Anti-terror chief suspended after Austria attack failures

The head of anti-terror operations in the Austrian capital Vienna was suspended on Friday as details emerged of further security lapses in the run up to this week's jihadist attack which left four people dead.

Anti-terror chief suspended after Austria attack failures
Police officers patrol near the site of the terrorist attack in Vienna, Austria on November 4, 2020. JOE KLAMAR / AFP

Erich Zwettler, the head of Vienna's anti-terror agency, had “asked to be suspended from his functions”, Vienna police chief Gerhard Puerstl told a press conference, as further embarrassing revelations came to light of missed opportunities to prevent the bloodshed.

During Monday night's rampage, the first major terror attack in decades in Austria, a 20-year-old man who had previously been jailed in Austria for a terror offence opened fire on passersby with a Kalashnikov in central Vienna, causing shock and anger.

People attend a candlelight vigil remembering the victims of the terrorist attack in Vienna, Austria on November 5, 2020.  JOE KLAMAR / AFP

Zwettler's position became untenable in the light of “obvious and intolerable” failures, Interior Minister Karl Nehammer said, after revealing that gunman Kujtim Fejzulai had been in contact with people who had been on the radar of the German intelligence agencies.

A tip-off from German intelligence about these meetings had apparently not led to increased surveillance of Fejzulai, who at the time was following an Austrian de-radicalisation programme having been released early from jail.

Earlier this week, it came to light Austrian intelligence officials had also been warned by their counterparts in neighbouring Slovakia that Fejzulai had attempted to buy ammunition earlier this year.

Nehammer himself has come under pressure in the days since the attack with sharp criticism coming from opposition parties that the failures had taken place under his watch.

On Friday, the government ordered the closure of two mosques frequented by Fejzulai which had allegedly furthered his radicalisation.

READ ALSO: Half of those arrested after Vienna attack ‘had violent crime convictions’

'Radical' mosques

The dual Austrian-Macedonian, who was shot dead by police, had been convicted in April 2019 for trying to join the Islamic State group in Syria, but released early in December on probation.

Nehammer said earlier this week that Fejzulai had managed to “fool” the de-radicalisation programme, attendance of which had been a condition of his release.

Integration Minister Susanne Raab said on Friday that the government's religious affairs office “was informed by the interior ministry that Monday's attacker, since his release from prison, had repeatedly visited two Vienna mosques”.

The two institutions are in Vienna's western suburbs, one called the Melit Ibrahim mosque in the Ottakring district, and the other being the Tewhid mosque in the Meidling area.

The BVT domestic intelligence agency “told us that the visits to these mosques furthered the attacker's radicalisation,” Raab said.

Only one of the mosques was officially registered as such, Raab said.

A statement from the Islamic Religious Community of Austria (IGGOe) said one officially registered mosque was being shut because it had broken rules over “religious doctrine and its constitution”, as well as national legislation governing Islamic institutions.

“Religious freedom is something precious in our country that we must and will protect – including from those within our own ranks,” said IGGOe President Umit Vural.

Peter Huber (C), Austrian ambassador to Germany, lays flowers during a vigil remembering the victims of the terrorist attack in Vienna, outside the Austrian embassy in Berlin on November 6, 2020. OMER MESSINGER / AFP

Also on Friday, the Vienna prosecutor's department said that of the 16 people arrested in the wake of the attack, eight of them aged between 16 and 24, were suspected of “supporting the perpetrator in the run-up to attack” while another six had been released.

The probe into the attacker's circle has spread to Austria's neighbours, with investigations ongoing in Switzerland and Germany.

On Friday, German police said they had raided apartments and offices in the north-east of the country used by four people who might have had links to Fejzulai.

“Two of the individuals are believed to have met the suspected assailant in July 2020 in Vienna,” Germany's federal criminal agency said.

Prosecutors in Switzerland have confirmed that two Swiss men aged 18 and 24 who were arrested on Wednesday had already been the targets of criminal cases over terrorism offences.


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Austrian investigators seize devices at Munich shooter’s home

Investigators seized electronic devices at the home of a young Austrian who fired shots near Israel's Munich consulate, but found no weapons or Islamic State group propaganda material, authorities said Friday.

Austrian investigators seize devices at Munich shooter's home

German police shot dead the 18-year-old man on Thursday when he fired a vintage rifle at them near the diplomatic building.

They said they were treating it as a “terrorist attack”, apparently timed to coincide with the anniversary of the killings of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympic Games.

Authorities raided the gunman’s home in the Salzburg region, seizing electronic data carriers, Austria’s top security chief Franz Ruf told a press conference in Vienna on Friday.

READ ALSO: Munich Israeli consulate gunman was ‘Austrian national known to authorities’

During the raid, “no weapons or IS propaganda” material were found, Ruf added.

Despite being subject to a ban on owning and carrying weapons, the man managed to purchase a vintage carbine rifle fitted with a bayonet with around “fifty rounds of ammunition” for 400 euros ($445) the day before the attack, Ruf said.

He opened fire at around 9:00 am (0700 GMT) near the Israeli consulate, sparking a mobilisation of about 500 police in downtown Munich.

At a separate press conference in Munich, prosecutor Gabriele Tilmann said investigators were combing through the gunman’s electronic data but had yet to find conclusive evidence of his motive.

But the “working hypothesis” was that “the perpetrator acted out of Islamist or anti-Semitic motivation”, she told reporters.

Austrian police said on Thursday that the gunman, who had Bosnian roots, had previously been investigated on suspicion of links to terrorism.

Investigators last year found three videos he had recorded in 2021, showing scenes from a computer game “with Islamist content”, prosecutors said in a statement.

In one of them the suspect had used an avatar with a flag of the “al-Nusra Front”, a jihadist group active in Syria, said Ruf.

But the investigation was dropped in 2023 as there were no indications that he was active in “radical” circles, prosecutors said.

“The mere playing of a computer game or the re-enactment of violent Islamist scenes was not sufficient to prove intent to commit the offence,” they added.