Covid-19 vaccine supplier to double deliveries to Denmark

Denmark is to receive over 200,000 doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine against Covid-19 weekly from April onwards.

Covid-19 vaccine supplier to double deliveries to Denmark
The first batch of Pfizer vaccines in transport in Copenhagen in December 2020. Photo: Mads Claus Rasmussen/Ritzau Scanpix

The boosted delivery numbers were initially reported by newspaper Berlingske and have since been confirmed to news wire Ritzau by the State Serum Institute, Denmark’s national infectious disease agency.

The exact weekly delivery of doses from April onwards will be 202,410. That is more than double the current amount of doses Denmark receives from Pfizer.

Around 80,730 doses from Pfizer will arrive in Denmark in the first week of March, with that increasing to 87,750 doses for the rest of the month.

No figures had been previously released for expected delivery of Pfizer doses to Denmark in April, but the vaccination calendar released last week by the Danish Health Authority projects over two million doses to arrive in the country next month. The calendar does not state which companies are expected to supply the doses.

READ ALSO: What is Denmark’s current schedule for Covid-19 vaccination?

Pfizer Denmark told Berlingske it was “pleased and proud to be able to significantly increase deliveries in April”.

“This is partly due to the upgrade we made at our Belgian factory in (January) and which briefly resulted in us delivering fewer doses. In total, we have pledged to deliver 500 million vaccine doses to the EU in 2021,” Pfizer Denmark CEO Lars Møller told Berlingske.

The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine was the first to be approved for use in the EU and was rolled out in Denmark on December 27th.

It is also the vaccine Denmark uses the most, according to official data from SSI, which shows that around three quarters of Covid-19 vaccinations in Denmark have used the Pfizer jab.

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Vaccine scramble: How Spaniards want Covid jabs more than other Europeans

Whilst the EU warns that unused doses due to vaccine scepticism are piling up, Spaniards of all ages want to achieve immunity against Covid-19 as soon as possible, the data shows. 

Vaccine scramble: How Spaniards want Covid jabs more than other Europeans
People queue to get the vaccine in Barcelona. Photo: Lluis Gené/AFP

In Spain, where the Covid-19 rollout has gone from one of the slowest in the EU to currently one of the fastest, pretty much everyone wants to get vaccinated. 

With priority groups almost fully immunised, Spain is still beating daily records with 600,000 to 700,000 doses administered every day. 

The spike in cases among the country’s young population has led several regions to bring forward jabs for teens and twenty-somethings ahead of people in their thirties.

Despite the apparent lack of concern for the pandemic witnessed  in packed squares and streets over the past weeks, young people who have been able to take advantage of the vaccine offer have headed en masse to the vaccination centres. 

When an Asturian youth called Ana Santos told a local newspaper that “after the elderly, it should be our turn to get vaccinated as it’s not as if people in their forties go out, is it?”, her comments went down like a tonne of bricks among this age group, who demanded it was their turn to reach full immunisation first. 

Vaccine scepticism hasn’t been a problem for Spain as it has been for other countries, with President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen launching a warning recently that vaccine supplies are piling up, even though Brussels has reached its target of providing enough doses to fully vaccinate 70 percent of EU adults.

“If we look at the statistics, more and more doses remain unused,” von der Leyen told journalists in Strasbourg.

“This is linked to the fact that there is a greater distribution of vaccines, but in part also due to doubts about vaccination,” adding that it was crucial to reach the most sceptical parts of the population” in the face of the “worrying” presence of the Delta variant.

“Traditionally in Spain, we have had much less resistance or rejection towards vaccines, that’s always been the case,” vaccine expert at the Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEP) Ángel Hernández-Merino told 20minutos. 

“In any vaccination programme, it’s vital to count on the population being willing to accept the vaccination”.

A June 2021 Eurobarometer study found that 49 percent of people in Spain want to get vaccinated “as soon as possible”, the highest rate in the entire EU (32 percent EU average). 

Whereas an average of 9 percent of EU citizens don’t ever want to get vaccinated, the rate in Spain is 4 percent.  Around 63 percent of Spaniards told Eurobarometer that they couldn’t understand why people are hesitant to get vaccinated and 71 percent said Covid vaccines are the only way for the pandemic to end. 

In Belgium, around a third of the population doesn’t want to get vaccinated.

In other countries where in the earlier stages of the Covid vaccination campaign it seemed  that available doses were easily used up it’s now becoming evident that sprinting through the age groups doesn’t guarantee that everyone is being vaccinated. 

Germany, the UK and the US, all seen as examples to Spain of how to quickly immunise a population, have all seen their campaigns slow down due to hesitancy and the summer holidays.

Spain’s Health Ministry doesn’t give data on how many people have rejected the vaccine and why, but stats do show that already more than half of the population (57.5 percent) have at least one dose and 43.3 percent are fully vaccinated. 

The Spanish government has stuck to its objective of vaccinating 70 percent of the country’s 47 million people before the end of August, even though it did fall short of its June target by more than half a million doses. 

Rather than vaccine scepticism, what’s been holding up Spain’s inoculation campaign have been doubts over the administration of second AstraZeneca vaccines and the decision to keep a reserve in case the country experienced delivery setbacks as it has in the past, with 2.9 million doses in storage reported in late June.