ANALYSIS: How Spain’s judicial reform plan is raising a red flag in Brussels

The proposed reform of a top Spanish legal body has sparked a storm of controversy, with critics warning it risks undermining the judicial system's independence in concerns echoed by Brussels.

ANALYSIS: How Spain's judicial reform plan is raising a red flag in Brussels
View of Spain's Supreme Court in Madrid. Photo: AFP

For the leftwing government of Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, the worry is that Spain could find itself compared to Hungary and Poland, which have been criticised by the European Union for trying to exert control over the judiciary.   

The proposed reform, which was submitted by Sanchez's Socialist-led coalition, would change how members are appointed to the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ), an independent body of judges and jurists.

Known as Spain's legal watchdog, the CGPJ is responsible for naming judges and ensuring the independence of both courts and judges.   

It has 20 members — 12 judges or magistrates and eight lawyers or other jurists — elected by both chambers of the Cortes (parliament).   

The reform specifically affects the appointment of the 12 judges.

'An institutional anomaly'


Alarm bells began ringing at the end of September when the European Commission singled out Spain in its report on the rule of law for not renewing membership of the CGPJ as it should have done two years ago.   

And it stressed the importance of ensuring that the council “is not perceived as being vulnerable to politicisation”, in a clear nod to the necessary separation of executive and judicial powers.

The council's mandate expired in December 2018 and since then it has been operating on an interim basis, given that Sanchez has been unable to push through the appointments for lack of parliamentary support, notably from the
rightwing opposition Popular Party.   

For nearly two years, Spain has been plagued by “an institutional anomaly”, according to Carlos Lesmes, interim head of the CGPJ, whose members normally serve five-year terms.

The current impasse is just one aspect of a bitter standoff between the Socialists and their hard-left coalition ally Podemos, and the PP, which started with the government's handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

Until now, the 12 judges in the CGPJ have been appointed by a three-fifths majority vote, but under the proposed reform that would be changed to an absolute majority.

The government has defended the move as the only way to break the impasse caused by the PP's dogged refusal to reach an agreement.   

But as well as angering the opposition, the proposed reform has also sparked concern in part of the judiciary.

Appointing these 12 council members by an absolute majority could allow the leftwing coalition to bypass the PP and chose judges of a certain ideological persuasion, whereas under the current system, all parties are compelled to compromise.

'Taking a step back'


The draft proposal has set alarm bells ringing at the European Commission, with spokesman Christophe Wigand telling AFP that Brussels was following the developments in Spain “closely”.

“Member states must follow EU standards to ensure that judicial independence is not compromised,” he said.

The European Association of Judges (EAJ) has also expressed “its great concern that Spain is taking a step back” with respect to the basic requirements for ensuring judicial independence.   

“The present option will increase the risk of undue political influence in the appointment of the members of the Judicial Council, damaging the perception of the society of an effective judicial independence,” a statement

But experts said the proposed reform did not mean Madrid should be put it in the same category as Warsaw or Budapest, who were criticised late last month in an EU report for undermining European legal standards and democratic

“Spain isn't Poland or Hungary,” said Pablo Castillo, an expert in law and political science at Sheffield University in northern England.    

Sanchez's proposal “is not going to lead to a collapse of the rule of law in Spain, although it's hardly supporting the independence of the judiciary,” he told AFP.

“But the proposed reform of the CGPJ in Spain does echo things that have happened in these two countries,” he admitted.

“The question of judicial independence is not black or white, it's a question of nuance.

By AFP's Marie Giffard


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Spain PM’s wife to testify in her corruption investigation

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez's wife testifies before a judge Friday as part of a preliminary corruption probe into her business ties in a case that has infuriated the Socialist leader.

Spain PM's wife to testify in her corruption investigation

Last month, a Madrid court summoned Begoña Gómez to testify on July 5 “as an investigated party” as part of a judicial inquiry into “the alleged offences of corruption in the private sector and influence peddling”.

She is due to appear at 10:00 am (0800 GMT) for the proceedings, which won’t be public.

The preliminary investigation was opened on April 16th following a complaint filed by the anti-graft NGO Manos Limpias (Clean Hands), which is linked to the far right.

The right-wing opposition has pounced on the affair as proof of their claims that Sánchez and his left-wing government are corrupt.

But he has denounced it as a smear campaign.

Earlier this week, Sánchez told Cadena SER radio he was feeling “totally calm and confident” because there was “absolutely nothing” in the allegations, denouncing “a legal strategy of harassment aimed at overthrowing” his government.

Along with the Catalan amnesty law, the Gómez affair has complicated life for Sánchez, whose brother is also facing a graft probe triggered by another Manos Limpias complaint, prompting a barrage of right-wing criticism.

READ MORE: Spain govt slams ‘trumped-up’ charge against PM’s brother

“It is an insult to the intelligence of all Spaniards when her husband simply says there’s nothing to it,” railed Miguel Tellado, spokesman for the right-wing opposition Popular Party (PP).

When news of the investigation broke at the end of April, Sánchez shocked Spain by saying he was considering resigning over what he described as a campaign of political harassment by the right.

After five days of reflection, he ultimately decided to stay on.

Madrid prosecutors appealed to have the case thrown out for lack of evidence, but they were overruled, with the investigating judge issuing the July summons just days before Spain voted in the EU elections.

European involvement

Legal documents show the probe is focused on the professional ties between Gómez and consultant Carlos Barrabes.

In documents released at the end of May, the court said it was looking into two letters of support Gómez allegedly provided in 2020 for a joint venture bidding for several public contracts.

The joint venture’s main shareholder was Barrabes, who also had ties to a department at Madrid’s Complutense University run by Gómez.

It won the contracts, beating 20 rivals, and was awarded 10.2 million euros ($11.1 million).

Earlier this week, the investigating judge said Gómez was being investigated for “all actions, conduct and behaviours… since her husband became prime minister”.

Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska, who spent years as a judge at Spain’s top criminal court, said he found such a statement “worrying”, suggesting the investigation may be stretching beyond its legal mandate.

Part of the probe involving European funds has been turned over to Brussels.

“We can confirm that we have partially taken over the investigation… on June 6th,” the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) said in a statement to AFP, without giving further details.

‘Tip of the iceberg’

With a degree in marketing from Madrid’s private university ESIC and a master’s in management, Gómez has specialised over the years in fundraising, particularly for foundations and NGOs.

Her career has taken her to a number of positions, including at business consultancy Inmark Europa and Complutense University.

The issue has provoked a political war of words with PP leader Alberto Núñez Feijóo telling Onda Cero radio this week that Sánchez should take responsibility.

“The political responsibility lies with her husband. His behaviour is completely unacceptable, at very least from an ethical point of view,” he said.

“I’m not naive about why they’re doing this,” Sánchez told Cadena SER.

“From a political point of view they are trying to put an end to this progressive coalition government.”

The PP’s Tellado said the bottom line was simple.

“To what extent did Sánchez know about what was going on, and to what extent did he play a leading role? We have no doubt that Begoña Gómez is only the tip of the iceberg in this scandal.”