Pope criticises the mafia for ‘exploiting’ the pandemic

Pope Francis launched a fresh attack on the mafia on Sunday, Italy's day of remembrance for victims of the mob, describing them as "organisations of sin" who have exploited the coronavirus pandemic.

Pope criticises the mafia for 'exploiting' the pandemic
The Pope condemns those in the mafia as "blasphemous". (Photo by Filippo MONTEFORTE / AFP)

“Mafias are present in various parts of the world and, exploiting the pandemic, have enriched themselves through corruption,” the pontiff said after his weekly Sunday Angelus address.

Referring to his predecessors as head of the Catholic church, he added: “St John Paul II denounced their culture of death and Benedict XVI condemned them as a road of death.

“These organisations of sin, mafia structures, exchange faith for idolatry, contrary to the Gospel of Christ. Today we remember all the victims and renew our commitment against mafias.”

READ ALSO: ‘Free to choose’: The scheme helping women and children leave Italy’s mafia clans

In an open-air mass in Sicily in September 2018, during a trip to honour a priest murdered by the mob 25 years earlier, Pope Francis condemned those who belong to the mafia as “blasphemous”.

His impassioned plea echoed the words of Jean Paul II who, during a May 1993 trip to the island, had also called on mobsters to abandon crime, and urged Sicilians to revolt against the mafia.

Italy’s anti-mafia organisation Libera has for many years been remembering the victims of organised crime on March 21, but in recent years it has become an official national day of commemoration.

In a statement on Sunday, Italian President Sergio Mattarella said: “Eradicating the mafia is possible and necessary.”

READ ALSO: ‘Ndrangheta: Major Italian mafia ‘maxi-trial’ kicks off with over 350 defendants

A mafia drug ring was dismantled earlier this month in the southern Calabria region, after a grandma tipped off Italian police.

“People have suffered and seen the arrogance of these criminals who insisted on extorting money,” anti-mafia prosecutor Nicola Gratteri told the Gazzetta del Sud daily.

READ ALSO: Meet Nicola Gratteri, the prosecutor leading Italy’s battle against the mafia

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Sister of mafia boss Messina Denaro sentenced to 14 years in jail

An Italian court on Thursday sentenced the sister of Sicilian Cosa Nostra boss Matteo Messina Denaro to 14 years in prison for mafia association, Italian media reported.

Sister of mafia boss Messina Denaro sentenced to 14 years in jail

Rosalia Messina Denaro was arrested in 2023 on suspicions that she played a key role in the mob organisation led by her brother.

The 69-year-old, also the wife of jailed mafioso Filippo Guttadauro, unintentionally helped police locate her fugitive brother thanks to a scribbled note she had hidden in the hollow rail of a chair at her residence.

The note also revealed key details about his health condition.

READ ALSO: Messina Denaro: How Italy caught ‘most wanted’ mafia boss after 30 years

Matteo Messina Denaro was one of the most ruthless bosses in Cosa Nostra, the real-life Sicilian crime syndicate depicted in The Godfather movies.

Investigators had been combing the Sicilian countryside for the mafia boss for years, searching for hideouts and wiretapping members of his family and his friends.

It was his decision to seek cancer treatment that led to his arrest in January 2023, when he visited a health clinic in Palermo.

He was captured in January 2023 and died at the inmates’ ward of L’Aquila hospital a few months later.

Rosalia, Messina Denaro’s confidante and ‘alter-ego’, was the only family member to know about her brother’s cancer diagnosis before he passed at L’Aquila prison’s hospital aged 61.

READ ALSO: Ruthless Sicilian mafia boss Messina Denaro’s reign of terror

Investigators believed Rosalia played a major operational role in the merciless Cosa Nostra, particularly in the last few years of her brother’s run.

She was suspected of managing the clan’s finances and the so-called pizzini network – messages scrawled on pieces of paper to secure communications between the mobster and his gang members.

Rosalia is the mother of Lorenza Guttadauro, a lawyer who defended her uncle upon his arrest.

Matteo Messina Denaro was convicted of involvement in the murder of anti-mafia judges Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino in 1992 and in deadly bombings in Rome, Florence and Milan in 1993.

One of his six life sentences was for the kidnapping and subsequent murder of the 12-year-old son of a witness in the Falcone case.

He disappeared in the summer of 1993 and spent the next 30 years on the run as the Italian state cracked down on the Sicilian mob.

He remained at the top of Italy’s most-wanted list until his capture.