begin the process of moving to France. While moving here is always a popular choice, or many British readers there is the added time pressure of Brexit, meaning that many are rushing to get here before the end of the year.

So we asked two relocation experts for their tips on navigating the French systems in order to ensure a smooth move with a nice place to live and the correct immigration papers in place.

1. Do your research

Sounds like an obvious one, but it's important that you figure out where you want to live and what you can afford.

You can go and visit the Eiffel Tower but don't expect a view of it from your apartment widow unless you have a seriously big budget. Photo: AFP

In French cities – especially Paris – property prices can be high so you need to be realistic about what you can afford. Those huge apartments with a view of the Eiffel Tower that appear in virtually all movies about Paris? In real life they're generally owned by French aristos, film stars or foreign royalty so unless you have the purchasing power to outbid them then you might be looking at something a little smaller.

Carmel O'Connel and Joe Wilson run the south-west France based LBV Property Management, which offers property and relocation services.

Carmel said: “Getting a good idea of the cost of living in France is the thing to focus on to determine your budget.

“We recommend that people do as much research as they can on the cost of housing, utilities, groceries, transport, schooling, health cover, insurance, social security, and taxes. There’s plenty of information on the internet and it would be time well spent.

“Although you may have holidayed in France many times, your spending habits are likely to be very different when living here.

Sara Hillhouse-Sallembien is the founder of the Smart Relocation agency which helps people find property, set up utility and bank accounts and other life essentials and deal with immigration and other paperwork.

She said: “You need to do some research in advance to get a good idea of what your budget will buy. Prices to rent and buy are expensive in Paris, but property can also be both expensive and hard to find in Nantes, Lyon and Bordeaux as well.”

If you're moving for a job then you will probably be tied to a specific area, but if you're freelancing, working from home or retiring then you will need to decide where to be.

Carmel added: “If you’re able to be flexible on location, think about what’s important about where you want to live and where will deliver the experience you are looking.

“Some things to think about are; the climate – although France’s climate is temperate, it has four distinct climatic areas, so consider what suits you best whether it is the modest annual temperature variations of the north, the hot dry summers of the south, or somewhere in between.

“Think urban or rural – within a town or village, within a community, rolling hills, sea views, or the peace and quiet of the deep countryside. 

“And always consider services – transport links, schools, internet and mobile coverage are just as important to check out.”

Check out services and transport links in the area you want to move to. Photo: AFP

2. Be prepared for differences in property

The properties that you're looking at may not be the same as those you're used to, so don't limit your options by setting your heart on a particular feature that is hard to find in France.

For example air conditioning is not a feature of most French homes so if you insist that your new place has air con you will be dramatically limiting the number of options available to you.

Sara said: “As well as air con, elevators are not installed in every apartment block and often are very small. If you have young children you need to think about whether your stroller will fit into the elevator and – if not – whether the building has a place on the ground floor where you can store it. Don't assume that it will.

“The size of apartments comes as a surprise to many as a lot of them are very small – especially the bathrooms. The water closet really is closet sized and you don't get the large bathrooms and en suite that you find in many other countries.”

Carmel added: “Remember, renting before buying is an option that allows you more time to get what you really want.

“It’s really important to come and visit that fantastic house that you found on the internet, despite having a 360 virtual tour video, nothing compares with experiencing it with all of your senses, along with the surrounding area, for yourself in person.”

READ ALSO Nine things to expect when renting an apartment in France

3. Get your dossier in order

If you're renting you will need a dossier. This is something that potential tenants will likely not have encountered in other countries, but is crucial for house-hunting in France.

You need a complete set of relevant papers such as ID, work contracts, payslips and financial information before you start looking at houses or apartments. Many agents will not even show you round the property until they have seen your dossier, so looking at places before your papers are in order is a waste of time.

