Is France really planning to create police files on political activists?

Changes to France's system of creating police files on potential threats to national security have sparked concern - here is what is happening.

Is France really planning to create police files on political activists?
What is contained in the changes to France's security dossier system? Photo: AFP

What is the change?

The controversy centres on three decrees published by the Interior Ministry concerning the way that police compile files on people who are believed to be a threat to national security.

Specifically, they broaden the type of information that can be recorded on certain types of police file – previously this was limited to a person's activities, now it can include their online and social media activity, as well as more personal information like their political and religious beliefs and membership of organisations including trade unions.

Concerns about mental health can also be recorded on the file.

The three decrees published contain the same changes, but for three different types of file – Pasp security files collected by the national police, Gipasp security files collected by gendarmes and EASP which are the files collated on civil servants before appointment to sensitive roles.

How does France's security dossier system work?

France has a national database called the Fichier des Personnes Recherchées (FPR), which is a database of wanted criminals or people on watchlists that was created in 1969.

This database also contains details of escaped prisoners, people who have escaped from institutions or people barred from entering the country.

The most well-known part of the system is the Fiche S security dossiers – where the letter S stands for 'state security' – and there are different types of Fiches S, with numbers going from S1 to S16.

Around 70 percent of Fiches S are made by the DGSI, the national intelligence service.

The term is most commonly used in relation to terror suspects, but Fiche S is not only for suspected terrorists – football hooligans can also have a Fiches S or radical environmental activists, even if they are non-violent.

In October 2020, the French interior ministry said there were 22,000 people with a Fiche S, of which 8,000 were for radicalisation.

The security dossiers are so well known that they have entered everyday language, with people who are the subject of the files known as fiché S, for example Le terroriste arrêté est fiché S depuis quelques années (The arrested terrorist had been on a watchlist for several years).

Who do the changes refer to?

The expanded information gathering does not cover everyone within the system, only those judged “likely to harm the fundamental interests of the Nation”, “the integrity of the Nation or the institutions of the Republic” or to constitute a “terrorist threat”.

Critics say the first two definitions are too vague and could lead to increased data collection on people engaged in lawful and peaceful opposition to the government.

Who is worried?

Several trade unions, a professional body representing lawyers and Amnesty have all raised concerns about the changes.

Their concerns are twofold; first that the definition of people constituting a threat is too vague and second that the dossiers are moving away from recording activities into opinions, health data and perfectly legitimate activities like membership of a trade union.


Anne-Sophie Simpère, Amnesty France's Advocacy Officer, wrote: “Previously, political, philosophical, religious or trade union activities could be recorded. Now, opinions are enough.” 

The CGT, FO and FSU unions and the left-leaning lawyers' and magistrates' unions Syndicat de la magistrature and Syndicat des avocats de France have denounced “the spectre of Big Brother in 2021” in an appeal they filed before the Conseil d'Etat.

What happens next 

The decrees were published in the Journal officiel at the beginning of December and were challenged by unions before France's Conseil d'Etat (State Council) which scrutinises new legislation and acts as an arbitrator in disputes between the government and members of the public.

READ ALSO EXPLAINED What is France's State Council?

After reviewing the decrees, the Council on Monday ruled in the government's favour, saying that the decrees do not disproportionately infringe on freedom of opinion, conscience and religion or trade union freedom.

Are there any safeguards in the system?

Yes, there is an independent body which oversees the files, the Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés (Cnil).

Cnil provides oversight on how the information is used. A Fiche S can only be kept for two years before it must be reviewed and if necessary renewed – if during that time the person has kept a low profile the file is destroyed.

Cnil has gives its approval to the new decrees, although it requested clarification on the definitions of people defined as a threat.



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Explained: The French leftist alliance’s programme for government

In an unexpected result, the leftist alliance the Nouveau Front Populaire topped the polls in France's snap elections on Sunday. The situation is complicated and lengthy negotiations are expected in order to form the next government - but what kind of policies can we expect from a government with an NFP heart?

