MAPS: Which regions of Italy are vaccinating people fastest?

These charts show what percentage of the population in each region of Italy has been vaccinated against Covid-19.

MAPS: Which regions of Italy are vaccinating people fastest?
Home vaccinations in northern Italy. Photo: Marco Bertorello / AFP

Looking at the sheer number of vaccinations per region, densely populated Lombardy is way out in front, followed by Lazio, the region of Rome.

Unsurprisingly, Molise and Valle D’Aosta – Italy’s two least populated regions – are at the bottom of the table.

But when you look at what percentage of its total population each region has fully vaccinated so far, a different picture emerges.

The percentage of Italy’s total population of around 60 million fully vaccinated to date is 4.5 percent, according to the GIMBE Foundation, an independent health think tank that has compared the Italian government’s official vaccination data with population statistics.

By this measure Valle D’Aosta is actually at the top, alongside Friuli Venezia Giulia (5.8 percent of residents fully vaccinated in each), while Calabria (3.6 percent) and Sardinia (3.5 percent) come last.

Most regions of Italy are currently focusing on vaccinating people aged 80 and over, and the percentage of this age group that has had both shots is much higher: according to the government’s breakdown of vaccination data by category, 23.52 percent of over-80s across Italy have been fully vaccinated.

Breaking it down by region, the figures show that the region of Trentino-Alto Adige/South Tyrol has fully vaccinated the highest percentage of its over-80s (around 41 percent in the autonomous province of Trento and 36 percent in the autonomous province of Bolzano), followed by Basilicata (nearly 35 percent).

Sardinia is still in last place (around 6 percent), but second to last comes Tuscany (just over 10 percent).

But nearly half of Italy’s population aged 80 or over has had their first dose of a Covid-19 vaccine: 48.74 percent or more than 2.1 million people, according to the government’s data.

Nearly 70 percent of all people in nursing homes have been fully vaccinated, along with 75 percent of health workers, and just under 1 percent of teachers and school staff .

Find out how to register for vaccination in your region of Italy here.

Member comments

  1. The Local’s infographics are usually quite good, but all three of these have problems, prompting me to comment. The point of stacked bar graphs is to illustrate when one portion of the bar is a constituent of the larger-magnitude measure so you can get a quick sense of that proportion. This would have been better executed as the injected as the dark bar, then an extended lighter portion illustrating the not injected, with the total length therefore illustrating the total delivered.

    In both maps, some regions (specifically PA Trento and Bolzano) are incorrectly color coded based on their percentages, suggesting that they are doing worse.

  2. How is the unused vaccines do high!!! Clearly distribution is a huge, huge issue. Where is the urgency? Where’s the army? Where’s the temporary mass vaccination centres?
    Plus the other huge issue is sticking to a 4 week 2nd dose is going to kill hundreds of people in their 60’s/70’s instead of going to a 12 week interval. Death and serious illness is the problem and 1 vaccine shot cuts that out.
    Why oh why allow more people to die and this absurd fascination with “full” vaccination. It also prolongs the necessity for lockdown and increases the economic damage.
    This seems to be the most incredible lack of guts and leadership.

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Italian tourism minister charged with Covid-era fraud

Prosecutors on Friday charged Italy's tourism minister with fraud relating to government redundancy funds claimed by her publishing companies during the coronavirus pandemic.

Italian tourism minister charged with Covid-era fraud

Opposition lawmakers immediately requested the resignation of Daniela Santanche, a leading member of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s far-right Brothers of Italy party.

Santanche, 63, has strongly rejected the allegations, including in a defiant appearance in parliament last year.

“The Milan prosecutor’s office today requested the indictment of the Minister Santanche and other persons as well as the companies Visibilia Editore and Visibilia Concessionaria,” the office said in a brief statement.

They were indicted “for alleged fraud of the INPS (National Institute for Social Security) in relation to alleged irregularities in the use of the Covid 19 redundancy fund, for a total of 13 employees”.

According to media reports, Visibilia is accused of obtaining state funds intended to help companies struggling with the pandemic to temporarily lay off staff — when in fact the 13 employees continued to work.

Santanche sold her stake in Visibilia when she joined the government of Meloni, who took office in October 2022.

The investigation has been going on for months, but with the decision by prosecutors to indict, opposition parties said Santanche should resign.

“We expect the prime minister to have a minimum of respect for the institutions and ask for Daniela Santanche’s resignation,” said Elly Schlein, leader of the centre-left Democratic Party.