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EXPLAINED: What are your chances of getting a job in Switzerland from abroad?

Many people dream of working in Switzerland, where salaries are among the highest in the world. But depending on your nationality, finding employment here may not be easy.

EXPLAINED: What are your chances of getting a job in Switzerland from abroad?
Your country or origin determines if you get a job in Switzerland easily. Photo by FREDERICK FLORIN / AFP

Looking for work in Switzerland while you are abroad is not a problem. All you have to do is look at online listings and find a job that suits you. 

The hardest part is actually getting hired.

Your passport is the decisive factor in whether an employer offers you a job.

If you are a citizen of the European Union or EFTA states (Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein), finding a job here is easier than if you are from another country (known in Switzerland as a ‘third nation’).

Workers from EU / EFTA can work in Switzerland freely for up to three months, but they have to announce their arrival to cantonal authorities in their place of employment.

If you intend to work in Switzerland for more than three months, you have to register with the local authorities and apply for a residence permit, which you can also use as a work permit.

But to receive a residence permit, you need written confirmation of employment.

The same rules apply to cross-border workers, except that they are required to return to their countries of residence at least once a week.

“No border-zone regulations apply to EU/EFTA nationals”, according to the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM).

“They are free to take up residence in any one of the EU or EFTA states and work in all parts of Switzerland”, SEM added.

READ MORE: Jobs in Switzerland: Foreigners ‘less likely to be hired than Swiss nationals’

What about people from third nations?

This is where things get more complicated.

If you are a citizen of non-EU / EFLA state, you must meet strict employment conditions before being offered a job.

Each year, the Federal Council issues a certain number of work permits for non-EU citizens. In 2021 (as in the previous year) this figure is 8,500. From this quota, 4,500 people will be granted a residence permit B, and the remaining 4,000 will receive a short-term residence permit L, entitling them to work in Switzerland for up to one year.

And British citizens, who are no longer part of the EU?

From January 1st, 2021, people from Great Britain are subjected to the same rules as other citizens of third nations.

However, the Federal Council decided that Swiss companies could continue to recruit specialised employees from the United Kingdom, setting a separate quota for British workers.

In 2021, 3,500 work authorisations are reserved especially for UK nationals — 2,100 B permits and 1,400 L permits. That’s in addition to 4,500 non-EU permits.

If you come from outside the EU / EFTA and see a job listing you like, you can apply in the usual manner — send your CV and other documents required by the company.

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But you will be considered for a job only if you are a highly qualified specialist in your field or another skilled professional. This means you should have a degree from a university or an institution of higher education, as well as a number of years of professional work experience.

In addition, the job you are seeking can’t be filled by a Swiss national or people from EU / EFTA states, which the employer has to prove before offering you a job.

If you do get hired because you fulfil all these criteria, your employer will apply for a work permit. Cantonal authorities will then decide, based on the quota system mentioned above, whether to grant the authorisation.

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Can you claim unemployment benefits in Switzerland if you quit your job?

Sometimes you’ve just had enough, and it’s time to get out of a job that isn’t right for you. However, are you still able to claim unemployment in Switzerland if you quit? Here’s what to know. 

Can you claim unemployment benefits in Switzerland if you quit your job?

The short answer is yes, you can claim unemployment if you quit your job in Switzerland, thanks to the compulsory unemployment insurance that you’ve paid into.

But, there are a few caveats you need to know about.

The first is that you must be on a ‘B’ or ‘C’ permit to be eligible for unemployment benefits- as are the majority of international workers in Switzerland.

Those on an ‘L’ permit are eligible to draw unemployment benefits, if they worked in Switzerland for 12 months.

READ MORE: What unemployment benefits are foreign workers in Switzerland entitled to?

You also cannot claim unemployment if you’ve been self-employed or a freelancer for the duration of your time in Switzerland. 

This is because you need to have been engaged in full-time work paying into Switzerland’s national unemployment insurance program for a year – earning at least 500 francs a month – to be eligible.

Finally, there will be a penalty applied if you quit your job and then immediately file for unemployment benefits. 

Specifically, there will be a holding period on your payments of up to sixty days, although this will depend on your unemployment advisor and the circumstances of your quitting. If there are medical or mental health issues involved in quitting, your job, these can be taken into consideration in modifying the period. Therefore, it’s a good idea to hold on to any doctor’s reports when registering.

READ MORE: What you should know if you want to quit your job in Switzerland

If you are eligible, and you have registered at your local Regional Employment Centre (RAV), you can expect to receive 70 percent of your previous salary, and 80 percent if you have a dependent under 25 years of age, or you have a registered disability. 

The maximum unemployment benefits distributed to an individual by the government are 148,200 francs a year, for a monthly payment of 12,350 francs.