Sara said: “If you have even one paper missing from your dossier and there is another person interested in the property then you will lose out. This is particularly the case in cities like Paris, Nantes, Lyon and Bordeaux where property moves fast – the agent won't chase up your paperwork, they will just go with someone else.”

Find out more about putting together your dossier here

Make sure you have your paperwork lined up before you start househunting. Photo: AFP

4. Line up a guarantor

In some circumstances you may be asked for a garant (a financial guarantor) especially if you're looking at less expensive housing.

Self-employed people who cannot demonstrate solid accounts going back a couple of years or those not working may also need to provide a guarantor. In general the garant must be someone already living and working in France and they too need to provide a dossier of documents so if you think you might need one it's worth asking them ahead of time so they can start assembling documents.

If you don't have anyone who fits the criteria, there are companies who offer to act as guarantors for foreigners, in exchange for a fee.

Sara said: “It tends to be studios and one-bed apartments that are more likely to ask for a garant, it's not such a big issue once you get to the three-bedroom apartments. The landlords are very careful because French law is weighted heavily in favour of the tenant once you get a contract.”

READ ALSO Renting property in France: Know your rights as a tenant


5. Learn French

Some people are already fluent when they move, but for those who aren't many assume they will 'pick it up' once they're here. And while it's true that you will learn a lot through being in the country, the period of house-hunting and moving is when you will need to have some pretty complicated conversations.

Carmel said: “We advise that prior to moving, it is important to start learning the language, don’t assume you’ll have more time and will pick it up when you get here.

“Having a grasp of the language beforehand will allow for a much quicker assimilation. Whilst language apps are great, if possible, book a series of lessons with a native French speaker as you’ll learn so much more about the language and culture, plus it can be more fun, interactive and help with overcoming any inhibitions about speaking the language with the locals.”

Sara added: “If you're only searching for property online in English you will be directed to sites that often have pretty hefty mark-ups on prices. Plus you will miss out on a lot of properties by not searching through the French sites.”

6. Visas and residency cards 

This is not an issue that EU citizens need to face, but for people coming from outside Europe you need to arrange a visa before you travel, then a carte de séjour residency card after a certain period in France.

If you're daunted by the paperwork, many relocation agencies offer this as a service as well as finding you somewhere to live and setting up accounts.

Sara said: “Your visa application starts before you leave and you will need to provide a lot of paperwork and in some cases proof of your financial means. If for example you are applying for the talent visa you need to provide proof of the job you are coming to and also your educational attainments and qualifications to show that you have the experience necessary for the job.

READ ALSO How to apply for a visa for France – step by step

“As well as helping people with visas when they first arrive we also help people with renewals when they fall due.

“And of course residency cards is something that British people will need to face soon as well, we will be offering that as a service for British people already here once their application process for a carte de séjour goes live in October.”

READ ALSO Carte de séjour: The online process for post-Brexit residency cards in France



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Campaign launched against second homes in France

Faced with increasing difficulty in finding housing, locals in one area of France have launched a campaign to limit the number of second homes in the region.

Campaign launched against second homes in France

Overall, one in 10 properties in France is used as a second home, with the vast majority having French owners. But the situation in areas that have a particularly high number of second homes has led to locals feeling shut out of the market.

France has so far largely escaped the ‘anti tourist’ protests seen in countries including Spain, but the high number of second homes is a regular source of tension.

The most recent campaign is in Brittany, where a petition has been launched to close down a popular website (, launched in 2021 by the Caisse d’épargne Bretagne – Pays de la Loire) advertising second homes.

The petition accused the website of encouraging people to purchase second homes while Brittany residents are unable to find affordable housing. 

The left-wing political group, Union démocratique brétonne (UDB), launched the petition, writing that “Brittany does not lack housing. The truth is that hundreds of thousands of homes are empty nine months out of 12.”

Tifenn Siret, the spokesperson for UDP explained the petition to BFMTV. She said: “We are looking at an aggressive promotion [of second homes].

