Can innovation be learned? How a CEO and a conductor turned disaster into opportunity

In 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic transformed the way we work, play and communicate. However, it's at times like these that we see some of the most brilliant examples of innovation, particularly by entrepreneurs or small and medium-sized enterprises.

Can innovation be learned? How a CEO and a conductor turned disaster into opportunity
Pic: Rutger Verhoef
As we’ve all seen on social media, many people have used lockdowns and time working at home to create, innovate, and learn new skills. Some have performed concerts in their living room, while others have started businesses delivering groceries and other essential goods.
The Local has teamed up with GetSmarter, which provides online education courses in collaboration with leading universities such as the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), to take a closer look at how innovation thrives in adversity.
Need some inspiration yourself? We spoke to two readers of The Local – the CEO of a car-leasing company and an orchestra conductor – about the bold ideas that have allowed them to adapt. 
Driving a deal (no matter what)
Rutger Verhoef saw the writing on the wall as reports of the seriousness of coronavirus became more prevalent last year. As the CEO of car-leasing firm Gowago, based in Switzerland, he knew business could stall. Once it was clear that it would be difficult for customers to access car dealerships due to public health restrictions, he and his company quickly shifted into gear. 
Firstly, they established a cross-departmental taskforce to look for solutions. “Here, we highlighted all the problems we saw and could foresee, prioritized the biggest ones and started brainstorming,” says Verhoef. “We saw that doing the whole process online, including home delivery and automating the process were very important.”
Through clever use of commerce platforms, automation and networking, Verhoef and his team adapted to ensure “a customer can get a car without ever having to leave their house”. The CEO says this makes things much easier for customers by removing “complex processes and difficult face-to-face meetings with dealers”. “It also allows customers to get great deals at dealerships far away from their home,” he adds. 
Photo: John Axelrod
This pivot to digital has paid huge dividends. “Due to our transformation, we had a 60 percent month-over-month car sale growth on average last year since May. In terms of dealership growth, we had a 200 percent increase of dealer sign-ups over the course of the year, in comparison to what we had before the pandemic started.” 
It’s the skills required to make these sorts of snap decisions in the face of challenges – the ability to be flexible, resilient and think in a lateral manner – that LSE prioritizes in its Competitive Strategy and Innovation online certificate course, delivered in collaboration with GetSmarter. On the course, you’ll learn how to develop strategies to deal with sudden challenges on the macro and micro scale, an essential tool in the ever-changing 21st century. 
The music maestro who says the show must go on 
It’s not just small or medium enterprises that are innovating and turning adversity into an opportunity. American conductor John Axelrod, who divides his time between Switzerland, Italy and France, has devised ways to continue entertaining audiences and nurture the next generation of musicians. 
“I realized I’d be without music when cancellations started lining up from March 2020,” says Axelrod. “I realized I had to be more innovative when faced not only with lost revenue but also a loss of contact with others. As a conductor, we are dependent on an orchestra of musicians. In short, musicians play the instruments, and the conductors play the musicians. Without musicians, the rest is silence.
“However, study is a constant activity. Having a mentor to master the technique and repertoire not only helped my career, but I understood I could share my experience and help others during these turbulent times.”  
After starting Conductors Masterclass, in which he tutors upcoming orchestral conductors online, he quickly gained over 25 students from around the world. “Thanks to wifi, Skype and Zoom, I am again with musicians and reconnecting with more people than I did during my busy touring life,” he reflects. 
This is not Axelrod’s only innovation. Stuck at home during the pandemic, he knew he had more to give. 
“With the coronavirus closures, I was not only confined to my home in Chardonne, but I also immediately recognized the need to support my community and contribute to the local economy and tourism of my resident city,” he says. “Chardonne already has the benefit of an award-winning chef, Mathieu Bruno of Là Haut, and outstanding wines. What was missing was music at the highest level. 
“Drawing on my relationships, and with support from Chardonne and the Society of Development for Chardonne-Mt.Pélerin, I was able to establish the Concerts Culinaires de Chardonne. We successfully premiered our first event on September 26, 2020.”
These concerts, staged with a strict seating limit, and within pandemic guidelines, have allowed discerning customers to enjoy fantastic music and food, while providing much-needed work for musicians and chefs in the Chardonne region. 
So, has his inventive approach to the crisis led to increased attention and revenue? “I actually have received more views, likes and comments leading to increased inquiries and purchases,” he says. “The visibility and sales have generated new business revenue that I otherwise would not have experienced, including more economic activity in Switzerland.
“Following the Mozartian principle to turn a necessity into a virtue, I found new ways to express my entrepreneurial interests, allowing my motto to remain meaningful:  Eat, Drink and Be Musical!”
For members


