Norway to allow companies to send staff home until next year

The Norwegian government said on Thursday that it would extend provisions allowing companies to send staff home from 26 to 52 weeks.

Norway to allow companies to send staff home until next year
Hotels are among businesses hard-hit by the coronavirus slowdown. Photo: AFP

That means people who were sent home in March (for example) as a result of closures due to the coronaviruses lockdown can now remain so until March 2021 before the company is obliged to let them go.

The purpose of the extension, which comes into effect from November 1st until June 2021, is to prevent people from losing their jobs due to the economic consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, the government said in a statement.

Sectors hardest hit by the corona crisis include tourism, export, the maritime sector, aviation and construction.

The announcement was first reported by VG.

“We saw before the summer that we would have to assess the situation with the economy until autumn, including to review lay-off rules,” Prime Minister Erna Solberg said.

In a Norwegian context, ‘lay-off’ (permittering in Norwegian) means to temporarily, fully or partially release an employee from the obligation to work. Lay-offs under coronavirus rules are administered by Norway’s Labour and Welfare Administration, NAV.


“Now we have additionally received a letter from business representatives… asking for clarification and an extension of the lay-off rules to 52 weeks. That’s why we are making these changes now,” Solberg said.

Opposition parties as well as business interest organisations including the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise and the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions have called for the extension from 26 to 52 weeks of the provision, which was introduced in the spring in response to the coronavirus crisis.

Solberg also signalled an extra period for people sent home long-term. Companies would foot the bill for the extra period, she said.

“This must not become an obstacle to people getting back to work. We are concerned with ensuring employers actually assess whether they can keep on people who are sent home or whether their labour should be made available to others,” Solberg said to VG.



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Four steps to take straight after you lose your job in Norway

Losing a job is a nightmare scenario for many of us. Losing a job as a foreign resident in Norway comes with even more risk. Following these steps should help you get back on your feet in no time.

Four steps to take straight after you lose your job in Norway

Being laid off is never easy, but as a foreign resident, finding yourself unemployed could also jeopardise your residence rights.

This extra layer of stress compounds dealing with a country’s workplace regulations on employment termination and what rights you may be entitled to as a job seeker.

In the immediate aftermath of losing your job, it can be hard to think clearly, but following these four steps should help you move forward—and hopefully, the next opportunity will come your way soon.

1. Checking the terms and legality of the firing

Before signing or agreeing to anything, familiarising yourself with the rules for ending employment relationships in Norway is important.

While the country has a good reputation for protecting workers, unlawful firings happen regularly, and some workers sign unfavourable terms when they may be entitled to more.

The dismissal must be “factually justified,” and the burden of proof that the firing was justified lies with the employer.

In cases of misconduct and performance issues, the employer must also collect detailed evidence, issue warnings, and make documented efforts to improve the worker’s performance or behaviour.

When a meeting over termination is held, all proper steps must be subsequently followed, and you will be allowed to bring a representative.

If the employer has not followed all these steps, you can dispute the firing.

It is important that workers do not let their employers pressure them into resigning, as this relieves the employer of fulfilling its obligations and of having to provide a reason for the grounds for firing.

More information on the termination of employment relationships can be found on the website of the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority.

It is also important to ensure that you receive all the necessary documentation from your employer; if you don’t, the termination may be considered invalid. 

READ ALSO: Is it really ‘impossible’ to get fired in Norway?

2. Contact your union

A large bulk of the Norwegian workforce is unionised, and if you have been fired you can still make use of your union.

You can use the union to determine whether the firing was justified or legal.

Union lawyers have a fairly good track record of getting members’ dismissals overturned.

These associations also have resources to help members who have become job seekers. This can include CV workshops and job-seeking tips.

3. Check how the job loss affects your residence rights

Becoming unemployed can affect your right to live in Norway legally. Figuring out how being unemployed will affect your rights to live and remain in Norway is hugely important.

If you are in Norway on a work permit, you must notify the local police station in your area within seven days of becoming unemployed.

From there, you will have up to six months to look for a new job in Norway. When you get a new job, you may be required to apply for a new permit.

For those on a skilled worker permit, this means the job must be related to their skills and qualifications, and they cannot just get any job.

Those from the EEA can continue living in Norway as long as they like, as long as they have been working in the country for over a year. If you’ve worked in Norway for less than a year, you will have six months to find a new job.

Workers from the EEA aren’t required to have a job directly related to their skills and qualifications. 

READ ALSO: What happens to work permit holders in Norway if they lose their job?

4. Register with NAV

Those who are legally living in Norway and paying taxes are members of the Norwegian National Insurance Scheme.

If you are a member of the National Insurance Scheme, then you may be eligible for welfare or unemployment benefits from the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV).

You will need to register as a job seeker in addition to applying for unemployment benefits. Alternatively, you may be entitled to wages that your employer still needs to pay if the company has gone bankrupt. You can read more about the process of applying for unemployment benefits (in Norwegian) here.

Having access to this financial lifeline may be able to tide you over until you find a new job.