“The moment this website went up in 2021, there was a campaign to promote the site in newspapers and the media. We have several ‘housing shortage zones’ where people who work cannot live there.”

Another Brittany resident, Pauline from Finistère, told the French TV channel: “We are struggling to be able to buy homes in the area where we work.”

In response, Caisse d’épargne Bretagne – Pays de la Loire told BFMTV that “Out of 12,000 real estate projects in 2023, only 200 were for second homes, or 1.6 percent.

“We are not the ones creating the market, it’s the buyers who decide. Our role is to be facilitators, to support people.”

Other pushback against second homes

In recent months, second homes – notably those with their shutters closed (volets fermés) – have been targeted with graffiti and posters, BFMTV reported.

In July, a home in Trégunc (in the Finistère département) was sprayed with graffiti bearing the words “Besoin primaire, résidence secondaire” (Primary needs, secondary residence).

In March 2024, a car belonging to second homeowners in Névez (also in Finistère) was set on fire.

Some of these actions, including the burning of the car, have been organised by regionalist groups, such as the FLB (Front de libération de la Bretagne).

Another activist group, Douar Ha Frankis, which has particularly focused on limiting Airbnb rentals in the region, occupied a building used for Airbnb rentals in August, during the Inter-Celtic festival in Lorient, as well as placing flyers and posters on second homes.

The group told Franceinfo that they would like to see quotas put in place to limit the number of second homes in an area. 

What is the second homes situation in Brittany?

The western French region has become more popular amongst second home owners and tourists in recent years, partly due to climate change which has left parts of southern France exceedingly hot in the summer.

READ MORE: Why more and more tourists are flocking to Brittany

According to Ouest France, second homes make up 13.3 percent of properties in the region, higher than the national average of 9.5 percent.

However, those numbers increase significantly when looking at coastal parts of the region and its islands. For example, the Îles du Ponant have closer to 60 percent of properties as second homes, and that number rises to 72 percent for the island of Bréhat.

Local residents have noticed that areas with large portions of second homes have also become more expensive.

In Carnac, a coastal town in the Morbihan, second homes represent 71 percent of properties, BFMTV reported. Meanwhile, property prices in Carnac are closer to €6,027 per square metre, in contrast to the average of €2,814 for the rest of the Morbihan département.

In Saint-Briac-sur-Mer, located in the Ile-et-Vilaine département, the share of second homes is 60 percent, and price per square metre has reached €6,237, compared to the département average of €2,900.

What about other parts of France?

There has been similar pushback in other parts of France, but it is worth noting that the vast majority – around 90 percent – of second homes in France have French owners, and there is no particular animus against foreigners who buy a second home in France.

In 2022, France’s then-finance minister Bruno Le Maire, who owns a second home in the Pays-Basque in south-west France, saw his property briefly occupied by activists.

They called for extra powers for local authorities to impose a surcharge on second homes, with the money going towards creating affordable housing for local people.

Meanwhile, second homes in Corsica, where as many as one in three properties are second homes, have increasingly become targets for arsonists, Le Monde reported.

READ MORE: Where in France are locals protesting about second-home owners?

Steps to rein in second homes?

Thousands of French communes are officially designated as ‘zones tendues’. Literally translated as ‘tense zone’ in this context, it means an area with a housing shortage. 

To be officially designated by the government as a zone tendue, local authorities must be able to show that the area has a housing shortage, or that locals are priced out of the market.

If you own property in a zone tendue it could affect the property taxes you pay.

Areas with zone tendue status have the power to impose a surcharge on the taxe d’habitation on second-homes of up to 60 percent.

As for Airbnb, France imposes several restrictions on people who want to rent out their property via the holiday letting platform Airbnb.

There have also been calls to tighten these rules further, which could be included in the autumn legislative session in parliament, as they were put on hold due to the dissolution of parliament in June 2024.

READ MORE: Revealed: Where in France do foreigners buy second homes?