Explained: The French leftist alliance's programme for government

The final results, released on Monday morning by the Interior Ministry show the Nouveau Front Populaire in the lead with 182 seats, followed by Macron’s centrists on 168, the far-right Rassemblement National in third on 143 and the centre-right Les Républicains in fourth with 45 seats.

However no party won the 289 seats required for a majority in parliament – the likely result will be a lengthy period of political wrangling while the parties try to form coalitions or alliances that will get them the required majority.

READ ALSO What happens now in France after bombshell election results?

While we don’t know exactly what the new French government will look like – or when to expect it – the left will certainly play a role.

So what kind of policies can we expect from them?


The complicating factor in this is that Nouveau Front Populaire is not a single party – it’s an alliance of four parties and it covers quite a political range, from the centre-left Parti Socialiste (party of former presidents François Hollande and François Mitterand) through the Green party to the hard-left La France Insoumise and the Communists.

Within that alliance, La France Insoumise got 77 seats, Parti Socialiste 54, Greens 28 and Communists 9.

La France Insoumise tends to get the most press coverage, partly because it’s the biggest but also because of its charismatic firebrand leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon. But it should be remembered that this is a coalition, not a single party. 

It includes Mélenchon but also ex president François Hollande (elected as an MP in Corrèze), Marine Tondelier of the Greens and the popular Euro-election leader Raphaël Glucksmann.

Much depends on whether the group manages to keep its fragile alliance together and agree on a candidate to nominate as prime minister, as well as whether Emmanuel Macron’s group succeeds in splitting the leftist group and making an alliance with the more centre-left elements.

But with all those caveats in mind, here’s a look at their policies;


As you would expect from such a broad group, there are significant points of difference between the parties.

The group did, however, manage to agree on a joint manifesto for these elections – albeit leaving conspicuously vague the areas that the parties disagree on most, especially when they relate to foreign policy.

Here’s the main priorities for a Nouveau Front Populaire government;

Cancellations – much of the programme is concerned with cancelling recent Macronist laws. Among the laws it says it wants cancel is the new immigration bill – the one that introduces French language tests for certain types of residency card and raises the language level required for French citizenship.

Also set for the chop are Macron’s changes to unemployment benefits (albeit that the Macronists themselves paused this reform in the run-up to the election) plus a cancellation of the price rises in electricity and gas and the reintroduction of the ‘wealth tax’ scrapped by Macron in 2018.

The big cause on the left in recent years has been Macron’s pension reforms raising the pension age from 62 to 64. These were finally rammed through parliament using special powers in 2023, following months of protests.

The Nouveau Front Populaire wants to not only cancel the reform, but the drop the standard pension age further, down to 60.

Immigration – the group’s policies are good ones for immigrants in France or those hoping to move here some day.

In addition to – as mentioned – scrapping the new immigration law, the manifesto also proposes introducing a 10-year carte de séjour residency card ‘as the standard card’ – at present the standard model is for one-year cards initially and then move on to five-year and then 10-year cards, although there are significant variations based on your personal status (eg working, student, retired or family member).

The left’s key policy during the immigration debates in January was the regularisation of thousands of ‘sans papiers’ or undocumented workers, by introducing an amnesty for people who are already in France and working in key sectors such as construction or healthcare.

Economy – The group would raise the Smic (minimum wage) to €1,600 a month. There would also be a range of measures aimed at tackling the rising cost of living with an increase in various forms state aid to low-income households.

Economists say that the group’s programme is uncosted and could result in a worsening of France’s deficit or even a financial crash similar to the one seen in the UK in response to ex prime minister Liz Truss’ disastrous budget.

Environment – Green policies form a key part of the Nouveau Front Populaire manifesto with a range of green incentives plus tax and financing rules that would clamp down on fossil fuels.

Foreign policy – On foreign policy there are some delicately worded compromises since views on Ukraine and Gaza had previously split the leftist alliance. The group promises to “unfailingly defend the sovereignty and freedom of the Ukrainian people” including by delivering weapons and writing off debt. On Gaza, the party would recognise the Palestinian state and embargo arms supplies to Israel.

Policy towards the EU – a topic that divides the groups within the alliance – is not mentioned in the manifesto.