Three tips for getting your dream Swedish job (even during the pandemic)

Anyone who is currently job-searching will find themself facing not only higher competition for many available roles but also a very different networking and recruitment process. Here are three expert tips on how to adapt to make the 'new normal' work for you in your job search.

Three tips for getting your dream Swedish job (even during the pandemic)
Photo: Jessica Gow / TT

Adapt your application

Even while writing your CV and application materials, you should have the changed situation in mind.

That might mean including your Skype contact details ready for a video interview, highlighting relevant experiences, and even adapting your CV format.

“Your application will probably be read by a manager or recruiter who is working from home and sitting in front of a small laptop. That means reading directly on the screen and rarerly printing out [the application],” says Markus Wiberg, a regional head at Unionen, Sweden's biggest trade union.

Because of this, it's more important to avoid too small a font or too much text. But you can take advantage of using hyperlinks to your LinkedIn profile, an online portfolio, or other useful websites.

Prepare for remote interviews

“During the pandemic, interviews have become very different from what we are used to. It is more the rule than the exception that it happens over the phone or through a video conversation, which puts high demands on both the person interviewing and the one job-hunting,” says Wiberg.

This means adapting to video call etiquette. Try to look at the camera rather than at the screen — it might help to put a PostIt note next to it to remind you, or hide your own video from your screen (without turning off your video) so you don't get distracted by how you look. Make sure you have a spot where you can focus on the call, with a neat and tidy background and no sound distractions, whether that means asking the children to be quiet for an hour or remembering not to turn on your dishwasher or tumble dryer.

Photo: Jessica Gow / TT

It may be harder to build up personal rapport over a remote interview, and it's also important to use the opportunity to stand out in what may well be a more crowded field than usual. 

Johan Mauritzson, an advisor at TRR, which offers support to workers who have been made redundant, advises using a headset if possible for clearer sound, and placing the laptop or camera at your eye level or slightly higher.

And be aware of your tone of voice and body language, which play an important role over the phone or in videos. 

“Express yourself clearly and talk at a steady pace, using words you feel comfortable with,” says Mauritzson.

Be aware of extra competition

Johan Mauritzson, an advisor at TRR, which offers support to workers who have been made redundant, notes that in a competitive field it's extra important to highlight your relevant skills.

“The increased competition puts higher demands on job-seekers generally. There is an extra requirement for being clear about what your skills are and what you can offer the employer. Many get uncomfortable when they have to highlight their own strengths so they are too cautious about it, but in these times there's no room for that,” says Mauritzson. “You have to believe in yourself.”

He advises speaking to previous colleagues and managers to get an idea of where your strengths lie. When other people have told you that you have valuable skills, it can help you feel more confident presenting this to a potential new employer.

And don't give up hope if the first few applications don't lead anywhere. Mauritzson advises that the autumn can be a good time for job-hunters.

“People have often had time to think over summer, companies bring in new strength ahead of the coming year, a lot tends to happen during autumn. Perhaps especially this year, since we had a spring where everything was on pause,” he says.

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When will Sweden raise the work permit salary threshold?

Sweden's work permit salary threshold is currently set as 80 percent of the most recent median salary figures, which are from June last year. When are these figures going to be updated, increasing the threshold?

When will Sweden raise the work permit salary threshold?

What’s the current salary threshold?

On November 1st, 2023, Sweden’s work permit salary threshold was set at 80 percent of the median salary, as calculated each year by Statistics Sweden. This means that the limit will change every year as the median salary changes.

It’s currently 27,360 kronor, or 80 percent of the most recent median salary figure from June 2023.

How much will it go up by and when?

We don’t know what the new median salary will be yet, but we do know that Statistics Sweden will release its new median salary figure on June 18th, 2024. It will almost definitely rise, meaning that the threshold for a new work permit or a work permit extension will also rise.

It’s worth noting that this will only apply to applications submitted after June 18th – the threshold is determined by the most recent salary figures at the time of application, not at the time a decision is made. This means that if you have a valid work permit in Sweden but you earn below the new limit, you’ll be allowed to stay in Sweden until your permit expires.

You will, however, need to earn above the threshold when you apply for a work permit extension or permanent residency.

Are there any plans to raise the salary threshold further?

Yes. The government plans to raise the work permit threshold for new permits to 100 percent of the median salary (currently 34,200 kronor, although this will also rise as Statistics Sweden releases new figures) at the time of application, with exemptions for some categories of workers. 

This is currently going through the consultation stage (remiss) of the legislative process, which means it is not yet a firm proposal. If it does go ahead, the proposed starting date is June 1st, 2025.

There would be a one-year grace period for work permit renewals: the current rule (80 percent of the median salary) would continue to apply for any applications for extensions submitted to the Migration Agency by June 1st 2026 at the latest.