The key things you need to know about employment contracts in Norway

All employees in Norway must have a written employment contract, regardless of whether they are full-time or not. Here are a few key things to look out for with your contact.

The key things you need to know about employment contracts in Norway

Along with relatively high wages compared to other countries and a healthy work-life balance, employee rights are one of the things that make a career in Norway attractive.

One thing that helps with employee rights is that every employee needs to be presented with a contract, and an employer can be punished with hefty fines for failing to do so.

Essentially, the contract secures both the employer and employee. Norway’s employment laws were changed in July 2024, meaning workers must receive a written employment agreement within one week of starting their job.

What information must be included in the contract has also been changed to try and provide employees with more security and rights and to ensure a more predictable working environment.

What should a Norwegian working contract contain

All work contracts must contain the name of the employee, employer, and workplace in addition to a description of the work they will be doing. If the worker will need to work at different locations or has the opportunity to be flexible with remote work, then this must be stated.

The contract should describe the worker’s role and working hours, outline breaks, and indicate whether the position is temporary or permanent.

Any probation period needs to be stated in the contract. Typically, probation is limited to six months.

Information on holidays, holiday pay, and the rules for taking a holiday should also be outlined.

Furthermore, the contract should include the salary, when wages will be paid, any other supplements, pension payments, or overtime, and the payment method.

Notice periods for termination should also be included, and the process by which the employer and employee can end the work agreement should be described.

If you are working for a staffing company, you must include the name of the staffing company and the company hiring from the agency.

There should also be a description of the right to skills development and training that the employee will have access to.

Other benefits will also need to be stated in the contract, and any information about how collective agreements affect the employment relationship will need to be outlined, which should include the names of the parties involved in the collective bargaining agreement.

The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority’s website provides an overview of everything that should be included in a contract. It also has several example contracts available in different languages. However, at the time of writing, these example contracts are not 100 percent up to date with the new regulations, which came into effect on July 1st, 2024.

Signing the contract

When it comes to signing the contract, you will need to check the details between it and the job offer and make sure everything aligns.

Furthermore, new employees also have the right to ask a union rep or staff representative for help when drafting or amending a work contract.

The contract should be signed by both parties. The Labour Inspection Authority also recommends that both parties involved in the contract signing put their initials on each page to highlight that they agree to the content on each page.

What to look out for

You will need to brush up on some of the more important aspects of Norwegian working law.

This is because employers cannot opt out of the law with contract clauses. For example, if a worker decides to work in a sector where there is a minimum wage (such as hospitality), they must be paid this wage regardless of whether the worker has consented to less.

Another example would be the rules on notice periods, probation and overtime. Workers cannot waive their right to overtime unless the worker is considered exempt from the overtime rules.


Furthermore, as six months is the legal limit for probation, it cannot be extended any longer unless you were signed off work sick for some of the period. You must always keep a copy of your contract handy and not lose it.

What to do if you are involved in a contract dispute

If you have a well-written contract, had it checked by a staff representative before signing, and have checked the terms and conditions against what the law says, you shouldn’t run into many problems.

Another insurance policy is to always keep a copy of your contract, as some rogue companies give one contract with illegal terms and conditions to workers who might not know better but a second legal contract to show the authorities in case of inspection.

READ ALSO: How foreign workers can be exploited in the Norwegian labour market

Still, if you do have issues, you can go down two avenues. The first is reporting any potential illegality of your work agreement to the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority.

They will punish the employer if the contract or other working conditions are illegal.

They cannot, however, solve individual employer-employee disputes. For this, you would need to contact a lawyer or union representative.

Union members will benefit more as the union can approach the employer on their behalf and get access to free legal aid. If the situation escalates, it may need to go through the courts, which could be a very costly and time-consuming process.